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Vina twitches silently in his sleep, peacefully resting in bed. Up until Zukai slams open his door, that is.

"HEY, HEY! WAKE UP, LOSER, BREAKFAST IS READY!" Zukai yells, prompting Vina to sit up.

"Jesus, man... okay, I'm up. Just gimme a second, fucks sake." Vina huffs, pulling himself out of bed.

Vina yawns quietly as Zukai exits the room, not bothering to close the door (because of course he wouldn't). Snickering to himself as he sees just how messy his hair is, Vina gives himself a quick grooming before heading out to the hallway. Vina's ears flick as Tenebris walks in front of him, still yawning as though they just woke up.

"Ayup, good morning Tenne!" Vina greets with a grin.

"Ah... yeah, good morning." Tenebris shakes his head to wake themself up.

Vina and Tenebris walk together down the hallway, Vina chattering the whole time. Vina pauses when they reach the dining hall, seeing a complete stranger standing next to Myth, Zukai's assigned bodyguard.

"Who's that?" Vina tilts his head.

"Dunno." Tenebris says. "Maybe they're a new guard? They look like a new guard."

"Maybe..." Vina continues into the room, sitting down in his chair. Tenebris quickly sits next to him, still warily eyeing the newcomer.

Vina leans his head against the back of his chair, waiting very impatiently for Astrix to bring out the food. He looks up at the sound of footsteps, sitting in his chair properly as he sees plates being set out.

"Fucking finally..." Vina whispers to himself.

"Sorry for the wait." Astrix chuckles upon seeing Vina's reaction.

Vina considers asking about the new guard, but decides against it. After all, if they're important, Astrix will probably mention it later.

Once the food is set out, Astrix quickly calls everyone's attention. "You likely already noticed, but there's a new person in the guard today. His name is Karma, and he will be Vina's bodyguard, starting today."

Vina almost chokes on his food. [A bodyguard? I don't need a stupid bodyguard, who does he think he is?!] He thinks, noticing that while Astrix was talking, Karma had moved behind him. Vina shoots a barely noticeable glare at Karma, before continuing to eat in silence. He can feel a wary gaze on him, coming from Imum, who's sat next to Astrix.

Once everyone is done eating, Vina immediately gets up and leaves the dining room, practically steaming with annoyance. He can tell that Karma is still walking right behind him, and decides to turn around and snap at him.

"Quit following me! I don't even need a bodyguard, I don't know why you were hired for me!" Vina huffs indignantly, pushing back the mental note that he's behaving like a toddler.

"I didn't exactly choose to be your bodyguard, y'know. I got into this role because Myth wanted me to live closer to him." Karma replies flatly, sounding just as annoyed by the situation as Vina.

Vina pauses for a moment. "So then why weren't you assigned to Tenne? He needs a bodyguard way more than I do."

"Hell if I know." Karma shrugs.

"Whatever. Ventux should be here pretty soon, so just don't bother us." Vina turns away and starts to head to the front of the castle.

"Noted." Karma keeps pace with him, seeming determined to take his job far more seriously than necessary.

"Heyy, Vina!" Ventux grins as he walks into the entrance hall. His older brothers, Danzel and Ikiva, walk in right behind him, followed closely by their mother, Favia.

"Ayup!" Vina greets. "Should I go get Zukai?" He turns to Danzel.

"No need, I'll find him on my own. Thanks for the offer, though." Danzel waves and walks past the group.

As Ikiva and Favia leave as well, Ventux takes notice of Vina's new guard. "Who's that? Why're they following you?"

Vina sighs. "That's Karma. He's my new bodyguard."

"Bodyguard? You need a bodyguard?" Ventux chuckles as they begin walking back outside.

"Not according to him, no. But his parents beg to differ, it seems." Karma catches right back up to Vina.

"Shut up, I told you not to bother us." Vina huffs.

"Apologies, your highness. I didn't know answering a question was considered bothersome." Karma scoffs in return.

"How have you already made enemies with your bodyguard?" Ventux snickers.

Vina glares at him. "Shut it, your family can't get bodyguards because you headbutt them out of the castle."

"Hey!" Ventux flushes red, annoyed and embarrassed. Behind both of them, Karma rolls his eyes.

[Why did I have to get stuck with two loud idiots?]

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