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Edited April 11th 2024

Mila's POV:

I woke up at 6:30 am as usual, got dressed (see picture), brushed my hair, and decided to straighten it. After that, I went downstairs, had some cereal, and watched TikTok until it was time to leave. "Bye, mom!" I shouted, and she replied, "Bye, honey!" from upstairs.

 "Bye, mom!" I shouted, and she replied, "Bye, honey!" from upstairs

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As you requested, here is the revised text:

"Hey, loser," Jaden said from behind me as I walked to school. I turned around and greeted him. "Can you show me the way to Biology?" I asked. "Of course. I'm going there too," he replied.

We arrived at class, and I felt Olivia's eyes on me as I entered with Jaden. "You two are late," the teacher said. "We're only two minutes late, miss. You haven't even started yet," I replied, which may have come off as a bit rude. The teacher looked at me in shock. "I don't know how things were at your old school, but here, we don't talk back," she scolded me. I rolled my eyes, a habit I can't seem to break whenever I find something annoying. "That's it. Detention," she said sternly. "Miss, please," I pleaded. Olivia chuckled from her seat in the back of the classroom. "No more words. Go sit down," the teacher said, pointing to our seats. Jaden chuckled, "shut up" I whisper to him.

The day passed quickly and I even made a new friend during lunch. Her name is Kaylen and she is also friends with Jaden and his family. It seems that their parents are friends or something. Kaylen is really nice and we spent the whole lunchtime together. Unfortunately, I still have to go to detention now, ugh.

As I entered the room, I noticed only one other girl who had also been given detention. "So, you two are the first ones to get detention this year. Good job," said the detention supervisor in a sarcastic tone.  As he continued to criticize us for being "bad kids," the English teacher walked in and announced that she had two more students for detention. I turned to look at her and saw Jaden laughing with his friend behind her back. I tried to maintain a serious expression and hold back my laughter. "Let me guess... Nick," said the detention supervisor. "Yes, and Jaden," replied the teacher, stepping aside to allow the boys to enter the room.

As Jaden sat down beside me, I asked him "What the hell did you do?" He just smiled and replied, "I'll tell you later." I rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit.

While I was working on my English homework, I saw Nick, Jaden's friend, throw a paper plane towards the teacher. I was shocked and whispered, "What the hell?" to Jaden and Nick. We tried to hold back our laughter, but the detention guy noticed and asked, "Who threw that?" After waiting for two minutes, he gave all of us detention for not owning up to it. I couldn't believe it. I gave Nick a stern look, and he laughed in response. I rolled my eyes, feeling annoyed.

After detention was over, we walked out of the classroom. "Thanks a lot," the other girl said to Nick, as she walked away and rolled her eyes, knowing that tomorrow she would have to sit there again. "You are welcome," Nick said with a smile. I laughed and suggested, "So, do you guys want to get some coffee?" Jaden asked, "Yeah, sure." "We'll go to my house first and then my sister can drive us," he said. I nodded in agreement. His sister seemed nice on TikTok, so I was excited to meet her.

We went to Jaden's house, and Javon was also there. He wanted to join us, so we waited for Jayla to get ready. While we were waiting, we hung out in the living room. I asked Nick why he and Jaden were in detention, and he replied, "We did that trend on TikTok where you have to make a toilet paper wet and then throw it at the wall." We all laughed, and I said, "Oh, I saw that on TikTok!"

I hear Jayla say from behind me, "So you must be Mila." I turn to her and say, "Hi, nice to meet you." She smiles at me and replies, "Nice to meet you too. Jaden already told me about you." I laugh and look at Jaden, who gives his sister a "shut up" face. It's cute. Javon and Nick laugh too. "So, are you all ready to go?" Jayla asks. "Yeah, let's go," Javon says, and we all stand up."

We are currently in the car. Jayla and Jaden are seated in the front, while Nick, Jaden, and I are in the backseat. Jaden is in the middle, with Nick and I seated next to him. As we chat, Jayla orders the drinks. "So, how is your NFT collection going?" Nick asks. "You have an NFT collection?" I inquire. Javon laughs, "Didn't Jaden brag about how cool his brother is?" he says jokingly. "Oh, shut up big boy," Jaden retorts. "It's going fine; it's coming out in a month," he replies. "Cool," I say in response.

Jaden POV:

"Here you go," Jayla said as she handed us the drinks. "Thanks," we replied. "So, Mila, did you move here from Spain?" Jayla asked, and I rolled my eyes, thinking it was obvious that I had told her about Mila. "Yes, I moved here because my mom got a new job," Mila replied. "Cool, I love Spain," Jayla said. "Me too, but it's fun here too," Mila replied.

Jayla asked, "So, do you have a boyfriend?" I wanted to know, but it would have been weird if I asked. "No, I don't," she replied, and that gave me relief. I'm not sure why, but maybe I like her a bit. However, I have only known her for three days, so it's too soon to say. I have never felt this way for a girl, except for my ex, but this feels different. It's weird.

"Shall we go home?" Jayla asked when we were done with our drinks. "Fine," I said. "Maybe we can watch a movie?" I suggested. "Yeah, that could be fun," Javon agreed. I looked at Mila, and she smiled at me. Jayla started the car, and we drove home.


Heeey, I hope you liked the new part, if you have any toughs while reading please commend them, I would love to read them <3333

And I have one question: do you prefer a longer chapter that will take me longer to write/publish or a chapter as long as this one and then I'll publish more often than with the longest chapter. For me, it's no different so it's up to you, please commend what you prefer 🫶🏼👉🏼

Love you💕

WC: 1173

Anyways; here one of my Pinterest pins⬇️

Anyways; here one of my Pinterest pins⬇️

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