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"Thank you for coming," America straightened his suit before sitting down across from the Soviet Union. "I truly appreciate your willingness to come and talk to me."

"My pleasure," Soviet smiled before leaning back in his chair. "So, what is it that you wished to discuss with me?"

America took out a manilla folder, with a bunch of papers inside. "Well, I'm glad you asked, Mr. Soviet," He opened the folder, flipping through quickly before shutting it again. "We actually have many things to talk about—" He extended his hand, motioning to give the folder to Soviet. "—This is our agenda for the day."

Soviet took the folder from America's outstretched hand, flipped through it, and nodded. He gave the folder back to the other country.
"Well, proceed?"
He didn't mean to come off as hostile, but his thick accent made it clear that it was a demand. Stop it with the small talk, capitalist. America looked around the room, awkwardly.

"Well, I think first we should talk about nuclear weapons."

"What about them?" Soviet asked.

"We've seen firsthand the effect nuclear weapons have on countries," America started, leaning in slightly closer to the Soviet. "We used them on Japan, and you saw what happened to her."

Soviet raised his eyebrow. He was intrigued as to where this was going.

"You see, I know that our relations with each other aren't the best–

"An understatement."

"...Sure," America continued.
"But we have equally powerful armies–I think that we should agree to lay our weapons down," America said. "We should agree to disarm–"

"We, or you?" He snapped. "You just want to weaken me, don't you," Soviet said. "Why must I disarm my arsenal of nuclear weapons, just for you to be sneaky and keep yours."

"What? No!" America swore. "Okay, so maybe not disarm, let's think of something else."
The negotiating process was getting nowhere. Both America and Soviet were suggesting ideas, only to get immediately shut down by the other.

"We'll come back to this topic..." America sighed. "Let's see what else we have on the agenda."

Soviet leaned back in his chair, agitated from the previous discussion. He tilted his head back in exhaustion, while America flipped through his papers again to find a less controversial subject to talk about. "Um, Mr. Soviet," America asked, trying to lighten the mood a little. "Would you like a glass of water?"


America stood up from his chair and walked over to the back of his office to get him his glass of water. But just then, Soviet couldn't help but stare. Was his suit always that...well fitted? Feeling eyes on his back, America turned around.

"Mr. Soviet? Is everything okay?" America asked. Soviet nodded his head. "Sorry for the wait, I just need to replace the water tank in this thing."

That was just fine with Soviet; this gave him more time to stare. Sure, America drove him mad, infuriated him even, but he couldn't deny that he was...somewhat captivating.
As he bent over to pick up another water tank, Soviet's eyes wandered his body again. But then, his eyes became locked on his ass.
Боже. (God.)
Soviet started to drift off; letting his mind wander to things he would've never allowed himself to think before. America on his lap, suit torn, and Soviet leaving marks on his pure, untouched skin. He also imagined what his ass would feel like; He'd bet it'd be soft, comforting, and warm to the touch...but his mind wandered even farther than that.
What would it be like to fuck him? His ass, his face, just anywhere? I bet the whimpers that came out of him would ring sweet in his ear every time he'd pound into that egotistical capitalist.

Diplomacy | SovAme fanficWhere stories live. Discover now