Close Combat

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The rider then let out a loud inhuman roar as then another bolt of lightning would come down hitting the rider, as a white titan with a skull for a head would come out of it. Blue fire surrounded it head as the ghost titan would throw a flaming punch at the fire armor titan.

Ghost Titan: Urahhh!

The Ghost Titan hit the Armor Titan as it is sent flying even faster to the ground. The Armor Titan land hard on it back as the Ghost Titan lands on its feet. The armor Titan got up as the Ghost Titan started landing blow after blow onto the armor Titan. The Ghost Titan round his hand back for another punch just for the armor to throw one of his own knocking off the Ghost Titan on him. The armor slowly got up, parts of his Harding broken, the Ghost Titan then got up as they both started running at each other.

On the Wall

Mikasa: Eren

Mikasa then look back towards to top of the wall as she is still hanging on it.

Mikasa: If only... if only I'd cut off their heads! That was the perfect chance! I should've been able to do it, so why?!

Mikasa then turn back to look at Eren and Reiner.

Mikasa: That was it. There won't be another chance!

On top of the wall with everyone else.

The colossal titan reach it arm back for an attack.

Hange: Everyone, jump away from the wall!

The colossal titan then throw his arm forwards trying to hit the group.

Historia: It got Ymir!

Soldier: And somebody else, too!

The colossal titan then throw both of the people he was holding into his mouth.

Soldier: He ate 'em!

Armin : Th-this can't be... Bertholdt...

All of the soldiers where all hanging on the side of the wall as they looked up at the colossal titan.

Hange: All soldiers, prepare to attack! We're taking down the colossal Titan! It's a threat to all of humanity! Swarm the huge bastard!

As the survey corps all flow up to the top of the wall, they face the Colossal Titan. They made there way toward it as the Colossal Titan brought back it hand as it punch at them. All of them were able to move out of the way as they continued there attack on the Colossal Titan. They flow up it arm as one pass it face as it turn to look at the person.

Soldier: Just like the reports said, he's slow!

Abel: It might be big, but that it!

Soldier 2: Compared to the titan we normally fight, this'll be easy!

Soldier: We've got this!

As they all flow to the neck of the Colossal Titan, the Colossal Titan let out a bunch of steam sending all of the soldiers back as it was to hot.

Hange: Everyone, fall back!

As they all flow out of the stem as they landed on top of the wall.

The Ghost Titan (Aot x Ghost rider) (In The Void)Where stories live. Discover now