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'I wish I could see you again.'

This thought, those few words, like fleeting memories harking back to a time long ago, stung me. No voice, but it boomed down on me with poignance. Often it would chime to remind me of a time, a man, whom I swore never to forget.

"You're..." How his words fumbled to the lovely bouquet of white chrysanthemums, "You're too kind, Kronii. You shouldn't have."

True. It was unlike me to be this sentimental, but when the heart yearned to sing, words alone would not suffice.

"It's... I'm touched. I don't deserve it, especially from a goddess like you." His voice, husky yet melodic, fought hard to keep his composure.

Amongst that starry night twinkled his sky blue eyes that gazed deeper into me with that youthful fascination of his. It was a wondrous night, standing by that park's fountain under that gentle breeze. Almost a picturesque scene, had it not been for his crow's feet and those strands of silver within his lush hair. Such a somber reminder of our fates...

"Please. You taught me so much over the years about cherishing life, from a mortal to someone such as I. A gift is in order to express my gratitude."

Hisfinger swept away the beading tear by the side of his eye before clasping me by my shoulders. "You've grown so much."

"Please. I'm still the same ol' unhappy me, groaning all the time about having too much time in my hands. A bouquet of flowers is the least I could do."

A worn-out smile erupted on his face before accepting the heartfelt gift, "If only I had a silver ring for us then."

I blushed hard, "Shush, you."

He stepped forward before embracing me, "Twas' a joke."

Even with such a lighthearted mood, his heart was heavy. I felt it by his embrace.

Once in a blue moon he would hug me, being cautious of the distance between us. He feared about us being too comfortable within each other's presence, but tonight casted away those formalities. Within this hug, clutching me close, tender and firm, his fingers sank into my back, as if he too was afraid. I knew how it felt. I, of all people, should know; Never would I want to let go too.

If only I had been more selfish.

If only I was a bit braver.

If only I had the courage to let my heart out.

If only, if only, if only...

What good would regret do for me?

'I can't face him.'

"Us? Together?" His voice was alarmed by my proposal. "You don't mean..."

I nodded my head with downcast eyes, "Why not? I mean... I don't see much of a problem."

"Kronii..." That pained expression of his spelt everything, "We can't. We had discussed this time and time again. You and I..."

He bit his tongue, soured by reality knocking.

"I know we have detested the idea of us getting married and settling down years back but we were young and didn't know better." Desperation tainted my voice, "We can work this out."

"Kronii, we can't. I don't want my death..."

"Don't you dare say it." My fingers gripped by his suit vest, "I can talk to Fauna to grant you immortality or to Death to extend your time here for just a bit longer or..."

His gentle clasp on my shoulders with his pitiful eyes pierced my heart, "You have done that already, haven't you?"

"I'm sure they'll listen to my pleas again and reconsider their decision. Once their decision is turned over, we can start living our best lives together with neither judgment nor boundaries. We can finally be together, can't we?"

Love Letters to A MemoryWhere stories live. Discover now