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•AN- sry i havent updated, offline school just started for me and I've been very busy with that.also, im sick :(


Bold.- A/n's with my random opinions

Slanted- Y/n's thoughts.]


[Y/n's POV]

I got home to find Wilbur strumming his guitar, and Technoblade cleaning his sword. It was around 3 pm, which I assume is the time we have lunch, because there were cleaning utensils galore spread around the kitchen table.

"So, either we're going to make lunch, or you guys plan on making lunch," I started. "Or you plan or murdering someone via a whisk."

"The first one, but if that doesn't work out, we could always resort to killing." Techno answered as Y/n looked at him weird.

"Hey, where's Tommy?" Wilbur said as he noticed the absence of the annoying child. "Oh, we decided it would be best if he flew and I teleported. Which is why I came a bit earlier than him." I replied. I heard the sound of the front door opening, assuming it was Tommy, which I'm glad to say, it was.

"Why are you so fast Ghost-Girl?!" He asked me.

"Because, teleporting, and running fast aren't the same thing, idiot." I replied, logically.

"So! Are we cooking, or not?" Techno asked all the three of us. We all nodded, except for Tommy, who just shook his head vigorously at the three of us. Well, what can you expect from a chaotic teenager-child. "What are we cooking, by the way?" Wilbur asked as he looked at Techno, as if he was going to know.

"I was hoping you'd know." He replied blankly. "I can't believe I'm about to do this, but...Tommy? You have any ideas for what to make for lunch?" Techno asked the child. "You better believe it! Why? Well, because I am a big man and all big men know wha-" He said as he started going on a galavant about how much of a ' Big Man ' he was. "Boy, do you know what we're having for lunch or do I need to thwack you with a fish pole?" I asked him, irritated.

"Let's be honest, no one knows what we're gonna have. Usually we just have something that would be left over in the fridge. But apparently not today." Tommy deadpanned.

"We wanted to make you some special food for your first day here, but it appears, that we are out of ideas." Techno explained to me.

"I'm really honoured about all of this, but come on, you can't say it's a 'gift' or a 'surprise' when I'm probably going to be doing all of the cooking, like some sort of chauffeur, which I'm not. So see you later boys, have fun making lunch." I said, annoyed yet again, except I said it all sarcastically. The boys knew what they were doing, and my pitching in to help, wouldn't do any harm, right?...

---time skip---

[Third person POV]

"Wilbur! Why are you putting so much SAND in the damn bowl?!" Techno asked Wilbur. Wait no- shrieked at Wilbur. "Why are you even putting sand in the bowl? Have your lost your mind?!" Y/n yelled at him, but was cut off by Tommy's coughing. Great, Wilbur's gone and make the whole room all dusty, Y/n thought. 

"I like sand, plus, we all knew it was going to go wrong somehow. Might as well have fun with it while we can." Wilbur smirked as Tommy scoffed and replied, "Really? The most FUN you have is with sand?! Come on Wilbur, you can do better than this."

"Boys...I can't stress this enough, but this is our lunch. L-U-N-C-H." Y/n deadpanned and looked at Technoblade.

"Whatever, I'm just going to order a pizza for me and Y/n while you nerds do whatever it is your doing with that mistake of yours." Technoblade told us while motioning towards the mess that is-sorry was a clean kitchen.

"It's not a mistake, it's a masterpiece!" Tommy yelled.

"Yes yes, because all masterpieces are food with sand and other bits and pieces of what-not inside." Y/n replied, sarcastically.

"Forget it, you're right, can you order some for me and Wilbur too?" Tommy asked Techno.

"What?! I don't need any pizza, I'm doing just fine on my own." Wilbur protested.

"Don't speak with him right now, he's drunk on sand." Tommy stated, chuckling slightly.

"I-umm..ok, I guess." Y/n stuttered. "You better get used to this." Techno told Y/n as she slowly nodded, not believing a thing he said. After Techno ordered the pizza, Tommy and Y/n went up to their now shared room, and started a random conversation.

"Opinion on music disks?" He asked the ghost.

"What?" She replied, not really catching what Tommy said as it was a very random question with not a lot of meaning, or so Y/n thought.

"Music disks, you like 'em?" He stated once again, slower and clearer so that Y/n could understand the question.

"Umm...what are these 'Music Disks' you speak of?" Y/n asked the boy.

"Oh my-You don't know what music disks are?!" Tommy asked, dumbfounded.

"Nope. I didn't even know they were a thing, until, well, right now." She told him.

"Wow, you have got to get out more." He stated the obvious.

"Ah yes, because all students in an academy where they learnt to kill are allowed outside for fun, as if the police wasn't hunting them down every second of the day." Y/n told him, yet again sarcastically.

"Ohhh...right." Tommy said, as he slightly cringed. "Well, your free now, so might as well learn as much about the outside-world as you can. I can be-like your tour guide to the world! Hell yes, 'TommyInnit, Y/n's guide to the outside world'. I like it." He offered, Y/n eyes lighting up as he did so, nodding a lot. "Alright, first off, we have 'Music Disks'. Pretty obvious as to what a music disk is. A disk, that you can listen to music with. My favourites are Cat and Mellohi." He explained.

"Oh cool. I have a question, why the massive poster of Hamilton?" Y/n asked him. (I have not seen hamilton, soooooo) "Why not?" He told me. "Touché, Tommy." Y/n replied, impressed.

"Guys! The foods here! Come eat it before Wilbur and I do!" Techno yelled at the two kids upstairs. "Alright! We're coming! Don't eat any, Wilbur! Or else I'll knock you out unconcious!" Tommy threatened.

Tommy and Y/n reached downstairs and ate their food with Wilbur and Techno, making random conversations while doing so. It was nice to be with family again.


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