Before the Storm

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Bakugou's already showered, changed, and sitting on Kirishima's bed when the latter steps out of the bathroom, hair still dripping onto an old t-shirt and sweats, eyes widening in surprise.

"I didn't hear you come in."

"I'm fucking stealthy."

Kirishima laughs quietly, rubbing a towel through his hair. "Yeah. I guess—"

"Did you brush your teeth?"

"Um. No? Not yet."

"Brush your teeth."

"Bossy much?"


"Okay, okay, just give me a sec," he says, trudging over to his backpack and rummaging haphazardly through the contents.

It's taking too long.

"You're taking too long," Bakugou says, pushing the other aside and dumping the bag onto the desk.


"Here," he growls, holding out the toothbrush and toothpaste. "Fucking organize your bag better next time."

"You don't have to be so—" Kiri stops as he takes the toothbrush, as their hands meet. As he feels Bakugou's. Shaking.


"Brush your teeth, Shitty Hair." Bakugou turns away, putting the mess he'd made back in the bag.

But the other is still watching him.


"Fine, fine. Brushing my teeth. Got it."

Bakugou sighs and zips the backpack up. Sets it on the floor next to the desk. Next to his duffel. Next to his pillow.

He grabs it and crawls into bed, fluffing it. Trying to believe that the action will make this any more comfortable, will make sleep come any easier, will make saying goodbye—

"Dude—" Kirishima's returned and his eyes are wide once again, locked on Bakugou in his bed. Under his covers.

"Don't dude me."

Bur Kirishima's still staring.

"What," Bakugou growls. Challenges.

"Nothing. I was just—I just didn't expect—"

"You want me to leave?"

"No!" Kiri's voice jumps an octave and his face goes red. "I mean—it's fine, " he stammers. "I—I don't mind."

"You sure?"

"Positive." Kiri nods, and he's hugging himself now. Biting his lip. Looking at the bed.

"Well don't just stand there, dumbass. Get over here."

"Right. Yes. Good."


"Shut up," Kiri groans, and crawls in.

And he feels warm next to Bakugou, and he feels nervous. And why the fuck is it all so weird? It's not even like it's the first time they've done this.

Only before it's happened by accident—studying in bed on too little sleep, playing Mario Kart one too many hours into the night. Or it's happened by circumstance. A nightmare, explosions in the dark, a soothing voice, a protective embrace.

This feels altogether more... purposeful.

"So..." Kiri jostles a bit, staring up at the ceiling, trying to keep his distance—as much as two teenage boys can in a single bed—trying to keep the physical contact to a minimum. "Why did you decide to stay?"

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