[ ♥ ]

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a/n: keep in mind that this is not intended to be canon.

Today was slightly different. Today, most of the crew went out on missions, leaving Cross and Killer to watch over the castle. This wasn't out of the ordinary, of course, as the members of the Bad Guys tend to take turns on missions and staying back at the base, guarding it. It was like this because the Stars had once entered the castle premises without anyone knowing, freeing multiple prisoners that are kept at the castle. Ever since then, there was always one to two people that would ensure that a mistake like that never happened again. The two that get to guard the castle today, however, are none other than Killer and Cross themselves. The two don't particularly act friendly with each other, Killer always trying to annoy Cross and Cross constantly getting onto Killer about rules. Despite their argumentive dynamic, the two are actually very close and fond of each other. They spend many nights playing video games, sometimes even having mini-sleepovers if they were to pass out in each other's room before they could leave. Many residents of the castle were aware of how comfortable the two were together, and in this fanon multiverse that was completely acceptable. They cared for each other as friends, and that's all that mattered, right? Well, at least that's where their relationship stands at the moment.

Currently, Killer was in the kitchen looking through the fridge. He wasn't wearing his usual jacket, revealing his sleeveless black turtleneck sweater. He felt bored, not having much to do at the moment. He supposed that he could go pester Cross right now, but he wasn't entirely sure where he was at- the castle is huge, after all, with many rooms and places to go to. But after a while of indecisively deciding things, he eventually figured that he might as well go look for him once he was done figuring out what he wanted to eat. Eventually, he selected and grabbed a bag of chips before opening it. Leaving the kitchen, he then went on his search. Surprisingly enough, it didn't exactly take Killer too long to find the other skeleton monster, finding him in one of the various living rooms on the second floor of the castle. Walking over, Killer plopped himself down onto the couch right next to Cross, setting his bag of chips in the middle of them. Cross didn't seem like he was in a good mood, his black scarf-like cloth covered his face, his hood draped over his head, as he dazedly gazed at the monotone TV playing in front of them. They were both bored, but it seemed like the black and white skeleton felt a lot moodier than normal, much to Killer's own amusement.

"What's got you down 'n the dumps?" Killer mused, raising a skeletal brow.

Cross didn't say anything in return, however, choosing to keep his silence. Instead, he grabbed ahold of Killers left hand, taking it into his hold onto Cross' lap. He then looked down, no longer watching the TV. Killer felt a bit surprised by the sudden affection, his eye light barely visible from his eye socket. Using his other hand, Killer stuffed a few chips in his mouth, a few crumbs falling down but it wasn't impactful enough to hardly notice. Although he felt a bit impatient, Killer tried his best to remain as patient as possible, considerate of the other's feelings.

"Don't look so gloomy, Criss-Cross." He added on, peering down at the smaller, yet much more fluffier skeleton.

Cross rolled his eyes at the nickname, slightly irked by it, but didn't say anything to go against it. Killer pursed his nonexistent lips into a straight line, not particularly knowing what to say next. He felt a bit awkward now, unsure of what moves he should play next. He wanted to comfort the other, the two being close friends, but he didn't know how. Killer wasn't really the kind of person that someone would go to for comfort, as he would typically degrade others. But Cross was practically his bestie, so it was hard to ignore or belittle him.

After a few, long minutes of silence, Cross eventually spoke.

"There's been something that's been on my mind lately." He said, his tone expressing his hesitance.

"What, do 'ya have feelings for me or somethin'?" Killer joked, trying to lighten the mood.

But Killer did anything but that. Cross' mood worsened, which Killer took immediate notice of.

"Sorry," Killer began, "that was too insensitive of me. Carry on with what you were saying."

"But that's the fucking thing, Killer!" Cross shouted, pushing himself off the couch into a standing position.

Purple tears brimmed Cross' eye sockets, his colored eye lights looking at Killer. He was trembling, stepping away from the other. Cross had so many things he wanted to say, but he couldn't. It was like as if all of his words were stuck in the back of his throat in a lump, refusing to escape from his mouth.

"Are you-.. mad at me again?" Killer mumbled out, trying to figure out what he might've done wrong.

However, Cross shook his head. "That's not it - I just - fuck."

Killer fell quiet, allowing Cross to let out his emotions. Killer shifted in his seat, setting aside his chip bag. His attention was now solely on Cross, unwavered. It took a few more seconds, but Cross eventually continued with what he wanted to say.

"I hate the way that you make me feel," Cross admitted, "the way that you make me weak and soft-hearted." He was growing more frustrated, but he profused a subtle blush. Where was he going with this?

Upon hearing the next few words, Killer's skeletal eyes widened by a fraction, his eye light becoming much more visible.

"I love you, damn it. More than a friend."

Was he hearing this right? "You love me?" Killer inquired, now furrowing his brows out of confusion.

Cross may have gotten the wrong idea, stepping back even further upon seeing Killer's reaction. "It's okay if you don't return the feelings, I just - couldn't lie to myself anymore, I couldn't lie to you. I had to tell you."

Killer stood up from his seat, staring down Cross who fidgeted with his sleeve awkwardly. The oreo-looking skeleton felt nervous, the pressure of the possible reality burdening him. Was it a mistake to tell him? Killer was partially lost in his thoughts, stepping near Cross. Multitudes of emotions spiraled in Killer's soul, it morphing into a new shape. An upside-down heart. This was a stage that Cross rarely got to see, and he wasn't entirely certain if it was a good thing or not that he was seeing it right now. Killer placed a hand on Cross' shoulder, his eye light now clearly visible for the other to see as well, before pulling Cross into a deep embrace, burying his face into Cross' shoulder, smothered by the black and white skeleton's soft clothing.

"I'm surprised you're the one to confess first." Killer stated, letting out a low chuckle.

Cross returned the hug, now understanding what Killer meant, a sheepish smile gently plastering his expression.

Killer then proceeded to teleport the two in his own room, before pushing Cross onto his bed, pulling the covers over them both. They continued to embrace each other, a comfortable silence engulfing the two as they lay there. The lights were off, only the moonlight peaking through Killer's curtains was present. They couldn't hear anything but each other's breaths, along with the subtle beat of each other's souls. It was peaceful, the two looking each other in the eyes with such unconditional adoration. It was odd how they allowed themselves into this situation, but neither of them regretted it. Cross relaxed his body, no longer feeling as tense as he was a few moments before, slowly falling asleep in Killer's hold. Killer didn't know how to feel about the confession, as it truly did come out of nowhere. He of course returned Cross' feelings, but it still took him a while for reality to finally settle down. He sighed once more, moving the two into a more comfortable position, before allowing himself to drift his eyes close.

He supposed that this makes them official now, but he might want to double-check with Cross in the morning.

They were also probably going to get in trouble for going to sleep while the others were away, but that didn't matter at the moment, lol.

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