Chapter 08

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It was no secret how much Cuddles despised Splendid. Everyone in Happy Town knew it; it was obvious they both had feelings for the same woman, and despite her being with Cuddles, Splendid flirted with her shamelessly.

It's not like Cuddles didn't understand. In his eyes, Giggles was the most beautiful woman in town. Her smile lit up any room, her laugh made the dullest of days bright, and her kindness was so relentless that it was stupefying. In every way, she was perfect. So of course Splendid loved her.  Who wouldn't? However, Giggles had chosen himself as her boyfriend, and Splendid needed to understand.

With his hand around her wrist, Cuddles dragged Giggles out of the Cafe. He had seen Splendid inches from her face, and it took all he hand not to react violently.

Once they were down several blocks and far enough away, so far that not even Splendid with his super-hearing could eavesdrop, he turned to look at Giggles. Her hand began losing it's color, so he loosened his grip to allow blood flow to continue. She looked up at him, her yellow eyes large and inviting, her smile forgiving. That's what he loved most about Giggles— she was always willing to smile and forgive, no matter how much he unintentionally hurt her. She understood that every human made mistakes, especially when it came to protecting those they loved, and that he was no exception. He loved that she listened to him, no questions asked. She trusted him to make the right choices for her because she knew that he made these choices out of love.

"Giggles," He started, breathing heavy, pulling her into his arms. He hugged her to his chest, and she let him. His heart was beating hard against his chest, and she listened. "I'm sorry... He makes me so angry... you know he loves you, why do you lead him on like that?"

"I'm sorry..." Cuddles heard her sniffle. He placed his hands on her shoulders and held her at arm's length. Her face was red and tears threatened to spill. "I don't mean to," she wepped. The smile on her face was very faint, but it was there. Without context, her expression was one of delight, as if those tears were tears of pure, unbridled joy—  but Cuddles wasn't that dumb. He knew better.

He stared at her for a long moment, so long that tears finally began rolling down her cheeks one by one.

"Oh," He sighed finally, still holding her shoulders uncomfortably tight. He looked down, "I get it... you do love him, don't you?"

Her body trembled, but she didn't say a word. She couldn't. Cuddles tightened his grip on her shoulders, his nails digging into her flesh enough to draw blood.

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything," he kept looking down. More alarming than his low, shaky voice, was that Giggles couldn't see the expression on his face.

"I don't want to know if it's true... I don't care,"  he mumbled.

Finally, he did look up. Her smile gave him the confidence to keep going.

"I don't care if you love him. I'm never going to let you go. Every moment of every day, I think about you. Every night you're all I dream about... I eat, breath, live, I die for you, Giggles. Why don't you understand? I need you."

He felt his heartbeat in his throat as they looked at each other, the tears streaming down her cheeks now dripping from her chin.

"I don't know," he continued. "I don't know why you said yes to me that day under The Tree. Do you even love me, did you ever love me?" The questions were mostly rhetorical, he gave Giggles no room to anwer.

"Or do you just love toying with me? Do you like that the town sees me as some pathetic, miserable cuck while you run around with Splendid all day? Does it turn you on?"

He laughed dryly, "It's too late now. This is your fault. You said yes to me. You made me this way. I'd love to make your life easier and just fucking kill myself, but I can't. And... as long as I'm alive, you're mine."

Giggles was shaking violently, listening to his words. "You'd force my hand, you know. You'd force me to take you, kidnap you, saw off your limbs so that you couldn't run from me. I'd even sew your lips shut, so you couldn't call for help. Or maybe I'd rip out your tongue."

She began to sob.

"No, don't cry my love. It wouldn't be enough to kill you, I'd just need to make sure no one would ever find us. Not even Splendid. But don't worry, I know you wouldn't be happy that way. So please... don't make me do it. I don't want to."

She sobbed loudly now, and Cuddles hugged her to his chest with tenderness and care. He stroked her hair gently.

"Shh... it's okay, love. Just stay with me, okay? Forget about Splendid, he doesn't love you as much as I do. No one does."

Her beautiful, yellow eyes were almost glowing as she finally managed to nod her head. His heart leapt with anticipation as she spoke, "Of course, Cuddles. I'll stay with you. I love you."

"Do you really love me," he asked.

"You don't know how much I love you," her voice trembled as she choked out the words, but never did she sound more beautiful to Cuddles. He was wearing an ear-to-ear smile now, and he wiped the nervous tears that had started welling in his eyes.

"I love you so much," he said, holding her hands again and leaning down to kiss her lips. He let their lips linger together, enjoying this new, deeper intimacy he felt with Giggles. This moment where they were together, where Splendid was far away, where he could just be with her, hold her, keep her.

He had laid his entire heart and soul out on his sleeve for her, and she accepted him fully. She really was perfect.

For Shits and Giggles (complete first draft)Where stories live. Discover now