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Mildred's POV:
For the next two days Mildred had been awfully quiet. She kept to herself, though it was clear that she was keeping her eyes on Y/n.

After everything that had been said that night Mildred was more confused than ever before. Yes, Y/n was... slightly annoying. But not in a bad way. Mildred had grown to find the annoying patient comforting.

It was interesting having them around. It made Mildred's day a lot less boring. She was beginning to miss it.

Y/N's POV:
I had stayed in my room for the majority of the past few days, only leaving for meals and short walks, just to clear my head.

I felt pathetic. After having my little outburst I felt like a fool. But I couldn't exactly avoid the universe forever. Wasting away in my room would do me no good.

So I finally left my room. Embarking on another one of my walks around the building. Observing all of the other patients and nurses as they went about their daily lives. Until I saw her.

She stood there alone. Leaning with her back against the wall, looking up at the ceiling. She looked as if she hadn't slept in days, so I decided to check up on her.

Slowly making my way over to stand beside her.

"You look... awful." I whispered, how charming of me.

"Wow. Thank you. How very kind." She rolled her eyes, looking towards me.

"Oh hush, you know what I meant. When was the last time you slept? Hm?" I raised an eyebrow. To which she let out a sigh.

I wasted no time, gently taking her hand and dragging her towards my room.

"What are you doing-" she asked, but I just ignored her inquiries and pulled her into my room.

"I'm not doing anything. And neither are you... not until after you take a nap." I sighed, finally letting go of her hand.

"I don't- I'm not sleeping with you." She scoffed.

"Wow. I am heartbroken." I said, my voice laced in sarcasm. "Ratched, sweetie, neither of us are leaving this room until you've slept for atleast an hour or two."

"You can't force me to stay in here. I can have you sedated in seconds. Or worse." She scoffed once again.

"You're right. I can't force you to. But you can't work under these conditions. So either get to sleep or go home. Otherwise you're going to end up killing someone..." I sighed, sitting down on the chair in the corner and getting comfy.

She eventually caved in and sat on the edge of my bed.

"I hate you sometimes" she muttered. I just stayed quiet. Trying my best to pretend that her saying those words had no effect on me.

Though whether she meant them or not they stung like a bee.

After what could have been twenty minutes of silence she let out a sigh, messing around with my pillows, trying to find a comfortable position on my bed.

"How do you even sleep on this thing? It's so uncomfortable..." she huffed.

"I don't exactly have a choice, do I?" I rolled my eyes, taking out my book and starting to read.

"Still, My god the floor must be more comfortable than this.." she grumbled.

"It is. But when you take into account that the average floor has approximately 764 bacteria per square inch... and these rooms are mopped... I don't know, once a century. I'd rather sleep on the bed." I quietly chuckled.

"Why do you know that? About the floor-" she asked, looking at me as if I was an alien.

"My mother was obsessed with cleaning." I shrugged.

We fell into a comfortable silence, she stared up at my ceiling before letting out another sigh.

"Can you do me a favor?" She whispered. Not bothering to look over at me.

"Of course. What do you need?" I whispered back. Placing down my book.

"Can you uhm... could you- may you- may we- can you... can I-" she stumbled over her words. Causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Mildred, take a deep breath dear." I chuckled.

"Can you.. could you perhaps.. hold me?" She whispered. Quickly clearing her throat and turning onto her side, facing away from me.

I didn't know what to do or say, so I did what any touch starved mentally ill lesbian would do. I made my way over to the bed. Slowly and carefully laying down next to her. Snaking an arm carefully around her waist, as if moving to harshly or quickly would cause her to disappear.

We stayed like that for what felt like hours. My arm draped around her, our hands laced together.

It was not long after that I heard her soft snores. Indicating that she had fallen asleep.

And that was when I woke up...


So.. its been a while again.

Today has been horrible. I found one of my snakes dead this morning. She was only 7 months old. I'm not sure what happened, She seemed perfectly fine yesterday. So.. this chapter is dedicated to my baby. RIP Misty. I miss you so much already my beautiful girl  💔

 I miss you so much already my beautiful girl  💔

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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