''The moment of truth''

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Justin's POV:

Today was the day I was going to make everything right. The day that all the lies stop. The day that I have no secrets with Selena. The day I can finally live happily from. All I have to do is tell Selena something I've been holding back for months. It's been eating away at me for too long, and I have to get it off my chest. I know she'll be angry, she will have every right to be. But I think she loves me enough to overlook it and instead of being angry, she'll be glad I told her. Today is the day. I just left a meeting with Scooter and had stopped at a floral shop on the way to my house that I secretly share with Selena. Our relationship is one giant secret. No one knows about us being together or living together apart from us. The reason why we've been keeping it a secret is that we don't want the public to invade our relationship. Also, Selena's parents don't like me, they think I'm a bad influence. But that's not the secret I'm revealing today. Today, I'm revealing a secret to Selena that could jeopardize our relationship. I'm praying it doesn't. Hopefully a dozen white roses will soften the blow.

I pulled up to the gate of our house, entered the keypad, and parked my Range Rover in the garage. Stepping into the house, I navigated my way into the living room where Selena sat lounging on the modern white couch, watching a re-run of Dexter, our favorite show together. "Oh hey, babe! You're home!" She was delighted to see me, as always, and as I was to her too. Sometimes I think the fact that our relationship was a secret and forbidden strengthened it for us. I leaned down and gave her a swift kiss and handed her the roses that I had been holding behind my back. "These are for you." The delight and shock on her face said it all for me, she loves them. "Oh they're beautiful, Jay! Thank you so much!" she exclaimed. "Is there an occasion?" she pondered. "Yes," I said choppily. "Selena, I have something to tell you," I added.

Immediately a look of worry rang over her face. "Baby, what's wrong?" she worried as her brow furrowed. "Look, Sel, this is really hard for me to tell you, but I know in order for us to trust each other and love each other, I need to tell you. Before I do, I just want you to know that I love you very much and that's why I've decided to tell you." Her eyes widened. "Jay, you're scaring me! If this is a prank, then so help me God!" My face remained serious. "I wish it was a prank, but it's not, Sel. I'm serious. I really have to tell you something." Her eyes narrowed. "Go on then."

I clasped her hand in mine and took a deep breath. "Three months ago, when I was in some country doing the promo tour deal, I had a few drinks since I'm old enough to drink overseas and I met this girl, and-," I stopped, taking a deep breath. Selena already had tears forming in her eyes, I knew she was preparing for the worst. "-and I hadn't seen you in so long, I was so desperate for affection that I made out with her and I brought her to my hotel room. Normally, Alfredo or Scooter would've stopped me since I have a girlfriend, but they don't know, no one knows. In fact, they encouraged me to do it and I was drunk, my judgement was really poor. Selena, it started heating up and we were making out and we were naked but I finally came to my senses and stopped myself before we did it. I swear. I've regretted it since the moment it happened. I still don't even believe I could do that to you, a beautiful girl that I love very much. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Selena. I love you." I cried out. I closed my eyes, bracing for her response. She was completely silent. I opened my eyes and her eyes were wide open, completely stunned. Her hand that was gripping mine moments ago, was now still. "Selena? Talk to me, baby," I said and shook her hand. "I'm not your baby, Justin," she stated calmly as she ripped her hand out of mine. "What? But Sel, I'm so sorry. I really do regret it!" I stood up now, angered. "I'm not your fucking baby anymore. Obviously, I'm not enough for you, and obviously I'm not the only girl for you," she snapped. She stood up and walked away into the kitchen. "Sel-" I began but she interrupted me. "Hold it, Justin. You were naked and almost had sex with a girl that's not me. How can I forgive you after that?" She asked, shaking her head in disgust. "It didn't mean anything, I was missing you!" I protested. "Yeah, well now you're really going to miss me. You're a cheating bastard and I never want to see you again!" My heart dropped. She turned around ignoring me now and began pulling bottles of Vodka from the kitchen cabinet that we had snuck in here months ago strictly for parties. "You know you can't drink those here, Sel," I warned her. "I honestly don't give a fuck right now. Why are you still here? I told you I never want to see you again. GET OUT!" she shouted and pointed to the door.

"This is my house, too," I countered. She took a deep breath and a sip of Vodka, straight from the bottle. "Grab some of your shit and get the fuck out. I'm staying here tonight, and you're not," she said angrily. I gave in and stormed through the house up to what used to be our bedroom and packed a small duffel bag with some of my clothes and other belongings. A few minutes later I was back downstairs with a duffel bag. "Bye, Selena. I still love you," I said sweetly, hoping she'd change her mind. "Fuck off," she exclaimed hurtfully. I slammed the front door shut as hard as I could and climbed into my Range Rover. I sat there in the driver's seat for a while, and just cried. I've lost the only girl I really cared about and loved over a stupid mistake. Fuck my life.

Selena's POV:

He's a bastard. A cheating bastard. And quite frankly, I never want to see him again. The thought of him with another girl in bed, almost doing what we do so passionately, angers me more than anything in the world. Without even realizing it, I've been balling my fists just reminiscing over the conversation that just went down. My secret boyfriend of almost two years, gone. Just like that. How could he cheat on me? If he was missing me so much, he could have called. He could have at least told me. If he was missing me that badly, I would've flown across the world just to be with him. That's how much he means, er, meant to me. I don't understand how he thought I'd be okay with the news he told me. He probably thought I'd thank him for telling me. Hell no.

I can tolerate a lot of things in a relationship. I didn't bitch at him when he didn't call me for two days straight. I didn't bitch at him when he forgot about our anniversary. I didn't bitch at him when he showed up late twice to our private dinner reservations. Those are things I can forgive. Being naked with another girl is not something I can forgive. That's where I draw the line. After all we had been through together and all the memories we shared, I can't believe he would do something like that. And to think I loved him. I truly did. With all of my heart. I took another swig of Vodka. Tonight, all I want to do is drown my sorrows with alcohol. Tonight, I just want to forget about the fucker and start moving on. Let's face it, I'm on my own now. I have nothing left to lose.


And that's a wrap! Hope everyone liked the first part, there is way much more to come! I have written over 50 parts already! hehe who wants the next one? xoxo

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