Chapter 1

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Tommy POV

My eyes shot open startled by my alarm clock going off. 7:30. "Ughh" I groaned as I crawled out of bed. I stumbled to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When i entered I saw my reflection in the mirror. Messy hair, baggy eyes, chapped lips. I looked like a hot mess I rubbed my eyes before grabbing my toothbrush and brushing my teeth. Once I finished I walked back to my room and got dressed into a pair of jeans, a red t shirt and a teal sweater with 'Sunday club' embroidered across the chest. It was a sweater my brother had bought for me and I really liked it.

I went downstairs where I was greeted my parents. Phil and Kristen Simons. They're the best parents ever.
"Good morning son" my dad said with his signature smile
"morning dad, morning mum" i returned grabbing an apple
"Are your friends picking you up again today Tom?" My mum asked I nodded "Tommy doesn't have friends" I heard my brother Will say walking down the stairs
"You're just jealous I have more than you" I retorted earning a scoff from him. He was going to say something but was interrupted by a honk.
"That must be my 'non existent' friends" i said putting air quotes on non existent
"Have a nice day sweetie" I heard my mum say before I left.

I jumped into the back of Freddie's car because Tubbo was in the front.
"G'morning Tommy" Tubbo said seeming way to energetic for a Monday morning.
"Are we getting Bill aswell?" I asked noticing he wasn't in the car.
"Yeah, he's at his friends house" Freddie answered.
"Who" I asked thinking we were his only friends.
"The quarterback of the football team, Ranboo" Tubbo said
"We're almost there" Freddie added making the car come to a stop.
Then Bill and Ranboo got in the car.

"Thanks for the ride Freddie" Ranboo said putting his belt on.
"No problem captain" he said
"You don't have to call me that all the time yknow" Ranboo chuckled
"So Bill why you replacing us with this bozo" I asked
"He's just a family friend Tommy. Plus I'd rather hang out with him than your unfunny ass" he retorted
"Woah Bill, I'd hate to tell your mother you've been swearing" Ranboo said knowing how strict Bills parents are. I looked at him shocked.
"You wouldn't dare" Bill said
"Wouldn't I?" Ranboo responded

Then the car stopped, I looked out the window and we were at school. I checked my phone. 8:13. Still 17 minutes left. We got out of the car.
"Let's go to the library, it's so chill there" Tubbo said. we walked to the library.

The library had this corner with 2 sofas, a coffee table and a bean bag. I sat on the bean bag before anyone could claim it.
"I wanted the bean bag" I heard Ranboo groan.
"To bad boo boy" I said smirking
"The hell you just call me" he said
"Boo boy" i repeated holding in a laugh. The he picked me up and put me on the sofa.
"My bean bag" He said sitting down.
"Bill why is your friend so rude" I asked but before he could answer the bell went for first period. We all got up and went to class.

Ranboo POV

Tommy is amazing. I've liked him for a while now but I've never had the chance to talk to him. Until now. This past hour has been amazing. I was finally able to talk to him. When the bell went I walked with him.
"Are you following me or something?" He asked noticing I was with him.
"No, we have english together" i said
"Yeah I know, but that's the other way. I'm going to my locker." He said I guess I wasn't paying attention to where we were going.
"I thought we could walk together yknow get to know each other" i said nice save Ranboo.
"Oh. Okay" he said sounding sceptical.
We got to his locker and he grabbed his books then we walked to class. I hope were not late, Mr Jacobs might be mad.

*Time Skip - Lunch*

I just got out of my science class. I was thinking about sitting with Bill and his friends mostly because I wanted to see Tommy but also because- umm
"Hey captain, cmon" I heard purpled say I forgot I usually sit with the football team.
"In a minute" i said walking away
"O-okay?" He said going to the table.
I went to Tommy's table seeing him leaning on Freddie and I felt jealous.

"Hey guys" i said sitting next to bill
"Why arnt you sitting with your friends" bill asked
"I wanted to sit with you guys" i said
"Where's Tubbo" Tommy asked seeming really tired
"Probably in the library" Freddie answered
"What's wrong with him" I asked
"He just had gym" Freddie chucked
"It's not funny! Mr Sapnap is a nightmare" Tommy said
"Can one of you take my seat, I need to get food and Tommy is literally on me" Freddie said my eyes lit up
"Okay" I said getting up to swap seats when Freddie got up I sat down instantly before Tommy fell. He landed on my shoulder. Freddie went to get some food.

Then a girl black hair sat with us.
"What's up losers" she said with a noticeable Scottish accent.
"Hi Beau" Tommy groaned
"What's up his ass" she asked
"We had cross country in gym today" bill said trying not to laugh
"Oh my god, fucking pussy" Beau said
"Shut up cunt" Tommy said
"Also why's the QB here. Don't you have other popular people to sit with?" She asked
"He's my friend, and it seems as if he can't get enough of us" bill said. I chuckled I certainly couldn't get enough of one person here.

Then Freddie came back with Tubbo.
"Look who I found" Freddie said
Tommy got up and sat next to Tubbo
"Tubs!" He said happily. It made me smile at how happy he was but I wish he was still sat next to me.
"Clingy mother fucker" Beau said earning a middle finger from Tommy.
We all ate and then the bell went signalling for the next period. We all got up and headed to our next lesson. I had maths with Mr Awesam.

1073 words
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Later losers!

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