Chapter Fourteen - The Rescue

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I am walking down the halls when I hear a child scream. I run toward the sound and it happens again. I keep running and finally I see a rogue broomstick with a first year student on it. As I approach the window I see two Slytherin students have charmed it into doing what is it doing. I run from the school and try to find the girl again. When I do, I summon my broom and begin flying after her. I hear the Slytherin students cheering me on. I growl and keep going.
"Trust me I am going to save you. Those boys are mean." I tell her.
Her eyes are wide and she screams again as the broom dips yet again. I wait for it to come back up and swoop in. I grab her hand and when it dips she let's go and hangs onto me. I pull her onto my broom and she holds right as I fly toward the ground again. The male students are angry and changing toward us so I fly over head and onto the ground of the entrance hall. We go inside. I take her to the hospital wing to be checked out and I inform a prefect what has happened and they quickly are off to tell Dumbledore. I walk back into the hospital wing as Morgan helps the girl off of the bed and I to her feet.
"Thank you so much. I was so scared. They wouldn't let me down and I couldn't make it stop." She cries.
"Any time. I don't like seeing people scared for no reason." I tell her.
"But your the Dark Lords daughter. Aren't you supposed to be evil?"
I chuckle, "No. I am not evil. People think I am because of my father. I am not evil. If I was I would have let those boys continue."
"Good. I will tell my parents how you saved me. They will be happy."
I smile as she leaves the wing. Morgan hugs me. I feel amazing knowing I saved that child from something like that. Seeing Morgan smiling reminds me of Marvel. I wave her toward her office and she follows me inside.
"You know the prophet will be all over this. There will be articles and everything." She says.
"I know. I think I may have underestimated someone." I tell her.
"Who? Why?"
"Marvel. Because he had a diary that belonged to my father. One I didn't know existed. I took it and have read some of it. He talks about me in it. A lot. What if my blackmailer was Marvel?"
"Really? Did you ask him how he got it?"
"I looked at it and he said he found it. It's just weird, I didn't know it existed, no one has gone through my fathers house, that I know of. It doesn't make sense. How did he get that diary?"
"I don't know. If I were you I would watch him closely. Maybe he did find it."
"I don't see how. I was going to lunch when I heard that girl scream. I was going to question him, but I saved her instead."
"That's good. Now people can start believing you are good. But I'll look into your fathers estate and see what's going on."
I nod and leave her office. I head toward the great hall to see if there is any lunch left. When I arrive I see Ron, Avalee, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny all sitting there talking. They wave and I join them.
"I can't believe you saved that girl. She said you pulled her off of her broom and onto yours." Says Ginny.
"I did. She needed help. I did what I needed to do." I say.
Ron chuckled, "That's pretty amazing. She's telling everyone about how you saved her life."
"I did it because she needed protected. Those Slytherin jerks were horrible to her." I say.
"Word is, she sent a letter to her parents. Be prepared, they may send a reporter out to question you." Says Hermione, "Though, this would be a good story, wouldn't it?"
"Have any of you seen Marvel today? I need to talk with him." I say.
"Last I knew he was in the library reading some stupid book anger found." Sneers Ron.

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