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Yesterday me and Liam talked all night, watched movies, I even told him about the whole Jaden thing, he was so understanding; I missed him so much. Around 2am Liam went to the guest room, and we both fell asleep. Rn it's 9pm and I'm eating cereal, Liam is still sleeping.

'Good morning' I hear Liam say with his morning voice, 'good morning sleepy head' I say, rn its 9:30pm. 'Do you want some cereal?' I ask, 'yeah sure' he reply's. As I was putting the cereal in the boll I get stopped; 'what are you doing' Liam asks me, 'uhh putting cereal in your bowl' I reply confused. 'First milk then cereal' he said, I laugh, 'not doing that' I say. Liam playfully rolls his eyes as I grab the milk out of the refridgerator. 'If it's gross I'm not gonna eat it' he says, 'your overreacting, just eat' I say.

After Liam was done eating we both went upstairs to chance cuz it was already 11pm and we had to be at Jaden's in two hours. I put on a cute pink bikini with some denim shorts and a white crop-top over it.

'Ready to go? I ask Liam, 'it's 12:45?' He replied, 'he is not my neighbor or something' I say laughing, 'we're going to walk and it's around 10 min to walk to his house so' I continue, 'oh lol' he replied, 'I toughed he lived like 1 min away'

'Bye mom' I say is I gave her a kiss on the cheek, 'bye have fun' she says smiling.

When we arrive I knock on the door, 'yo, come in' Javon says as he opens the door. As we walk in I see Kaylen talking with two other girls, didn't know they would be here but fine. 'Hey y'all are here' Jaden says from behind me. 'Hey' I say as I give him a quick hug. 'Who are those girls?' I ask him. 'I'll introduce you two' he said as he walked up to them. 'This is my friend Mila and her friend Liam' he says, 'nice to meet you' I say with a smile. The blond girl looks at me kinda bitcy, 'this is Amelia' Jaden says introducing the blond girl. I smile at her, she doesn't smile back. I just roll my eyes and turn to the other girl, 'I'm Olivia' she says sweet.

We waited for nick and James to arrive and then we all changed, rn I'm laying in the sun watching Jaden and Amelia having fun in the pool, I know Amelia for like a hour and I already know she is the biggest pick-me ever. Kaylen, Olivia, Nick and James are also in the pool but then kinda on the other site. 'Come swim' Liam interrupted my toughest. 'Oh yeah sure' I say as I stand up and jump in. When I come up again I see Liam still standing there, 'are you coming or not?' I ask, 'yeah let me put my phone away' he said, I watched how Liam walked to the towels put his phone down; then he jumped in. I laughed.

Me and Liam we're having fun in the pool with each other, Liam knew about the whole Jaden thing so he helped me making him jealous, after about a hour we went to the others; while Jaden and Amelia where still on the other site of the pool.

Jadens POV:

Liam and Mila where having fun in the pool, but then I saw them walk to the others, 'imma go to the others' I say, 'no come have fun with me' Amelia replied, 'nahh' I say and with that I swim to the others with Amelia following me like a puppy.

When I arrive I see Mila and Liam walk out of the pool, no idea what there going to do. I see Mila just stand there, on the site on the pool, in the sun, drying up ig, but then I see Liam grabbing Mila by her waist and then her legs, he lifts her up. And I just stand there, watching them full of jealousy how Liam jumps in to the water with Mila laughing in his arms. I couldn't watch so I walk out of the pool, and walk to my phone.  I just scroll on tiktok, and check my Snapchat.

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