Chapter 15

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"Yoongi, where are you taking me?" Jimin asks as Yoongi is supposed to drive him home from the meet.

"You'll see." Yoongi smiles and keeps his eyes on the busy road.

"M'kay." Jimin grins and closes his eyes and enjoys the sunshine.

After a while, they arrive at an amusement park as the sun sets. Jimin squeals as they pull into the parking lot. 

"Yoongles!!!" Jimin squeals as they walk to the line at the gate.

"Yes, Min-ah?" Yoongi grins as he kisses Jimin's fluffy lips.

"I'm sooooo excited!!! I've always wanted to come to an amusement with my boyfriend!!!" Jimin squeals and bounces up and down as he holds onto Yoongi's arm.

Yoongi smiles and looks at his pink haired boyfriend with so much love and fondness. Jimin's short pink hair flows in the night wind as he happily bounces around and squeals. Jimin's eyes sparkle brighter than all of the stars as endless joy fills them.

"You're beautiful." Yoongi blurts out with so much adoration in his voice and eyes.

"Th-Thank you." Jimin stutters with blushing cheeks and averted eyes.

"You are." Yoongi mumbles with a soft smile.

As they walk through the gate into the park, more adorable squeals leave Jimin as he spins around and looks at all of the colorful lights and flashy rides. Yoongi pulls out his phone and films Jimin in this perfect moment.

"I love you." Yoongi blurts out as he films Jimin.

Jimin stops and stares at Yoongi with big eyes and a stunned face.

"It's ok. You don't have to answer." Yoongi quickly mumbles and frantically tries to stop the video when he realizes he is still filming.

"I love you too." Jimin quickly answers and stops Yoongi's frantic fumbling with his phone.

Yoongi looks at Jimin with big eyes and a grin when he hears Jimin's words. Jimin smiles when Yoongi looks at him then he takes Yoongi's hands and kisses them as Yoongi stares at him in awe.

"Did you hear that Yoongles? I love you." Jimin giggles as he picks up Yoongi's phone and smiles into the camera.

Yoongi quickly pulls Jimin into his arms and presses their lips together. Jimin smiles into the kiss and pulls Yoongi closer by his shirt and deepens the kiss. When they pull away, Jimin's eyes continue to sparkle as he looks into Yoongi's dazed yet happy eyes.

"I smoke." Yoongi blurts out randomly.

"I know. I've seen you sneaking around the school." Jimin giggles and pulls out the pack in Yoongi's pocket.

"I'll stop."

"It's ok. It helps you de-stress. I just worry about your health, so smoke light." Jimin smiles and pecks Yoongi on the lips.

Yoongi smiles and rests his forehead on Jimin's as he wraps his arms around Jimin's waist. After a couple of minutes, Yoongi takes Jimin's hand, and they begin to walk around the amusement park. When Yoongi sees Jimin's eyes light up at one of the games with the plushies, Yoongi stops and walks over to the game with Jimin trailing behind.

"What do I have to do for one of the big ones?" Yoongi asks the worker as he pulls out his wallet.

"You have to shoot all eight balls and make them into the basket." The worker answers as he looks at the couple.

"How much is it?" Yoongi asks as he pulls out the money.

"10,000 won (about $8 USD)." The man answers and takes the money from Yoongi.

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