Chapter Thirteen - Stronger

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I have been staying with Morgan for a few days now. Kids still attack me. Teachers avoided coming near me. Molly and Arthur are appalled at the treatment they are giving me. Avalee, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Fred and George, are slowly coming around to being civil to me. They talk to me now and even sit with me at meals so I am not alone.
I sit at the coffee table in Morgans apartment studying and writing the essay I need to have done for tomorrow. Marvel is studying with me. Morgan comes in all smiles and I look at her confused.
"There was a meeting with the minister earlier today. Dumbledore was told to put a stop to the bullying here. He was told to get you back into your proper house and to suspend anyone who refuses to take to the new rules." She says happily, "This is amazing."
I smile. I get to go back to my dorm. In my own bed. In the house I belong in. Then it hits me. What if they treat me badly? What if they don't believe me? What if they throw things at me again? Can I handle those people again? I take a deep breath and try to calm down. I don't need another panic attack. I will have to think if something special for the Gryffindor students. I look up at Morgan. She knows what's going through my mind. She smiles.
"You are stronger than them. You fought to get back in there. You didn't give in when those people treated you like dirt. You are stronger than they are. You are strong." She tells me.
I want to believe her. I really do. But I am scared. Scared they hate me still. Scared of being tortured. Scared of being ignored. I go back to my homework and when I finish I pack my things and follow Marvel to the coon room. Once we reach toe entrance, I am nervous. Marvel grabs my hand and leads me inside. There are a few people on the clone room, but they don't look at me. I walk up the stairs to the dorm and when I get inside I am confronted by four others. I take a deep breath and begin to unpack my things.
"You have come back? Didn't we make it clear you aren't welcome here?" Says one of the girls.
"Awe come on, answer her. We don't want you hear." Sneers another girl.
This irritates me and I ignore them. I am stronger than them. They are weak and want to make me feel as weak as they are. I put my things away and continue to ignore them. It takes all I have not to say anything, but I know that in the end it's better.
"What are we scaring big bad Dane? Is Voldemorts daughter afraid of admiting who she really is?" Asks one of the girls.
"No I am not afraid of who I am. I am not scared of you. I am choosing to ignore you because nothing you are saying warrants reaction. Now kindly leave me alone." I reply calmly.
That irritated them into silence. I finished what I was doing and I sat on my bed and smiled at them. They didn't want me here, well I could easily make myself comfortable. Eventually they leave and I chuckle. I won that round. I leave and go into the common room and get some mean stares, but no one says anything. I sit next to Marvel and smile.
"Looks like you're happy to be back." He says to me.
"Had a issue, fixed it. Irritated people, don't care. Glad to be where I belong." I say to him.
"See your stronger than them. You just have to believe you are. Just like you have to believe you are better than your father." He says, "I knew you were."
"Thanks. Between you and Morgan, I feel much better." I say.
"Holidays are coming up. What are you doing for them?" He asks.
"Spending them with us, of course." Says Ginny as she approaches us. "Mom sent a letter. She wants to celebrate with you this year."
I watch his face fall. He looks saddened by the fact. Ginny notices too.
"What's wrong with that?" I ask him.
"Nothing. I just... It's nothing." He says, "I need to go study."
"That was weird." Says Ginny.
"I know. I wonder what it was about." I say softly.
"It's obvious. He likes you. He hangs out with you. Studies with you. Got upset about you spending the holidays with us. He likes you." She says, "Go after him."
Marvel likes me? How can he like me? He's never told me? But now that I think about it, he has spent a great deal of time with me. He has studied with me. He has stick by my side. Maybe he does like me. But why hasn't he told me? Do I like him? I don't know about him, but I know that he is the first person I want to talk to in the morning. He always crosses my mind. I wanted thin to approve of me most out of everyone when I told him mg secret. I like him. I like him. Where could he have gone? Think, Dane, think. Where would he go if he's upset? The quidditch pitch? Courtyard? I have no clue.
"What are you waiting for? Go already." Says Ginny as she pulls me to my feet.
"I don't know where he would go." I reply softly.
"The back corner of the library. Go."
She pushes me out the door and I run as fast as I can to the library. I fund him. He's reading a,black leather book. I walk up to him. I look at the book and I recognize the writing. It's my fathers.
"It's a diary I found." He tells me.
"It's my fathers." I say.

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