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『The begining』



It was the Taishō era, to be specific the winter of 1912, in Mt.Kumotoru in Okutama, Tokyo,Japan, in the garden of a house located in an isolated area far away from the society.A lady called out.A young girl turned around to face the lady whose name was Kei,Kamado Kei.
"It's dangerous when the snow is falling, it's okay if you don't go" Kei said, showing concern for her eldest daughter. "Oka-san it's fine, it's almost new years and everyone wants eat to their hearts content. I'll sell a little bit of charcoal and be home before you know it!" Nezuko said. Although Nezuko reassured her she was hesitant.

"Nee-san you're going to the village today right?" Shigeru said with excitement."Nee-san can we go too?" Hanako asked her older sister, giving her the puppy eyes which Nezuko couldn't resist. "I-" "no you can't" Nezuko was about to say something but Kei interfered."But whhyyy?" Shigeru and Hanako both exclaimed together "because you can't walk as fast as Nezuko and she can't pull the cart today due to it being snowy. So she can't give you a ride". While the two kept whining to their mother Nezuko turned to her second younger brother,Takeo.
"Takeo, could you chop a few trees ?" "I guess, but I thought we could do it together " Takeo said while mumbling the last part, he was dissapointed. "Sorry Takeo me and Tanjiro will cut them with you next time okay? And Shigeru, Hanako I'll take you next time okay?" Three of them nodded "YOSH!I'll take my leave" Nezuko spoke up." BE CAREFUL!" her siblings exclaimed "Please come back quickly" her mother said worriedly "Jaa matane!"(see you later!)

Nezuko's POV :

Ever since my father passed away, me and my younger brother Tanjiro went down to the town to sell charcoal to make a living. At first my brother wanted to go alone but me being the oldest couldn't let him go alone. But he caught a fever not a while ago and is now weakened so, I'm going alone for the time being.

As I was walking down the mountain I saw Tanjiro giving a piggyback ride to Rokuta "Ah! Onee-san you're going to the village?" "Tanjiro!?What are doing outside, you're still weak from your high fever" I whispered realising that Rokuta was actually sleeping. "Don't worry I am fine now" Tanjiro also whispered as neither one of us wanted to wake up our youngest brother. I sighed "Alright, just go home quickly, if Okaa-san finds that you're not home, she'll lose it, anyways I gotta go" "Take care onee-san, I promise next time I will go with you" "yes I will and you will if you don'tstay out in the cold like this, Jaa ne" I said as I walked away.

*Time skip no jutsu*

'Oh no oh no oh no, the sun is already down, kaa-san will be mad' I thought as I was about to climb the mountain "Nezuko!" A middle aged man call out "Huh? Oh it's you Saburojii-san" "Nezuko are returning through the mountain?" "Well ye-" I was cut off by Saburojii-san " no you can't, come and stay the night at my house I will prepare a room for you, you can return in the morning" "Saburojii-san, Why is it so dangerous?" I asked "At night the onis linger around the forests to hunt humans" 'onis huh? I should ask him later' I thought as I walked towards his hut.

During dinner I asked  him what was in my head " Ano Saburojii-san?" "Hmm?" he hummed while eating his food "Umm the onis you were talking about-" "man eating onis" "Yeah that , can man eating onis enter houses?" "Yes they can" "Then how can we be protected?" 'We are not even protected from oni in our houses? Then how are gonna protect ourselves?' I was in deep thought but got interrupted "the Great Demon slayers" "Demon slayers?" "It is pretty self explanatory, the demon slayer slay onis" ' it's pretty scary, no no nezuko they are just fairy tales , onis don't exist.'
I finished my dinner and Saburojii-san prepared mattress for me, I layed down and thought to myself 'oni's huh? Maybe I can tell scary stories to my siblings and scare them' I chucked to myself as I drifted to sleep.

*Time skip no jutsu*

" Arigato Saburojii-san!" "No need,tell your mother I said hello" "will do" I said while leaving.
After a while I finally arrived at our house , as I was walking towards the door I stoped , what lay before me was a horrific scene


I ran towards them but I didn't think when looking inside my house there would be a more terrifying scene .'Okaa-san,Hanako,Takeo, Shigeru,Tanjiro,Rokuta.'


I was running down the mountain , Tanjiro was the only one whose body was still warm 'if I can get him to a doctor he can still live, don't worry Tanjiro your big sister will save you but what caused this was it a bear who hadn't hibernated?' My thoughts were interrupted by Tanjiro screaming. And then...I lost my balance fell off the cliff.

'I-I am still alive? Oh I slipped and fell into the snow...wait WHERE IS TANJIRO!?' I sat up and saw him standing infront of me "Tanjiro!Are you okay!?you don't need to walk I can carry so don't worry-" I was cut off by Tanjiro attacking me,he was about bite me but I used the the handle of my axe to block the attack. 'An Oni!' Saburojii-san's words came to my mind 'Tanjiro is an Oni!? Even worse a man eating one. No no! Tanjiro was born a human and neither of our parents were an oni! Did he kill them? No he couldn't have, he doesn't have any blood on mouth or hands... maybe he was turned in to one last night?' I was trying to prove Tanjiro innocent to myself.

Tanjiro's body was getting bigger and his strength was also increasing 'While I was sleeping peacefully in someone else's house my own family got brutally slautered' guilt flushed my body as I began to tear up and closed my eyes, 'I told Hanako and Shigeru that I would take them with me next time, I would chop the trees whith Takeo next time, I would go and sell charcoal with Tanjiro next time'

But there was no next time.
And there was no じゃまたね。

Then I felt something wet on my face, I opened my eyes and saw Tanjiro was crying? 'Why is he crying?' While I was wondering why he was crying I saw someone about to attack us or to be specific,attack Tanjiro. I grabbed Tanjiro and doged the attack.'Who is that?'

It was a young man wearing some sort of a uniform and a double pattern haori, had black hair tied in a messy ponytail and had sapphire blue eyes. He was also holding a Katana with a blue blade and the word  悪鬼 滅殺 ( akki messatsu ) or DESTROY ALL EVIL ONIS engraved on it.'Is he maybe no no way but just maybe a Demon slayer?'

~•~Chapter zero: END~•~

Hello!this is my first story so it might include some mistakes so don't mind. By the way the the title of this story 'Mamoru Watshi no Oni' means 'Protect my demon':)
Hiragana:- まもるわたしのおに(hopefully it is right)

Edit: I am currently editing this whole story! I'm back humans!!!
Chapter 2 will be unpublished when this chapter is published 

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