Chapter 5: Human Imposter Agency

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(Lightning's POV)
When I awoke I was in a cell. Mater wasn't with me anymore, and there were many cuts and bruises on my face, arms, and legs. I sat up and leaned against the wall. My head was throbbing and the room kept spinning.
Who were the men in uniform? How did they know we were cars? Why did they bring us here?
I was finally able to stand and I walked up to the cell door. I grabbed the bars and tried to peek out, but it was no use. I started screaming and hoping to get someone's attention. After a few minutes, a man walked up to my door. He just stared at me, until I finally spoke.
"Who are you? Why have you brought me here? Where's my friend?"
"All your questions will be answered in due time, Mr. McQueen."
"How do you know my name? Who are you!"
A voice sounded from down the hall. "General Copper, send Mr. McQueen up to my office please."
Copper unlocked the cell and handcuffed me, and then he led me down the hall. We then wound up in an office. There was someone sitting in a chair behind the desk, but his face was turned away from me, and all I saw was the back of the chair. Copper forced me into a chair and strapped me down.
After Copper left, the man in the chair faced me. He was a tall looking man, with slicked, black hair and a mustache. He wore a gray business uniform and a red tie. The plaque on his desk said "Greg Loster: Head of HIA".
"I'm sure you've read my plaque, Mr. McQueen, but allow me to introduce myself. I'm Greg Loster, but you'll refer to me as Captain Loster." he stated, a gleam of pride in his eyes.
"I feel I have no need to introduce myself, since basically everyone here already knows my name. Now, can you tell me what's going on?" I asked, trying to muster up any politeness I had.
He gave me a stern and serious look, "All questions will be answered in due time Mr. McQueen. Now, allow me to show you around the agency."
He pressed a button on his desk, and seconds later guards had crowded into the tiny office. Two of them grabbed me and forced me to stand. Captain Loster stood and walked out of the office and up a flight of stairs, which we all followed.
Up the stairs was another hallway, but this one was much more furnished and clean. On both walls of the hall was nothing but glass windows. Outside the glass were many cells and machines, all doing certain things. Many people were locked in the cells and the machines were doing scans on them. This place was already weirder than I thought.
"This is the main hall of the HIA. Then, at the end, is the main offices and registration. This is your new home now, so get used to it." Captain Loster explained.
HIA? What? He continued talking until I interrupted him.
"Look this is all really interesting and what not, but could you please explain in more detail of what the HIA is?" I asked.
Captain Loster smiled as if he wanted me to ask the question. "Well, the HIA stands for Human Imposter Agency. We specialize in the art of capturing and imprisoning people who state they are "people". The people you see in those cells aren't really humans. Just like you. They are all mostly cars, but, in rare occasions, we will get some that are actually animals, plants, etc."
I was so confused. Why did it matter if cars were in the human world? What were we going to do?
"Look, I don't wanna stay here. My friend and I are just trying to get home. We don't want any part of the human world and, honestly, I didn't even know that black box led us here."
Captain Loster stopped, then proceeded to turn around and face me. "Black box?" he asked.
I nodded, "Yeah, the black box. That's how we got here in the first place."
He frowned, then quickly spun on his heel and walked on. The guards and I kept following. We entered the registration offices and I was forced to sit in a seat next to someone. "Don't move, or you'll be sorry." Captain Loster told me, and walked towards a registration desk.
I sat there,lost in thought, till I heard a small "Pst." I looked around to see where it was coming from, and I noticed it was coming from the person beside me. I leaned over and whispered, "Yeah?"
"Are you Lightning McQueen?" they asked.
"I'm here to save you, sir."
Captain Loster and a woman came walking towards me. "Don't worry sir, the plan will soon take place." the person beside me whispered and continued reading a magazine.
"Mr. McQueen, this is Chelsea, and she'll be getting you registered for the scanning." Captain Loster said and forced me to my feet.
What? The scanning?
Chelsea and I walked down the hall and into a room that resembled an operating room. The walls were white and there were medical tools hanging around on the walls and sitting on countertops.
Chelsea undid my handcuffs and told me to lay on the bed. I laid down and she put a mask over her mouth. "Alright Mr. McQueen this will only hurt for a second" she said as she grabbed a needle.
I started to panic. What was the needle for? I thought we were doing a scanning like an x-Ray or something. I braced for the syringe to go through my arm, but something or someone beat down the door. Chelsea jumped and the syringe landed on the floor, shattering and leaking a red liquid.
The person who sat next to before had beat down the door and was now gagging and tying Chelsea to a chair. After the person secured Chelsea, they helped me sit up and we started running out of the building. I then thought about Mater.
"Wait! My friend...he's still here somewhere! We have to find him!"
"Sorry sir, but we have to leave now. He'll be fine. We'll come back for him. I promise." the person said.
We continued running until Loster's guards found us. "Hey! They're getting away!" one shouted.
We kept running and running till we exited through the front door. We ran to the end of the parking lot. "Now what? Do you have a car or something?" I asked.
Suddenly, a helicopter popped out of no where and waited for this person and I to get in. After climbing a rope ladder and getting situated in the helicopter, we flew off.
I was exhausted and guilty. I had left Mater all by himself. What if they gave him the syringe? What did the syringe do?
I looked over at the imposter who had saved me. They whipped off their disguise clothing and whig and I realized it was a...she! She was a tan woman with long dark hair and blonde highlights. She was wearing some sort of sleeveless, black dress and black heels.
She smiled at me. "You've got nothing to worry about sir. We're heading back to headquarters."
I nervously smiled back and asked, "What's your name?"
She smiled a warm smile,"You can call me Scarlet."

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