chapter 1

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Sam and I are in class. He's getting ready to present his history project. My head was down while I listened to the last person's presentation.

" Okay, Mr. Witwicky, you're up." Our teacher said

Sam went up to the front of the room and emptied his bag. Which had maps, a compass, and our great grandfather's glasses.

"Sorry, I've got a lot of stuff. Ok. For my family-" he goes to say but was hit in the throat with a rubber band

I turned around and glared at the culprit, Trent DeMarco, Mikaela Banes douchy boyfriend.

"Who did... Who did that? People! Responsibility." Our teacher said and then turned to Sam and waved him to go on

"Okay, um, so for my family genealogy report, I decided to do my great-grandfather, who was a famous man, Archibald Witwicky. Very famous explorer. In fact he was one of the first to explore the Arctic circle, which is a big deal." Sam said and pulled out a map of the Arctic circle

"In 1897, he took 41 brave sailor straight into the Arctic shelf. So that's the story, right? So here we have some basic instruments and tools used by 19th century seamen." Sam continued and his last sentence caused the class to laugh, which caused the teacher to hold up a quiet sign

"This here is the quadrant which you can get for 80 bucks. It's all for sale by the way. Like the Sexton here. $50 for this, which is a bargain. These are pretty cool. These are my grandfather's glasses. I haven't quite gotten them appraised yet, but they've seen many cool things." Sam said trying to sale all our great grandfather's things

"Are you going to sell me his liver? Mr. Witwicky, this isn't show and sell. It's the 11th grade. I don't think your grandfather would be particularly proud what you're doing." Our teacher said annoyed

"I know. I'm sorry. I just, you know, this is all going towards my car fund. You can tell your folks. It's on eBay. I take PayPal. Cold hard cash works, too. And the compass makes a great gift for Columbus's day." Sam said still trying to sale the stuff

"Sam!" I said annoyed with him

"Sorry." He said and went back to what he was saying

"Unfortunately, my great-great-grandfather, The genius of that he was, wound up going blind and crazy in a psycho ward, drawing these strange symbols in bubbling on about giant Iceman that he thought he'd discovered." Sam said just as the bell rang

Thank God!

I ran out of the class not even waiting for Sam and headed to dad's car.

"Where's Sam?" Dad asked

"Probably begging our teacher for an A so we can get a car." I said as I got in

Within a few minutes, Sam came running to the car.

"Yes! Yes, yes." He said as he hopped in the back

"So?" Dad asked

"A-. It's an A, though." Sam said shoving the paper into his face

"Wait, wait, wait. I can't see. It's an A." Dad confirmed

"So we're good?" I asked excited

"Your good." He said driving off

" I've got a little surprise for you, kids." Dad says as he pulls into a Porsche dealership

"What kind of..." Sam trailed off seeing where we were

I rolled my eyes. No way is our cheep ass father getting us a Porsche as our first car.

"Yeah, a little surprise." Dad said

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