26: True

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I woke up to the sound of Taco's voice in the speakers.

"Suitcase, The Floor, to the throne room."

I hope they didn't screw up. Suitcase doesn't deserve to die over a torch. She was already broken up enough after Balloon died. I needed to know. I'll need to me someone small, so I don't bet seen. I took a deep breath, and focused on one thought.

I am Nickel.

I didn't think it would work, since he was dead, but sure enough, I was the sarcastic coin in seconds. I might be able to get away with someone catching a glimpse of me too, since they would probably pass it off as a hallucination. Hopefully. Now, time to get going.

I had also realized something else that was kinda weird about this. Even though I was Nickel right now, it still felt like I had arms. But when I looked, there were none there. I tried to pick up my keycard, and sure enough, I did. Apparently, I still had arms, but they were just invisible. Just like that one Christian show with the talking food. I can't be bothered to remember the name of it. I never watched I much. Anyways, I gotta see this. Hopefully, they weren't in trouble.

Once I was in my spot behind the throne, I heard Suitcase and The Floor talking to each other while waiting for Taco. They were extremely worried, I could tell.

After a few minutes, Taco strolled into the room, still wearing that cape. Her crown was still on her head, seemingly with more gems in it now. I might be the one hallucinating here.

"So glad you 2 could make it. I think you both know why you're here, yes?"

"I...I think so..."

"Very well then. Your lift is here. It is in the hallways somewhere. I suggest you find it quickly before one of those torches burn out."

"Y-yes, Ms. Tac-I mean your Majesty..."

Taco quietly chuckled at that as the 2 ran off, looking for their lift. Thank god. I thought they were gonna die or something. I silently sighed, and walked back the way I came. I hope Taco didn't see me.

Once at my room again, I changed back to myself. I was still a little on edge from that.

Another announcement came over the speakers, thus time only in my room.

"Assistant, please go check the garden. Make sure those imbiciles have it in perfect condition."

Oh great. Well, at least I'd get to explore more of this place. I haven't been to the garden yet. I did my thing again, and ran down to the garden as Pickle.

Geez, this place was far away. It was on the entire other side of the castle. At least I'm getting my exercise in.

I opened the back door to see a very panicked Paper and Cheesy. Box was over on the side, doing nothing.

"O-oh! Hey P-Pickle...don't worry, w-were doing our b-best..."

"Yeah!" Cheesy chimed in.

"Well, according to...*sigh* Taco, your best isn't good enough. You need to get this place looking perfect, for your sake. Please, I don't want anyone getting hurt."

I did my best to sound like I was genuinely concerned for them, which I was. But it felt so fake. Like I couldn't care less if they died. But I did care. So why did it feel like I didn't?

"I...should get going. Please, don't get yourselves killed over a few flowers."

I sighed again and walked away. I couldn't understand it. I didn't want them to die. I've witnessed and caused enough death already. But, some part of me wanted them dead. I could only hope this was some sort of side effect of absorbing those masks. I somberly went to walk back, but ran into Suitcase and The Floor, desperately trying to relight a high up torch. They didn't see me, but I knew they knew I was there. Well, they knew that "Pickle" was there. The Floor was somehow controlling the lift by press buttons with his tongue, while Suitcase had a box of matches. Apparently, these torches don't run out of fuel, but do have,to constantly be reignited.

That lift was kinda small, even for Suitcase. A single wrong step would send her tumbling to the floor. The machine kept shaking, like it was about to explode. I was genuinely surprised at how long Suitcase could stay standing on that thing. She looked very scared, and so did The Floor. I would be scared too. I think Taco purposefully put a few torches really high up just so that those 2  could struggle more. And struggle they did. I walked away before I would have to see them fail. I changed back to myself again as I went back to the safety of my room. But something felt off. Like...

Someone else was in here. I frantically looked around, trying to find whoever it was. Then, I found Taco standing behind the door.

"Hello once again, loyal Assistant. How have you been doing?"

I was a little startled by her presence, but I quickly regained my composure.

"I...I'm fine."

"It doesn't sound like it. Let us sit down and talk. I feel that you are hiding something."

I nervously sat down on my bed. Had Taco found out I broke the masks? That I took their power?

"You are nervous about all this, correct?"


"No need to fret, darling. Besides me, you are the most powerful in the castle."

"I know..."

"Ah. You mist be traumatized by all the pain and suffering you have had to inflict. Do not worry, you will not be doing much killing from here on out. Clover will take care of that for you."


"Simple. I like to see her like that. I know what makes her break down."


"Yes, yes, Cabby's files are very useful. Now if you'll excuse me, I have important matters to attend to. Those peasants aren't going to rule themselves. Ta ta!"

Taco walked out the door, still as overbearing as ever. Geez, she was scary, even when she didn't mean to.

Finally, alone time. I layed down on my bed, not bothering to pull the blanket over me. Something inside me felt warm. Whatever it was, it was comforting. I didn't even know where it came from. But it felt good. It was just like the warmth of the blanket, probably even better. And for the first time in a long while, I smiled. Not as someone else, not because of force, it was a genuine smile. And let me tell you, that was the greatest I had felt in a long time. I didn't care where it came from, but I was truly happy in that moment.

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