CH 13

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Taehyung stood there frozen

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Taehyung stood there frozen. He kind of felt that Jungkook was actually reasonable from his POV. When Jungkook questioned him he realized yeah things would change a little bit but not so much. Jungkook had just overthought stuff but it was not his fault. It was not Hyungs' fault too so there was no point of extending this topic. So he spoke up "Listen Jungkook, I would have changed a little bit but To be honest you just over analyzed things. But no problem I am not changing and over thinking is common for dumb people like you so no worries I am cool and I think we all are cool..?"

Others just chuckled and nodded with some 'yeahs'. Jungkook stood there with a sarcastic smile and said "Says the one who just overreacted."; walked past him and started climbing on the upper bed saying "You guys can continue. "I have come prepared with my soundproof headphones so I won't hear you at all and will stay up here without interrupting. byebye." With he fell silent on his phone.

They all were staring at him as if he some kind of Idiot which he was according to Taehyung. He had to do something so he spoke "What is this Jeon?" Jungkook had his earphones on so maybe he didn't hear him. He didn't lie when he said 'I won't hear you'. Taehyung started climbing up and Jungkook didn't seem to give a single fuck. Tae climbed up and took his headphones off and said "Are you seriously this dumb? How do you think we are going to trust you that your headphones are actually soundproof."

And boom everyone groaned. They actually thought that for once Taehyung is going to do something good, Well seems like not anytime soon. "Com on Jungkook, You are our friend too. We are not leaving you like that." Hoseok said. And this is the thing Jungkook was more shocked about. He was fine with Jimin, Close to Namjin and closer to Yoongi but Hoseok... He was not too close to him. The look on his face justified his emotions and then Hobi said "Well I considered you a friend the moment you came and hugged my boyfriend like no tomorrow right after I kissed him for the first time." His smile showed he was not jealous or sarcastic but that confused him even more.

Now everyone was looking at Yoongi with weird faces. And he was looking at Jungkook with a weird face while Kook looked at Hoseok weirdly. And Hoseok was eyeing all of them  quite enjoying the situation.

"He hugged you Yoongi?"

"Well yeah. He did."

"And you let him?"


"You always push us off if we hug you so... "

"You people hug unnecessarily, He needed that."

"Omg hyung! You don't let anyone hug you? Am I special huh?!" Jungkook said wityh a teasing smirk and Hoseok added "I sure am." With another smirk.

"Don't fatter yourself Jeon that was a one time experience for you. And with that look of yours it surely was." Yoongo said and now Taehyung was like 'Ok... So this Jeon kid seriously is something. He is Jimin's friend, Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung's fucking roommate and a good friend of Hoseok according to him and is close to Yoongi too if he hugged him  and Yoongi let him. He is basically a friend to every friend to mine and maybe closer. Seriously!!"

Now Taehyung's thoughts are going somewhere... 'I ant something too buyt different from others. Jungkook was basically everything to someone, He is someone's friend, Good friend, Roommate, younger brother. All there was left was BOYFRIEND!! Ok... no way there has to be something else. But Taehyung can't seem to see one.' And suddenly he heard a very loud 'Earth to Taehyung!! Where are you??!?' And that's how he was snapped out of his thoughts.

"Oh sorry!! I got lost."

"Are you on the streets? 'I got lost'" jungkook said mockingly Taehyung just rolled his eyes to which Jungkook rolled his eyes and now they seem be in a battle of rolling eyes more dramatically. It lasts for a solid minute when Yoongi spoke "They are going to fall of bitches. Get down here we gotta get drunk and dance and play the night out." They both stopped and looked down at him and back to each other and rolled their eyes at each other with so much sync that it scared Jimin specially.

They both climbed back down and Yoongi handed them a beer each, They had plenty. And boom Jin's plan all forgotten only focus on drinking they all drank their ass off with a good volume of music, Not too high as this was a secret.😃😃

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