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It was a long day a long hectic day, I usually end my day though scrolling online checking updates on my favorites idols and more,but sometimes i end it just going directly to bed..

I decided to open my diary to write yeah obviously, I always wanted to write what happens on my daily life so that even after years will past i would still be able to know everything that happend to my youth.

Being a teenager was difficult yet fun,we needed to work hard on school activities,projects, and more it was exhausting to do so,thinking about the due date  but quiet fun because of the time along with yourself doing it.

I wasnt able to do everything i wanted to do,i had limits,as a student,and a child to my parents,i needed to work hard on things to make them proud even though they dont pressure me i needed to assure i satisfy them with my work.

I'll admit i hated school,but thinking of their sacrifices for us I can't just let go of it,it was really part of my goal to finish studying,having a diploma,working with permanent income so I can help them,I had different dreams about myself but I know it wont help them through life so i needed also to sacrifice what makes me happy to make them happy.

I wanted to make people happy,I wanted to let people feel they are worth it,that they needed patience in order to achive what they wanted to be though music,I've love music since i was young well im still young though but it make me feel safe,music is the other half of my life,but the one thing now is i can't just go make music and leave everything behind,but I wish I could,I am currently studying hard to become a flight attendant my second choice of career,Music will always be first for me,I always wanted to travel to a country from a diffent one but in order for me to do this i needed to work hard on studying,I needed patience to finish things,I know this isn't even the hardest part of life but i'll make sure that I will do everything in order to achive every single goal in my bucket list,firstly is finishing studies and getting a diploma from college,then getting on one of the well known airlines in the philippines i may not be able to achive writing a music for people,i will just make sure they'll feel comfortable on how they move from a different place from home my goals are clear,i needed to do things i know i am capable of in order to finish the task i have given

I am currently now near to the profession i am dreaming flying from different country assisting people from a country to another i will keep reaching my dream and never give up my only goal is to make myself have a permanent job that i can also enjoy,so that i woudn't be working hard i will work easily with the profession i dreamed i wanted to achive.few more years and i'll be finally able to fly with passengers on a plane from different countries.

What do teenagers really think of life?,well easy i can tell you what i know but every kid see life differently some can see it in a good way and some don't,well simply because people these days tends to judge than to know what really happened,they always hear only the one side of a story we can't really tell how bad someones life is without hearing their story i only can tell you how my life is but i am not saying every kid see life how i see it its always different.

life? What does it really mean? Do you even know what does it mean? How did you know? Why do you say so?

There's a scientific meaning behind life,people know how life was created but did you asked yourself why? Life is short some maybe long, people wanted their life to be short and some wanted life to be long but we know we can't live a lifetime but one thing is for sure we shouldn't waste our lives on nothing we should enjoy our youth,being a teenager, it doesn't mean we needed to disobey our parents we can enjoy life without doing those,if you really see deeply into you. why does your parents forbid you to do things,it is because they wanted your future to be secured,for your safety and more,some teens may not see life as how i see it but im happy of what i have in life i never regretted anything that happened to my life,we just needed to be grateful with whay we have in order for us to truly know how to enjoy our different lifes.

I may not know things about your life but i know it great every life is special just look deep into it and you'll know life isn't about money,be happy and contented because not everyone can have a life like how you do,be thankful,be good,spead kindness and love in this way we can help each other not much but atleast no one will be left out,hatred can't do anything but only to ruin someone life but kindness,love,and being good changes how a person sees life lets help each other so we can make a better life for each and everyone! :)
Everything that this story contains was my opinion feel free to leave your own opinion feel free to talk to me i'm here to be a friend that listens to any rant just hit me up!:)-xoxo

A teenagers point of view In lifeWhere stories live. Discover now