''It's all coming back to me now''

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Selena's POV:

As soon as Justin left, I started to cry. Crying because he cheated. Crying because he left. Crying because it's over. Crying because I have no one to talk to about this because no one knows, all because it has been one secret. Without Justin, this house just feels too big and empty without him, it's not feeling like my house anymore. It technically is his house so unfortunately I'll have to move out and move back into my own place which I rarely have been in since I started dating Justin, so that won't be feeling like my house either. Tonight is my last night in this house and all I want to do is drown everything out with alcohol.

After a while, I lost count of many drinks I've had. I've pretty much emptied the entire liquor cabinet and all the empty bottles lay around the house because I don't feel like throwing them away. Through my drunken haze I can identify two bottles of Vodka, a bottle of wine, and some beers. I've had a few drinks before, sure. What teenager hasn't? But never in my life have I drunken this much, I normally don't even like it that much. Too much. I start to feel lightheaded so I make my way over to the couch and make it there just in time as I pass out from the excess of alcohol passing through my stomach.


My head feels extremely fuzzy and I have a pounding headache. I blink a few times, trying to adjust to the light, but in my state it's just too bright. Getting to my feet, I feel a little shaky and hastily close the blinds shut. Reality sets in as I drink a glass of orange juice. I have a bad hangover and Justin and I have broken up. Ugh lifes great.

As I pass through the living room, I notice the dozen white roses Justin had given me last night before revealing his big secret. The secret that tore us apart. A small smile forms on my face at his sweet gesture. Oh Justin.. if only you didn't. I plop what's left of the flowers in a clear vase and scribble a note, leaving it in front of the flowers.

I throw my bags in the back of my silver Ford Escape and drive home to my house that's been empty for the past year. Time to move on. I keep telling myself I'll be better off without him. I'm not so convinced yet.

Justin's POV:

Once Selena dumped me and kicked me out of my own home, I had no clue where to go. Finally I decided I'd have to stay at a hotel. I pulled up to the classiest hotel in the neighborhood and noticed the surprise in the valet's face as I handed him the keys to my Range Rover. I checked in somehow without being noticed by fans or paparazzi. I really can't use that now. I guess no one expects Justin Bieber to check into a hotel five minutes from his house.

I checked in with the name "Cory Rider", one of my many fake profiles I use to check in to places when I don't want to be tracked. It was late so I stripped down to my boxers and climbed into bed. I lay restless for a while, unable to sleep without Selena by my side. Selena. How I miss her and it's only been an hour. I thought I was doing the right thing by telling her. I thought she would be angry but then thank me for being honest with her. I thought it would make our relationship stronger. Boy, was I completely wrong.

When I wake in the morning I'm a little disorientated. Where am I? Where's Selena? Oh. Right.


As I pull into the garage, I'm immediately disappointed when I notice that Selena's car is gone. Maybe she's just out to somewhere, I think to myself. I stay hopeful as I walk into the house. The most noticeable thing as I walk in are all the liquor bottles. Damn, how much did she drink?

Next, I take notice of the roses in the vase and I smile. Once I read the note, my heart drops. "I hope she was worth it." HELL NO. She wasn't worth it, AT ALL! Of course she wasn't. I don't even remember her name. Panic overtakes me and I run upstairs to check our bedroom, to see if she's really left or not. Tears swell in my eyes. My room is only full of my stuff, all of her stuff is gone. I walk into our walk-in closet and notice every single shirt, pair of shorts and pants, and pair of shoes that she has is now missing.

Selena's POV:

My tears slowly flow over my cheeks and drip onto the steering wheel as I drive back to my house that I haven't lived in for a year. It's only a 15 minute drive, but it takes substantially longer since I barely remember the way home and make a few wrong turns. Thirty minutes later, I pull my car into the garage and haul my bags into the house. The house is as I remember it when Justin helped me move out..


"Ah, this place looks so empty, Justin!" I exclaim as I finished packing up my last box. Today is the day I move in with Justin.

"Are you sad to leave this place? Such a beautiful home. For a beautiful girl," Justin praises as he pulls me into a soft kiss, our lips like magnets to each other's. As always, I pull away breathless.

"Nah, I'd rather live with you in your not-so-bachelor paradise. Besides, I get lonely at night," I tease him.

He smirks into a slow, he purrs as he pulls me into another kiss that sweeps me off of my feet.


Just a year later, and I'm back in my house. I'm greeted by the dark dining room and living room. The only furniture in the room being a table that seats 8 and a giant U-shaped couch that could sit 10 people comfortably. Everything else is bare, no food in the fridge and no DVDs under the TV. Not yet anyway, they're all packed into my bags.

I decide I can't start my unpacking on an empty stomach so I pull out my phone to order Chinese food for delivery. I stop breathing as a notification alerts me that I have a missed call and voice mail from Justin. I clamp my eyes shut and take a deep breath before listening to his voice message.

"Selena, baby, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Come back. I can't sleep without you. I can't eat without you. I can't be without you. Please, come back, baby. I miss you and love you. Please."

Tears begin to swell in my eyes again. No. I can't go back. He crossed the line and that's it. We're over. I delete and block his number from my phone. I don't want to hear from him again.

I stifle my tears as I order my fried chicken and fried rice and look through my bags, uncovering The Notebook. Thirty minutes later, I'm enjoying my dinner while watching my favorite movie. I'm starting to move on.

Justin's POV:

I left Selena a voice mail hoping that she would reply. It's been two hours and still no reply. That's it, I guess. No, it can't be. I dial her number again and my eyebrows furrow as I'm greeted by a strange message. "I'm sorry, you're no longer able to reach this number. Please try again later or call your service provider." She blocked me?? No. Now I have no way of contacting her. I guess she just really doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

Why can she move on so easily and I can't? I dial Ryan's number on my phone. "Hey, Ryan. Let's have a party tonight at my place. Invite everyone you know," I beam over the phone.

"Sure thing, bro. What about girls?" he questions innocently.

"Invite them all, all the hot ones and ugly I don't even care. Tell everyone to be here at 10. And bring drinks, many drinks" I added.

"You got it. See you at 10!" I hung up with Ryan and cleaned the house a little to make it ready for tonight's party. Tonight I start forgetting about her and moving on with my life.


Hope you all enjoyed this second part! It will get way better I'm promising you, please leave a comment or a like so that I know that people like it and kindly follow! xKylie

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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