How Dave and Bambi met

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Dave can be seen rolling in his wheelchair along the gravel sidewalk to a more grassy pathway. His goal for today, buy more food. Sadly, the place he usually shops at is closed due to renovations. So, the only other place to get at least corn and some eggs is the local farm. 

Dave, actually, nobody in town seemed to like the local farm. People said this small guy would yell at them and eventually scare them off. Dave felt his body shake more and more as he got closer to the farm. He was genuinely afraid that the person who everybody spoke about, was gonna jump out and scare the hell out of the disabled man. Finally Dave could see the person.

A small farmer can be seen standing viciously like he owned it. In fact, the sign said 'Zardy's maze' and yet the person who is called Zardy, is a scarecrow. So it seemed to Dave that the man was simply protecting it. Why? Maybe because Zardy asked him to, or maybe just because the little goblin wanted to take the corn himself without anyone else getting it. You never know, do you?

Dave glances at the other seeing if he should actually go in or turn back around and just go to the store in the other town. Then, Dave sees the small man creep slowly into the maze of corn and start taking each one, stuffing them in his overall pockets. Dave felt like he had to just see this in action and try it even though he might get yelled at by the little man.

"Hey, Is this corn free?" Dave says, as he rolls up his wheelchair into the entrance of the farm. "NO! IS MY CORN!" Dave felt a laugh coming up, but stopped himself so that he doesn't anger the other more. "Then how come it says, 'Zardy's maze?'" And as soon as Dave said that, the angry farmer pulled out a red marker from his overall pocket and immediately started writing 'Bamb's farm'. "Who's Zardy?" He says as he shoves the red marker back into his overall pocket, having a large grin on his face. "Uh, yeah.. Well, can I have some corn now?" He asks, holding out his hand, suggesting that he should just place the corn in Dave's hand. "No can do, Mr. Disabled guy." The handicapped man sighs. 

He's decided there is no point fighting the small thing and should go to the other town instead. But as soon as he turns his wheelchair around, the other one calls out. "Wait a damn second! You can't just walk out of here like nothing happened!!" Dave ignores him and slowly wheels out of the farm.  The outraged farmer scurred over towards Dave with his short little legs. "What do you want? I'm leaving you and your corn alone, so what seems to be the problem?" He asks, a bit more annoyed.  "I- uhm. I can't just-" At this point Dave couldn't care less. "I need help with something and nobody wants to." He explains. "Hm, I wonder why." The other says sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever-- I just really need some help, okay?" Dave sighs, he can't believe he's gonna help out the most hated person in town but here he is helping out the one and only.. What was his name? "Hey, forgot to ask, what even is your name?" Dave askes, as he and the other make there way back to the farm. "Uh, Bambi. Bambi Bambi Bambi." Dave raises an eyebrow, "What do you mean, Bambi Bambi Bambi?" 

"I mean that's my full name. Bambi, first name, Bambi, middle name, and Bambi, last name." Dave gives out a light chuckle. "That's the stupidest name I've ever heard in all my years." Bambi frowns. "Then what's your name, wise guy?" Dave finally shuts up and answers. "Dave Sus Mongus-" Dave was soon cut off by Bambi's laughter. "SUS MONGUS?" He continues laughing like he saw the funniest shit ever.

"Isn't that like from that one game or something?" Bambi says, wiping away a tear from his previous laughter breakout. "It was a coincidence, okay?!" exclaims Dave. Bambi and Dave continue talking and getting to know each other better. By the time Dave and Bambi got back to the farm, they realized that they have a lot in common, actually. Dave gave Bambi his phone number despite the fact that Bambi constantly breaks his phone. 

They said their 'goodbyes' and both headed into different directions. The two felt like this was a great start to a awesome friendship.


Yes, I know Dave never helped Bambi with that 'thing' Bambi just wanted an excuse to hang out with Dave.

Sorry that it's kind of short I didn't exactly know how to end it-
I will sometimes take requests so comment what you want if you like.

I WILL NOT ADD SHIPPING (I think the only reason I would was if it was a really good request or something)

Yeah, that's all- If anyone who's friends with me on discord and is seeing this, I'm so sorry 😭😭



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