Rohit/DB - The New Kid On Block

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It was after MI's loss against KKR, it was there 3 rd loss in row, But this loss hurted them  the most, they could have won this match if that would not have been a loose over. Rohit knew its not the time to get sad, they still have 11 matches left, he needs to motivate his team.

After reaching hotel they were called for team meeting. All came , they were looking sad, but Ro's eyes felt on one new kid, who looked too disappointed, not just with the loss but with himself too, the kid was blaming himself. Rohit knew those looks, the look of guilt, self loathing, he too had gone through all this during his starting career. He knew he needed to personally talk to that kid, it was just starting of this kid's career & he had a long way to go. 

Rohit to his team- Listen everyone, its not a time to get sad, its not time to blame any individual, its not the time for self loathing rohit said this looking toward a kid, who did not noticed as he was just looking down on ground, its time to stick together, we loose as a team we win as a team. We are a family,We are one. Smile guys smile, Whether We loose Whether we win We Smile. We will Come back stronger. We still have 11 games left & we will show that we are Mumbai Indians, we know how to get over losses & win matches.

Mahela- Okay guys , i dont think i need to say anything else, Ro has already said everything, So lets go into team bonding room, play games, & food is also waiting and i am sure we all are hungry.

Ro noticed everyone smiled except one kid. Everyone started to move towards bonding room, while one kid just went towards his own room. Ro decided to go behind that kid.

Here the Kid just went to his room & sat on bed holding his head. He heard a knock on his door. He opened it & found Rohit standing there.

Are you not inviting me in DB. (yep the kid was non other then DB our own dewald brewis. )

Dewald realised they were just standing on gate.

Dewald- Ohh i am sorry , please come,come in sir.

Rohit- Dewald ...

Before he could say anything , he was cut of by DB.

DB- I know why are u here sir,

Rohit looked at him confused.

Dewald- You are here to tell me that i am not a part of playing 11 in nxt game, i know i wld not have stepped out & gave my wicket way. I know i disappointed you & team sir and..

God, why are all overthinkers in my life said Rohit.

DB first sit down kid , said Rohit, Secondly stop calling me Sir, its awkward, you can call me bro, bhai, bhaiya or just Ro. And thirdly i am here to tell you that get ready we are going for ice cream & will have dinner out too.

Ice cream said Dewald while looking at rohit with shinning eyes.

Rohit Nods  with a smile.

Only two of us, ask DB confirming.

Yes Kid said Ro.

They walk out of DB's room after locking it.

They went to a small cafe which was just outside the hotel the team was staying.

They ordered food.

Ro- DB , you know when I started my career, i too had failures,  setbacks, you know there was a time when i wanted to play worldcup for my country but unfortunately i was not selected in team . 

Dewald was just listening to Rohit.

Rohit continues- One thing i have learned is its ok to fail, we are humans not robots. But never let your failures to affect you. Never let them demoralise you. Keep working on your strengths & try turning your weaknesses into strengths too, Just believe yourself that u can do it, believe that yes u deserve the chance you are getting, go out show everyone that you are the best. And dont overthink , okay.

Dewald smiles & said yes sir.

Rohit frowns listening to it.

Dewald- Sorry, hmm can i call you bhaiya, i have heard jassi, ishaan & others calling u that. And it means Elder brother right.

Rohit smiles & nods.

Just then there food came.

Rohit- So , iam quite hungry.

Dewald- Me too Bhaiya.

They start eating,  after eating they ordered ice cream & clicked few pics.

They started walking towards team hotel ,laughing & talking.

Here in Team room Ishaan  & Jassi were looking for Ro.

Ishaan- Jassi bhai were is bhaiya.

Jassi- I dont know ishaan, bhaiya never go anywhere without telling me as i am his first kiddo.

Ishaan glared at Jassi, he knew what jassi just did, where as jassi looked otherside & grins.

Ishaan- lets ask surya bhai.

They went to surya & asked him abt Ro.

Surya- I dont know where bhai is.

The three went out to look for Ro.

Just then Someone said that he saw Ro & DB walking out of hotel  almost a hour back.

Jassi thinks in mind- What bhaiya went with DB , that too without telling me.

Ishaan thinks in mind- God that baby ab , i knew he was trying to get in good books of bhaiya. What a leech he is.

Surya thinks in mind- Bhai did not even hug me for my fifty & went with him , how can he.

the three looks at each other, there faces were resembling same thing, JEALOUSY.

They decided to go out & look for there bhai / bhaiya.

Just went they went to ground floor, they saw Ro & DB coming while laughing.

DB- Okay Bhaiya, i am sleepy, can i go to room instead of team room.

Ro- okay kiddo & dont overthink ok,

DB- Yep, But will i get ice cream treat tomorrow to.

Ro looks at him , he makes a baby face & says pretty please.

Ro laughs at it & says Fine kiddo.

Thank you bhaiya, He hugs him. He says good night & happily goes to his room.

Rohit smiles & turns to find three faces glaring at him.

Bhai, Bhaiyaaaaa he heard.

Ohhh Shit, im gone, murmurs Rohit under his breathe.

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