~Games Begin~

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It's Year 20XX, in Neo Tokyo. 

You may think it's a normal city where people live and work, but you're wrong. Neo Tokyo is filled with tribes, tribes that did nothing but kill the innocent or another tribe. That's when a law was enforced to stop these from happening, and XB or Extreme Baseball was born into the world. XB ball isn't a normal game of baseball, many things can happen during a game..

"Oi~ Anyone know where Shun is or when he'll be back?" I asks the group "no one knows where he goes Levi, be patient. Your little boyfriend will be back soon" A girl with yellow hair tied into low pigtails said, that's Saori Arisugawa. She's the vice-leader of the Minato Tribe "you know how that guy is, always disappearing" a little guy said, that's Santaro Mita. He's a simp for Saori and a bit hot headed, oh and the guy near him cleaning is Manami Daimon, a nice guy who cooks and cleans. 
Shun Kamiya is our leader, he formed Minato getting us to join. And I'm Levi, my last name will be given soon for now you just get my first name. As Shun and everyone got the hang of this, we all started to mostly do our own things. I hanged with Shun a lot since I wanted to learn a lot about bating a ball, this made us grow close and become a couple. But it gets annoying when he leaves without saying anything, I would ask his cat but..cats can't talk. 

"He's probably beating the crap outta someone right now" Mita said stuffing his face with food "you know he wouldn't do that. And don't eat with food in your mouth, that's just gross" Saori said sighing in annoyance "he'll be back soon, knowing him he wanted quiet time-" just as she said that "I'm back~..." at the door was Shun himself, along with two others. 
"Again?! You're such an idiot! Next time don't go out when you have eaten!" Saori shouted at him as he went to sit down "so sick.." Shun said complaining a bit "here you go, the usual hangover cure" Mita said placing it on the table in front of Shun "the smell makes me even more sick.." Shun complained again.
"For the love of, oi Levi! Get him to drink it will ya" Saori ordered, I sighed and walked over sitting beside him. I brought my chair close to him and let him snuggle into me "drink it, it'll make you feel better Shun" I said but he groaned saying the word 'NO' at the same time, the two people Shun brought back were named Haru and Taiga. Haru was the boy wearing a red hat and a bad colored sweater, and Taiga was the kid with red hair. 

It was interesting that these two were brought back by Shun, normally he wouldn't bring anyone back cause these two would've been dead "L-e-v-I~" "hm?" I looked up to see why my name was called "what's up?" I asks "you zooned out again dummy" Shun said flicking my forehead "ow babe!" 
"Is this the Minato Tribe?" A man with Black and White hairs asks walking in with another "yes this is.." Saori answered, something felt odd "here's my card" he handed it to Saori as she read it. This man was the Shinagawa Tribe's Leader, Yutaka Gotanda. Well the new leader of that Tribe, the old one was thrown out and the tribe was taken over by Yutaka and his people. Yutaka is known for having high-tech XB equipment, I knew something was off about this guy. 
"We want to defeat the Minato Tribe and advertise our XB products" I didn't like the sound of that, beating a Tribe just for that is selfish. 

"Get lost" Saori said "if you refuse, we'll say that the Minato Tribe chickened out." Yutaka said making Saori rethink her answer  "Fine." Shun said playing with his cat "Kamiya!?" We looked over at him shocked "sounds fun to me. Tuna and Boring, you'll play as well" Shun said "Tuna and..Boring.? Oh the new kids" his nicknames need to be fixed, but asking two people who never played to play is out of the question. But I can't say they're bad unless we see them in action.  
"Levi, here Nekomaru" Shun handed me his cat "do what you always do, and cheer us on" he smiled at me "right!"


~Minato District area, XB Course~

I sat at the truck as my screens came up, I looked at them all seeing the scoring system and everything else. Everyone here has a position in baseball, Saori was the main catcher. Mita was mainly our pitcher, the rest were either batters or catchers. I'm just the side bar who make sure nothing happens during these games for Minato, Shun came over and laid down putting his head on my lap "is that necessary?" I asks him "these chairs are always so uncomfortable, your lap makes such a good pillow" he said winking causing me to blush "you cute idiot, but are you sure those two should play? I don't think they even know the basics" I said looking over at Taiga and Haru "they'll be fine, besides they'll get the hang of it after like 2 rounds" I just looked at him sighing and looking at the holo-screens.

The game started, first to bat was Shinagawa Tribe. And the batter was Minami Oi, Mita got ready to pitch the ball, he pitched it. The ball went down a bit, but Minami hit it and started running. The ball was heading to 1st Base, one of the catchers on our team caught it and threw it to Manami who failed to touch-out Minami, as she ran Taiga was gonna get her but got caught by one of the judge bots. With that they scored 2 points 
"If we lose this, I am so kicking your butt" I said glaring at Shun "we won't lose..trust me on this" Shun showed determination so I didn't bother even arguing with him "Levi, who's bating first?" Saori asks "let's see..Haru is next" I said "I-I can't, I'm not-" Taiga cut him off "if you won't then I will" Taiga grabbed the bat and started walking "you really are boring" I sighed knowing this won't go so well. 

Taiga got ready to hit, the ball was pitched. The first one he swinged too fast, the second was the same. But the third time, he hit it sending it far. He started running to first, dodging of getting out he threw the guy at first and stepped on the plate that was there. Next was now Haru "good like boring~!" Shun said, a rude name for an innocent looking kid. Haru was ready to bat, the way he held it felt strange to me. But everyone has their styles, the ball was pitched fast to him. It still hit the bat since it isn't a strike, running to 1st the ball flew to the person there. Haru was gonna give up, but he got to first safe and sound. Shun stood up and grabbed his bat "so he's going next. Man this'll be over in seconds" Mita said smiling "might as well just start the profiles as he bats" I said starting to type on a holo-keyboard "nerd" "shut up"

Shun walked to where he needs to be, Yutaka activated the gear he had on. This was a pitcher robot thing, it seemed really dangerous but nothing is wrong about it. Yutaka pitched and it flew past Shun, this is when he activated his bat and got ready for the next one. The ball was pitched to Shun, he swinged at it hitting it and sending it flying into Yutaka's gear and it hit Minato tower. The game was won with that, it was a home run if you wanna say it. 

~Minato Restaurant~

I laid down on the couch in this place looking up "man it's loud" I said covering my ears "you have to deal with it you know" Shun laid down on me staring at me "this is Minato Tribe after all" Shun said making me sigh, I closed my eyes thinking to myself..

Will I be able to play a game of XB...

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