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authors note: there's going to be a picture at the end of the balcony scene. While I was writing it, I got the idea to illustrate what was happening, mainly because I was bored. It's NSFW, obviously, but this is just a heads up in case you're around your parents, or in public, etc. 

Ok enjoy the story <3


The time was 3:25 AM. Or maybe 4. Maybe 2:50. All you need to know is that it was very early in the morning, or late at night, however you view it. Admirariland was scouring the internet for a P.I. that was willing to stalk the United States. Every time they had found a person, and they got somewhere, they'd bring up the person in question and they'd immediately drop it. Any other powerful figures, they could do. But the United States? And the Soviet Union? Did Admirariland have a death wish? Why would they need to mess around with global superpowers?

On the other hand, they were trying to collect the information they already had to try and put it into writing; whether it be in article form or not. What they had was eclectic and all over the place, especially since they were draft writing in the early hours of the morning. They had finally decided to call it a night when they fell asleep after every few sentences. After all, they had to wake up pretty soon. Caffeine doesn't fix everything, after all. And they needed to be in the right headspace...or, any headspace, to be scolded by their boss tomorrow. After that question they'd asked America yesterday...it's honestly a miracle how Admirariland hadn't been fired yet. Maybe their interrogation skills make them a gifted journalist?

In the morning, Admirariland stumbled out of bed, exhausted. They wished they could move slowly this morning, but of course, they couldn't. This is the result of the bad decisions they had made in earlier hours. Sluggishly brushing their hair, showering, and doing other things, they were finally ready and they headed off to work.

As they were driving, they were still thinking about the potential scandal that could come from the information that they had gathered so far, or whether or not they were right about what they were thinking.

"If I get somewhere with this, and it goes public, This could be the first major sex scandal in all of the world!" Admirariland thought. "And I'd be regarded highly as a journalist for exposing this huge secret...And also, for giving the people the truth...yeah."

After a short time, they arrived at work. They went upstairs, as usual, and went to the coffee machine immediately. As they were making the coffee, a coworker of theirs knocked on the door outside the break room.

"Admirariland," he said. They turned around. "Trancylnia wants to see you."

Admirariland signed. They knew it was coming, but almost as soon as they walked in? Record speed. Trancylnia was Admirariland's boss, and she's always been very harsh on them...Admirariland has stopped counting the number of times that they've been scolded by her...they even got the nickname "Trancylnia's roommate" because they're always in her office. It's not like the scoldings weren't for good reason: things like not asking other countries weird questions, not stalking them, or not "making a fool of themselves" were common talking-to's they had to have. But they were never fired; Not only because they were a very valuable asset to the company, (being a very good journalist, and bringing in lots of money) they also were well-liked by the other staff, and Admirariland being fired would lower morale by a lot.

As Admirariland nervously peeped into the office, there was a visually upset Trancylnia sitting right there at her desk. "I've done it this time, hadn't I?" Admirariland thought.

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