Chapter 7: Welcome back

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I walk to school with Levi next to me. I was nervous about going I have not seen everyone for 2 months and I did not know what to say when they see me. The walk was not far from the school so we kind of got their fast which I did not want.

I stop walking before I go through the front gates of the school. "Eren it is all right, people are going to stare and ask question but it is all right nothing is going to happen." Levi said trying to calm me.

I nod my head and take a deep breath in and out. Levi walk in first so I can get ready for people to look at me and etc. I fix my sweater as Mikasa comes up and pats me on the back.

"Come on, I will walk in with you." She smiles as she walks in front of me. "Okay." I said taking one more deep breath. I sound like a dog after its done running around.

I start to walk slowly as I walk in front of the gates as I can feel the people staring at me. It was burning in the back of my head even though they were in front of me. It feels weird being here.

Mikasa and I walk in as people start to whisper and point like I just killed a person. I look around to see Jean and Marco going behind the school building. Damn, they still do that at the school, god get a room you two geez. For some reason that makes me feel a little bit better, two less people who are staring at me.

Armin comes up to us. "Eren where have you been for the past 2 months I was worried." He said with a worried look on his face. What really, I though Levi was the only one who was worried about me, wait maybe he is lying. But what if he is not?

I scratch the back of my head. "Oh sorry, family problems and I had to go back to my hometown." I lied big time but only if we can change the subject. I don't want anyone to know what has happen for the past months not even Levi.

I don't want to make everyone more worried. I think. We walk inside and I go to my locker. I grabbed my books and head to first period. It felt awkward walking down the halls of the school. It still had the same cleaning sent that the janitors use when they clean the halls.

It smells like Levi's room. I walk into class, everyone looked at me. Again it is like I killed someone. I sigh and walk to my desk. Mr. Jones comes in and looks around the class. "Ah Eren, welcome back." I nod as he turns around and writes today's work on the board.

The day went on slow and it now lunch. I walk into the cafe and everyone was doing there thing. I sat in the back corner eating. Armin and Mikasa was not in the cafe. Marco and Jean as well, same with everyone else that are normally around the cafe making the noises.

The bell rang and I went to my 3 period class. Mikasa came up to me before I walked in. "Eren, come to the music room after school today, I have something I want to tell you." After that she ran off to her next class.

I sigh and walk in and sat in my seat. I put my head down trying not to fall asleep.

The last bell rang and everyone got out of their seats and ran to their lockers. I stretched my arms over my head as I walk to the music room. I got to the door and I can hear talking on the other side.

I knock on the door and everything went quiet. "Come in." I hear Mikasa yell from the other side. I put my hand on the cold metal door nob and turn it slowly. I open the door and made that creaking noise like in one of those hunted movies, which I find pointless.

The lights where turn off so I flip the switch and light filled the entire room. Mikasa was no where to be seen. I walk into the middle of the room. It was quiet. "SURPRISE." People yell from behind there hiding place and jumping up.

"What is this?" I ask. "It is a welcome back to school party." Armin said walking up to me. Everyone was here even Jean. Well the only ones there were not here was Levi and his friends and most of the school.

Marco came up to me with a smile. "Welcome back Eren, welcome back."

Levi Pov

Once I left Eren at the front of the school. I saw my friends talking by the side gates. I walked up to them. "Hey Levi." Hanji said hugging me, I did not move my arms I just stood there.

"Levi how was your weekend?" Petra ask. "Same as ever." I sigh not wanting to be here. I walk to class and sit down. The day was going by slow but it came to lunch. I went to the roof to eat with my friends. I sat and grabbed my lunch and start to eat. Everyone started to talk about something random that I don't want to hear.

After I finished eating I went downstairs to my locker. Mikasa came up to me with a huge smile on my face. "What do you want?" I ask grabbing my books for next class. "Is it okay if I steal Eren from you after school today?" I close my locker door. "It does not matter with me, I am not his owner." "Good, Armin and I are going to do a welcome back party for him in the music room." She said skipping away happy.

"Geez..." I said putting my hand through my hair and walk to class. I walk pass Eren but I don't think he saw me because the halls were crowded. The end of the day was the same. Our classes are different though so Eren and I don't have gym together anymore.

I put my books away and grabbed my bag. I walk out the front doors and saw Hanji there talking on her phone. I walk up to her. "Okay bye." She hung up the phone and faced me. "Want to hang out?" She ask. "Sure,I have nothing better to do anyways." Hanji jumped up and down.

"Lets go get something to eat." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me. We walked to a diner in town. We order our food. "So Levi what is with you and Eren?" Hanji said. I cough. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well, I saw you guys hang out over the weekend and saw you guys walking to school this morning."

I sigh. "He is just staying at my house, he has family problems right now." She leans in closer. "This is not all, you are hiding something." She smiles. "Your dating!" "Yeah we are, but do not tell anyone, I will hurt you." Hanji squealed. Our food came and we started to talk about how it all happen but I am not telling her about Eren's family.

We leave the diner and I head home. It was almost 9:15. I zip up my jacket and start to walk. The only lights are the street lights which some are dead so leaving some spots dark.

I walk in the house, the lights were still on. I take my shoes off and lock the door. I walk into the living room to see my mother and father watching a movie. I walk down the hallway and up the stairs. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I walk into my room while taking my shirt off. I threw it aside as I look at the bed. Eren was there laying down staring at me. "Yes?" I said has I change into pj's pants. "Nothing." He yawned. "So how was the welcome back party?" He smiled but a little because he was tired.

"It was fun, Armin would not stop following me though." He stretched him arms and sat up making the covers fall off him. He was topless. Some of the cuts he had were fading away but I am not sure if they will scar.

I sit on the bed as Eren yawns and lays back down. I look at his chest. I never really though about it but he has a lot of scars on him. I think more then 20 I am not sure.

We sit there in silence just looking at each other. I put my hand on his chest and rub it up and down. Eren put his hand on mine and leans up on one elbow and kisses me. I crawl on top of him. My hands entwined with his. We departed our lips and put our foreheads together.

Eren smiles. I got off him and turn the lights off and crawl into bed putting the covers over us as he put him arm around me. "Eren." I said. "Hm..." He said to continue. "I love you." I close my eyes and fell asleep.



I hope you guys like this chapter, I am glad the people are enjoying my Fanatic.

Well, have a nice day everyone

Say I Love You: What's Life? Eren X Levi ~ Attack on TitanWhere stories live. Discover now