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george was shocked and started to tear up. "w-why why are you doing this to me?" dream just smiled with a playful face "well george.. when i saw you all i thought about is how much i wanted you under my beging" george did not know what to say he just sat there looking at the tall man who did this to him. "w-what" george was very close to breaking down there then dream spoke up. "i can do that later~ first we need to lay down some rules for you'' 

"rules?" george said "yes georgie you need rules to keep u in check and make sure u say in my arms~" geogre didn't know what to do he had to get out of there as soon. he was zoneing out and not lisening to dream that made dream mad. "GEORGRE LISTEN TO ME" that made goerge look at him "anyways, i will tell you the rules.'' he look at george for a while and spoke up. "first rule, do not leave my sight unless i say so. 2nd rule, dont even try to leave i will find you and you will get a punshiment. 3rd rule, whatever i say to do you do, 3 simple rules easy" dream said as he got coleser to goegre. "and if you break any of them i will make sure you will be begging for musey geogie~" geogre look up and said "0-0k" dream smiled and said "i can tell that you're hugry ,im going untie you so we can go get some food" dream pused for a moment "dont even think of runing got it" "yes" geogre said as dream was untieing him. geogre had a hard time walk caz he has been tied down for i don't how many hours. so dream cured him to the kichen.

dream layed george on the couch and stood there for a min. he knew geogre would be tired so he waited for him to fall asleep. geogre felt himself falling asleep so he just let i happen and just like tha he was asleep. dream thought he would not wake up so he went to the kichen to cook some food for them.

as soon as geogre heared dream leave the room he planed to escape.he just went for it he walk to the door and felt someone grab them "what do you think you're doing?'' dream said. geogre didn't know what to say so he just said "i-i-" dream just sighed and said "i will let this one sled be the next one i will no be so happy" geogre just walked back and fell asleep this time. that dumbass dream thought dose he really think he can Escape? we are in the middle of no where? whatever guess he will have to learn the hard way. dream new that geogre will try to Escape but he would not make it far before dream got him and took him back into his arms. 

dream had made food (idk whatever breckfits food) he went to the liveing room to wake up geogre and feed him probly "geogre wake up" geogre woke up and tryed to walk but didn't walk so well so like befor dream just cared him. dream sat geogre down on that chair and give him his food "here geogre you need to eat" geogre took the food but he had 2nd thoughts "did you posin this or something?" geogre said looking up at him. dream just looked at him for a min and said "if i wanted to kill you trust me i would have geogre." that mad geogre shiver. 

after they were done eating dream told geogre to clean up the kichen and that food. "george clean up im going to be in the liveing room" as dream was walking away he said 'don't even think about it" dream turned around to look at him geogre to make sure he hared him, the boy just noded his head and got to cleaning

geogre did know better then trying to Escape right know he can barly walk and dream will cech him. geogre thought to himself 'how am i gonna do this? how am i going to Escape dream, i dont't know how he chaght me last time. he is like a beast, he dose he nice eyes tho and a nice face i guess. WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING?? he kidnapped you! ugh why did this have to happen to me out of all people? i mean i know of the resons... but why? he just gonna make me his sex slave? ugh i need to stop zoneing out'

when geogre was done he want to dream who was siting on the couch on his phone "im done cleaning" dreamn looked up at geogre he looked scared and still tired "come here" dream said geogre slowly walked to dream. he stood in front of dream looking at his feet to avode eye contect. "sit" dream said geogre sat down next to dream but keeped his disstens. "geogre come here" dream said as he patted on his lap geogre looked at him. when dream saw that geogre was not moveing he just crabed him but the wasit and put him in his lap geogre didn't move for a sec but he soon feelt his eyes slowly closeing so he just sleept. 

hey its me ik i said i would put smut in this chapter but i dont think i should do it this early u know?? but i will be posting chapter 3 this weekend so yaaa. have a great day or night!!!

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