He's Worse Than I Thought...

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A/N: There is slight cursing and death in this chapter! If anyone here is uncomfortable with those things, please leave the chapter.

*Cal's POV*

Lucas and David started walking off, and I followed close behind them, not wanting to get lost. The walk was quiet for the most part. No one really talked to each other, which was nice for once.

"Hopefully that was a good idea to ask if I could join this guild." Khonsu had to have a reason for teleporting me to that particular spot, in front of those people especially. I decided that if I joined this guild, maybe someone there would be able to help me control my abilities. After all, Khonsu did say that a type of magic people practice here is Time. So, maybe, just maybe, there would be someone in this guild that has similar abilities.

My mind drifted off, and I eventually thought about how Lucas sounded so similar to me. "Ok, let's think of all the different possibilities for why he sounds like me. Maybe it's just a coincidence. I mean, no one else seemed to acknowledge that we sounded similar. But that doesn't make sense. Why would my brain just make it seem like we sound nearly the same? Let's see... What else could it be?? Does anyone else here sound like someone I know?" Then it clicked. "David sounds similar to Davis! But that Blake girl.. She doesn't sound similar to anyone I know... Maybe... Maybe the people in this world are counterparts to people in my world... Like maybe Lucas is this world's version of me, and David is this world's version of Davis..!  But that still doesn't answer who Blake's counterpart is.. Maybe-" 

"EARTH TO CAL!" David shouted in my ear, shaking me.

"Huh!?" I jumped.

"Finally. I said we were here. Only Puddle-" Lucas punched David's arm. "Ow! Fine! Only Lucas responded, so I looked back and saw you deep in thought, staring at the ground. I told Puddle- Sorry, LuCaS - to get your attention, so he started calling your name. That didn't work, so I took matters into my own hands. And, well it worked! What were you even thinking about, anyway?" David told me.

"Uhh.. I was just wondering what you are Lucas. Because I know that David is an Ice Devil Slayer, I think that's what he said? But you never told me what you were." I told them.

"Oh, sorry. I'm a Water God Slayer. And you are a.. Time God Slayer, correct?" Lucas responded.

"Huh.. Another God Slayer... I've never met another God Slayer, before. And yes, I'm a Time God Slayer. My God is Khonsu." I responded.

"Oh, I didn't know we were saying our God's names, too. Um, my God's name is Galrin. She's a God of Water. You know, being a Water user, it only makes sense."

"Are you guys done with your bonding time? I'd like to, you know, actually see how the guild is doing." David said, impatiently.

"Oh, yeah. Is it ok if we continue this talk later, Cal?" Lucas asked me.

"Yeah, sure." I responded.

They told me a little about what Divinus Magia was while we walked. We eventually came to an opening. It had a huge house type structure on the right, and a green field with a single tree on the left. You could see the ocean right in front of us. David started running towards the giant house. And Lucas sighed.

I started walking over there and saw there were people there. "Why have I not seen people that are right in front of me, today!?" I thought, a little upset at myself. I continued walking over there and saw 2 people, a cat-person, and a parrot sitting in front of the building. David started going on about them being in hell or something like that while crying. I stayed off to the side while they talked for a little while. The cat was the first one to notice me. They teleported to me, which caused me to jump.

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