Chapter 22 Miracle, Wiccan, Speed, Hawkeye and Iron Heart

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"So, how cooperative are you today?", Natasha walked into the room with their captive in it. The girl just looked at her left wrist, as if there was a watch on it. "Isn't there a law, that you have to let me free, if you don't have any evidence against me?", she asked. "oh you broke somebody out of here, I think we're way past evidence", Natasha slammed the files of the girl on the desk next to the cell. "If I remember correctly you had him locked up for no reason too", the girl responded. "By the way I like that color on your hair better", she pointed out, referring to Natashas back to her natural colored dyied hair. "Flattery isn't gonna get you out" The girl scoffed. 

"So what are your powers exactly?", Natasha asked "Anything else but superstrength?" Just then the girl squirmed and pressed her hands against her ears. A smirk grew on Natashas face. "It's ok Sam you can stop.", she said into the camera before turning back to the prisoner. "So, super hearing?" "Heightened senses", the girl corrected. "is Peter in the compound? Because if he is, you're gonna have to explain to Tony, why he has a sensory overload", she had a face on that said: 'you're screwed'. "Peter is at school, but thanks for reminding me to ask him what his powers are exactly", Natasha said. 

"So now that we've established that you have more powers and since you don't know where you got them, I'm gonna ask you again: Who do you work for?", Natasha continued. The girl rolled her eyes. "I've never worked for anyone my entire life" "Really?" "Yes" "That doesn't ad up at all, with everything about you" "Oh well", said the girl and turned back around. "Then you don't have any further questions right?" "I don't", Natasha said and left the room. 

As Natasha walked back out she saw Steve and Sam watching the monitors. They looked as annoyed as she was. The girl didn't want to break. "What if we let the screeching sound play until she can't take it?", Sam said. "No that would be torture", Steve argued. "Steve's right we can't do that, we would be worse than HYDRA", Natasha agreed. "So what do we do?", Sam asked. 

Right in that moment Tony came rushing in. "You suit up", he said. "FRIDAY just got deactivated" They went to suit up. "But we can still see the cameras", Steve said. "So that it doesn't look suspicious.", Natasha explained. "If we saw that somebody was hacking us we would have more time to prepare. Tony why do you think it's an attack and not just some hacker?", she looked over at the billionaire. "Which hacker is so stupid to hack the Avengers Compound?", he asked rhetorically. "Someone on a dare....?", Sam came back in with his wings on. 

As soon as all of them were suited up, Tony handed out earpieces and explained that Rhodey wasn't in the building for his safety, so it would only be the four of them. Steve eyed him nervously. "Can I trust you?", he asked. "I don't know Rogers. Can I trust you?", he retorted. "Guys!", Natasha butted in. "What's the plan?", she looked at Steve. "What can you lock?", the soldier asked the billionaire. "Everything", the latter replied. "Good, lock everything but the front door. Sam roof, Nat stay in the building, Tony stay around the corner, I'll guard the entrance. They can't get to the cell and if possible knock them out. We need to question them" 

They all spread to their positions. Before Nat could go Steve held her back, by her upper arm. "Stay safe, you're already hurt" She looked up at him in surprise. "How-?" "oh please you fought about half as good when we captured her, than you usually do, plus you winced sometimes when she hit you" "You're good", she said before freeing her arm and walking off. He watched her disappear and then jogged to his post. 


It was about 10mins in, when Steve heard Tony say there was movement. He was surprised to see two boys walk down the street in the direction of the compound. The guys walked right up to him and halted at about ten meters in front of him. "What do you guys want?", he asked, knowing exactly what they wanted, but wanting to drag out a fight. The boys looked similar. They both had brown hair, although one had curly and the other straight hair and similar shaped faces. One of them, the one with the straight hair, 'Tom' as he wanted to be called at school, laughed. "When are visiting hours, I'd like to see my girlfriend please", there was a sly smirk, Steve swore he had seen somewhere before. If he just knew where.... "I'm sorry but I can't let you in", he said. "Oh we don't actually expect you to let us in", the other boy said, with just as a heavy Sokovia accent as 'Tom'. 

Just then Steve felt a gush of wind next to him and when he looked at the boys 'Tom' was gone. "Romanoff, you got a speedster", he said and devoted his attention to the guy in front of him. "Look kid we just want answers" "Look old man we just want my brothers girlfriend back", he guy retorted. Then he spoke into his com. "You got eyes?", he asked who ever was on the other side. "Where's red'n'gold?East? You got Flag?" Before Steve could do anything, the guy saluted and there was a blue glow coming from him. He was floating in a way Steve only had seen Wanda Maximoff do it. 

Steve realized that it all was a distraction too late. He still could dodge the arrow that flew straight at him, but what he wasn't prepared for, was that his shield would stick to the magnet the arrow apparently had. And he simply couldn't get his hand free. 


Sam meanwhile found who had shot the arrow and flew over to the culprit in red. There was a mask and a full red attire. He was shooting constantly at him and Sam could dodge the precisely shot arrows just barely each time.  Sam was pretty close to the ground and the vigilante when an arrow hit his right wing. He landed right front the guy. "Sorry", the guy whispered and they started hand to hand combat. They both landed some hard blows, before the guy got the upper hand and pushed Sam to the ground and somehow got an arrow ready to shoot at Sam, before the latter could even get up. He shot the arrow and out came strings, which got Sam handcuffed and tied to a nearby tree. 

The vigilante brushed off the dirt on his clothes and spoke into the mic. "Iron heart, you got eyes on Speed?", he asked. "ok on my way, oh and when Wiccan is done send him in too we can use the help", with that he ran off. 


Natasha had begun setting up traps, the moment she was tasked to stay in the compound. She shut off all the lights and put all kinds of smoke bombs and tables in the way of whoever tried to get to the cells. She could still see a little bit of the rooms, but for someone who just got inside it would be harder, as their eyes would have to adapt first. When Steve had announced that she had a speedster, she laughed quietly. Just mere seconds later, someone tripped over the trip wire she'd set up. She heard the guy mutter in another language, what sounded like a swear word. She crept up behind him and was about to knock him out when he caught her arm mid air.    They started fighting, exchanging blows and occasionally knocking each other into furniture. Natasha noticed again, that the guy seemed to go easy on her, trying not to hurt her too much. Was it just her, they were going easy on? She threw a smock bomb and used the distraction to swipe him off his feet. She was about to knock him out, when her whole body was pushed against a pole and she saw a silhouette shooting an arrow at her, which surprisingly only chained her to set pole. 

The light went on and there was an archer in a red hood and mask standing there. The speedster on the floor shook his head and laughed. "Always making an entrance huh, Hawkeye". The archer helped him up. "Go get miracle and let's get out of here.", he responded. The speedster sped off and came back a few seconds later with his girl on his back. They all walked out and sped and flew off. 


Tony was struggling. Struggling to wrap his mind around the fact that he was fighting someone with the same powerset as Wanda. The guy who was fighting him was holding back, that was clear. He was constantly just throwing heavy objects at Tony and he was dodging them continuously. At some point the vigilante must have gotten tired of the heavy objects and started using his own energy balls. Tony started shooting lasers, which were swiftly shielded and waited out, as if the guy knew, that Tony couldn't just shoot lasers for as long as he wanted to. Tony lowered down closer to the ground, so that he wouldn't fall that deep, if he were too. The guy seeing that, forced Tony fully to the ground with his powers and just held him there until he got something over his com and said "I got Hawkeye.". Then he flew away, and Tony was too slow to react and follow him, since his suit had a little damage. 

A/N: I hope it's not completely trashy, I suck at fight scenes. 

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