Chapter One

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Lillie's POV<

"Oye, get your swarky ass over here!" yelled my boss from the store window. He was in his 20-ies, had almost no hair, a creepy pedophile mushachs and was very very loud. 

"Hold you horses, my god," I yelled back jogging aross the street trying to avoid the puddles in the street. "Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning." I mummbled. 

My shoes and coat were soaked through and I couldn'f feel my fingers. I could already tell that today was going to a very long day. The manager's younger brother was waiting at the door with a towel. He was much nicer about my age. (18 or 19 btw) 

He was always very nice to me, but just when I thought I was coming inside the manager came up behinde him and slammed the door in my face. I starred at him through the tinted glass. 

"Your late, not work today." He said walking away dragging his little brother with him, he gave me an apolgetice look and contiuned after his brother. 

"Bloody hell," I muttered and kicked the door in frustration. 

I needed this job, I had to support my little sister to get her into a fancy prep school. My mom is a grade-A asshole and abanded us in our tiny aparment. I haven't told the police yet, because they'll sepate me and little Amelia. I couldn't let that happen, she was all I had left. 

My mother's last boyfriend had shot my brother, but I couldn't think about that now, I had tp push forward. I dropped out of school until I can earn enough money to support Ameila and I, and get to prep school. 

Amelia is 5, and I'm 19 almost 20. Ameila and I had two diffrent dad's so we look somewhat alike but at the same time totally diffrent. Ameila has short blonde hair and big brown eyes and almost no body fat (but that might be because of the fact that we don't get enough to eat.) 

I had wavy brown that reaches down to my mid-stomach, and big blue eyes. I don't have any real pretty features, I'm of average height, weight and looks. But there is one thing that Ameila and I do share, the common knowleage that comes with living off the streets. 

I wandered down the shops that lined off from my crappy job. There was a posh coffee shop, a herb shop, a book shop, and a couple other werid shops. I decided that I wouldn't go into the shops today instead I would just go home. 

I pasted several other shops that I thought I would apply to. I came apon one that was pastery shop that also helped with making coffies and smoothies. I really like those kind of places but I knew that they wouldn't accept me there. It was posh, I was not, it was fancy and sophicated, I was not. 

But I decided to take a look inside agaisnt my better judegment. Right when I was going to open the handle I heard a odd nosie coming from the back of the bordwalk that I was on. Then there was thump and a shout. 

I jumped off the porch leading to the shop and ran around to the back. When I reached it there was a old-fashioned type Police call box right in the middle of the road. It was smoking and shaking, I took several steps closer and closer still but everything around me was silent. 

There was an elderly couple walking down the street, the looked my way but didn't even look suprised that there was a big blue box in the middle of the road. They smiled and waved at me, and then again it was silent. 

Just when I was about to walk up to it the door burst open and I flung myself behind a wall to concile myself from them. They stumbled out into the street, there was an oddly dressed man, a girl looks to be in her twenties and a stick of a boy that looked about the age of the girl. 

The man was coughing into a cloth and was trying to open the box again. "No no no, not here, not now!" He said trying to get the door open.

"Doctor, where are we?" asked the girl waving the smoke away from her face. 

"Um, I'm not sure but I think we're in England around the 23century." He said turning around and looking around. 

"Wait, why did the TARDIS bring us here then, I thought we were going to the plant of those creepy looking things with the tenticules?" 

"The TARDIS brought us here for a reason, I had the data programmed into the system to take us there, but it took all of her streaght to bring us here, but why? Why would she do that?" He said taking out a pen looking thing. 

He pressed a button and the tip lit up a bright green and made a odd noise. He moved in up and down against the box, almost seemed to be scanning it.  But before I could see anything else I leaned over a bit to far and fell into a bunch of garbage bags that knocked over several garbage cans that spilled all over the sidewalk. 

"Shit," I muttered as all three of the people turned to face me. I stood up as quick as I could then ran, I ran as fast I could, I didn't bother to stop when I heard them calling to me. But I didn't care they were werid and probably dangerous and I didn't want to be anywhere near them. 


When I got home, Amelia was sitting on the floor coloring with some of the crayones she stole from school. I tole her to steal anything she needed to do her homework or have fun, but to do it secretly so that we don't get caught. 

"Lillie!" She cried running over to me. 

"Hey munkin! How was school today?" I said squatting down to her leavel. 

"Great, I got an A on my paper with me and you that I drew...." She dittled on and on about her day but I had wandered into the kitchen while she followed me. 

"What's for dinner?" she asked poppling down on the stool infront of the table. 

We only had a few things left, but I supposed that I could run out and get something, but then again I didn't get paided today so I couldn't buy-buy anything. 

" about we have...some....eggs with macaronnie?" I asked her turning around to face her. 

"YUM!" She said getting up and dancing. 

I laughed at her and told her to go and play until dinner was ready. But not before I locked the door and the windows. I didn't want those people to come and look for me, or worst find out about Amelia. 

~~~~Doctor's POV<

When Amy, Rory, and I had just set off for the planet of the Oub, the TARDIS changed the cordinates and set of towards a new destnation. I tried everything that I could to set it back on course, but the TARDIS had it' heart(if it had one) on the new destnation. 

"HOLD ON!!" I yelled at them as we entered the new planets atmosphere. We landed with a huge thud that send Rory flying around the TARDIS and to the front door area. 

"Rory!" Amy yelled and ran over to him, but he sat up smiling. "Can we do that again?" He asked. 

I smiled at him and sprinted to the front door. We had landed in earth, which I found strange because the TARIDS never came to earth unless needed to. I stepped outside and the weather was good, there was no people around though, which I found strange. 

There was much talking then the TARDIS started smoking and I saw that she had put a perseption filter on this so no one could see it but us. I smiled at her and sonicted her to see what was wrong with her. 

That's when a girl younger then Amy fell down and knocked over a bunch of trash. She looked confused, but not scared. Then she ran, she ran fast to I'll give her that. Amy, Rory, I tried to catch up to her but she was to far away for us to catch her. 

But I knew one thing. I was going to find her now matter what. She could see throught the perspetion filter, only the gifted ones can do that. 

:D I finished it!! 

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