The Lost Harp of Mervana

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"Mervana! A shining civilization until its people disappeared into the sea! Never to be found again. Until now!" Huey said as he showed a map of Mervana. Everyone was on their way to Mervana as Della piloted the submarine they were in. "Solving the clues in Isabella Finch's journal, we'll finally be able to find one of her legendary Missing Mysteries. The Lost Harp of Mervana!" Huey said. Dewey raised his hand, catching Huey's attention. "Doesn't Uncle Scrooge usually make the long winded treasure speeches?" Dewey asked. "Long winded?" Scrooge asked, offended. "I-I don't think they're long w-winded." Charlotte said. "I like them." Webby said. "We know. Oh, we know." Dewey said.

"This is Huey's quest. We're all here to support him. Well, go ahead, lad." Scrooge said. Huey cleared his throat to continue until Scrooge suddenly popped up next to him. "But I will add that when the Mervanans disappeared into the sea, the priceless Harp of Mervana disappeared as well..." Scrooge added. Huey stepped in front of Scrooge. "How did the Mervanans survive under the sea, you ask? Well, Mervana was home to a mystical race of-." Scrooge stepped in front of Huey. "Half-man, half-fish creatures! Their legs could turn to fins underwater..." Huey stepped forward. "Allowing them to live..."

"On both land and sea!"
"On both land and sea!"

Huey and Scrooge laughed as they both hugged each other, jumping with excitement. "We find the Mervanans, document the harp in Finch's journal, and the missing mystery will no longer be missing!" Huey said. "Cool. Now there's two people putting us in constant danger." Louie said. "I-It's not really s-surprising at this point." Charlotte said. "Eh. That's true, I guess." Louie said as Dewey nodded in agreement. "Half person, half fish? Do you know what that is!?" Webby asked excitedly. "Disgusting!" Della answered. "Still afraid of sea life, I take it?" Mrs. Beakley asked. "I'm not afraid of fish! I'm just not a fan of anything made of fish parts. Slimy, wall-eyed, unnatural..." Della listed as she took her hands off the steering wheel. The submarine began to tilt until Donald took Della's place. "Hey! Cut it out!" Donald said as he corrected the submarine.

"Yeah, I can't wait to find a bunch of lost undersea monsters who definitely won't have a dark secret that almost gets us killed." Louie said sarcastically. "Why do you always assume the worst?" Webby asked. "W-Well, think about it. How many times has that h-happened to us already?" Charlotte asked. "And also because I have a running tally of the number of times each of us has been offered as a sacrifice." Louie said as he pulled a tally chart. Webby had sixteen tally marks, Charlotte had one, Huey had ten, Louie had twenty three, and Dewey had sixty one. "Dewey's on top!" Dewey said. "T-That shouldn't be something to be p-proud of." Charlotte said.

"You could learn from her, Louie. The same way that Charlotte is learning from Webby. I applaud Webby's positivity." Mrs. Beakley said. "Aw, thanks, Granny." Webby thanked her. "Oh, please. Life's not some fairy tale filled with happy endings and-."
"Mermaids!" Webby exclaimed in excitement. Everyone gasped in awe as many mermaids swam passed them. "I've never seen anything more beautiful in my life." Scrooge said as two mermaids swam to them. Suddenly alarms blared inside the submarine. "Arming torpedoes." An automated voice said. "Della, no!" Everyone shouted.

After stopping Della from firing the torpedoes, everyone put her out on scuba gear and swam to the mermaids. Charlotte had taken swimming lessons, but she still clung on to Scrooge just in case something happened. Donald was having trouble with his scuba outfit until he accidentally pulled the hose attached to the air tank, causing him to travel across the water at high speeds. "Hi, I'm Webby!" Webby introduced herself. "I am Alethia. It means 'Truth'." Alethia introduced herself as she bowed to Webby. "I am Vero. It also means 'Truth'." Vero introduced himself as he also bowed at Webby.

"So, speaking as a mermaid, what's it like to achieve my dream!?" Webby asked. "Breath in, and breathe out all your worries, my child. Here in Mervana, we are free of all suffering." Alethia answered. "Yeah. Pfft. Nonsense. Suffering builds character. Right, Donald?" Scrooge said as he grabbed Donald and reattached his tube to the air tank. "See? He's full of character." Scrooge said as Donald took rapid deep breaths. "You sure you don't want to come on this undersea adventure, Mom?" Dewey asked as Della watched from the submarine. "I'm good here, honey. Away from the fi... fi..." Della almost threw up. "Ah, can't even say it." Della said as she waved them goodbye.

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