Chapter 10

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"I only requested Giggles," Sniffles said, exiting the Cafe. Giggles followed closely behind, Petunia was right with them.

"I'm going," she insisted, locking up the Cafe doors quickly before following Sniffles and Giggles into the black SUV parked outside. The windows were tinted dark and it was impossible to see anything on the inside.

"If you insist," Sniffles sighed, letting himself into the passenger seat. Giggles got into the backseat first, then Petunia followed. Finally, they could see the driver. It was Sheriff Lumpy.

He turned to look at them, and they could see their reflections in his sunglasses, "It's nice to see you ladies."

"Oh hiya Lumpy," Giggles smiled, confused.

"Where are we going," Petunia asked, equally as confused.

"I'm told you and Flippy are close," Sniffles said plainly. Lumpy turned his key in the ignition and pulled off.

"Flippy, that animal? Of course not," Petunia scoffed, sinking back into her said.

"Not... you," Sniffles finally looked up from his clipboard, making eye contact with Giggles through the rearview mirror. Lumpy peaked up through his sunglasses.

"Yes, Flippy's my friend. Is he alright?" Giggles asked.

No one answered her. They drove for what seemed like ages in silence— in reality, it was just under an hour. They drove all the way to the outskirts of town, Petunia shifted nervously in her seat.

Giggles could see the buildings begin to fade away until it was just trees and skies flying by. The road transitioned from asphalt to dirt, and eventually they were driving across a barren field. Soon after, they reached a short, windowless building— it was wider than it was tall, unmarked. Giggles and Petunia had no idea where they were, but they were frightened by this building in the middle of nowhere. 

"Where are we," Petunia asked as Sniffles exited the car first. Lumpy exited second, opening the door for Giggles from the outside. She stepped out and Petunia followed.

"This way," Sniffles began to walk towards the building, a giant dirt cloud making it hard to see and breath. Lumpy waited for Giggles and Petunia to walk in front of him, they hesitated but gave in eventually and followed after Sniffles.

Sniffles reached the large iron door; it was at least three times taller than he was. He grabbed at the lanyard around his neck, pulling a badge from inside his collared shirt. He pressed it to the security pad on the door, holding it there until several loud beeps rang out and the tiny, red light flashed green. The door began to slide open on it's own slowly, kicking up more dirt and dust as it did.

Giggles and Petunia coughed, shuffling into the building as Lumpy urged them inside. The door began to close behind them and the motion-censored lights flickered on on their own. One by one, the lights inside the glass cells lining the walls turned on.

In the first cell, chained up to the wall by their wrists, with their legs dangling loose were the twins; Lifty and Shifty. They were asleep, drugged, or dead, but their bodies hung limply against the concrete wall, their heads lobbed forward unconsious. They looked much skinnier than Giggles remembered.

"Oh my God! What are you doing to them," Petunia screamed, rushing forward to their cell. It was made out of shatter-proof glass, and for the first time in all of the confusion, Petunia caught a glimpse of her reflection. She was covered in a light layer of dust from the outside; speckles of dirt decorating her face and dress. Immediately she began to scream.

Petunia fell back, pulling at the dirty parts of her dress. She ripped open the chest area, revealing a clean, sports bra, before ripping the dirty gloves from her hands and clawing at her own face, as if trying to peel her own skin, "GET IT OFF OF ME," she screamed.

"Sheriff, grab her!" Sniffles yelled, pointing at the woman writhing on the floor. Lumpy lunged forward, wrapping his arms around her and yanking her to her feet; she struggled and squirmed in his arms but he held her firmly against his chest. She tried to free herself, blood drooling from the scratches on her face, "NO! LET ME GO," Petunia kicked her legs, tried to elbow him. She was stronger than Lumpy had anticipated, but he held her there firmly— barely.

"Quick, get her in the cell," Sniffles waddled to the next cell over, typing in a 6-digit code. The cell door slid open, Giggles giggled nervously, watching the horrific scene go down.

Between the two of them, Lumpy and Sniffles managed to shove Petunia into a metal chair bolted to the ground. Sniffles chained her ankles down first as Lumpy held her in place, then he chained each of her wrists to the armrests. Finally, Lumpy released her; Petunia screamed loudly, her throat raw as she thrashed against the chair violently; the chains dug into her wrists and they began to bleed. But she was stuck.

"Please, please, please, I'm begging you, please don't leave me in here, you have to help m—" with a single finger, Sniffles pressed the cell's security pad; the door slid closed and they were no longer able to hear anything coming from the inside. Giggles could still see her friend thrashing in the chair, but she could hear nothing.

"Good Lord," Sniffles seemed more inconvenienced than anything, he rubbed the side of his neck. The building was eerily quiet, a sudden contrast from Petunia's screaming. Giggles was frozen in place.

"I warned her not to come," Sniffles walked towards the back, situating himself on a plain, wooden table in the middle of all the cells. He pulled a chair and sat, motioning for Giggles and Lumpy to take a seat as well. He was out of breath, "Though... just more material to test my hypothesis, I suppose."

Giggles walked over obediently, but slowly. Her entire body was shaking as she glanced up into the first cell with Lifty and Shifty; they were awake now, and staring right at her.

For Shits and Giggles (complete first draft)Where stories live. Discover now