chapter 3

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It was around one in the morning when I heard bee leave and Sam yelling.

"Hey honey." My mom said coming into my room waking me up

"Yeah?" I asked

"We're gonna go pick up Sam from the police station." She said and left

"Ok." I said not even realizing what she said

"Wait what?" I asked after I realized

I sighed and got up, got dressed and went down stairs, where is seen sam.

"Hey jail bird." I greeted

"Sky, you won't believe what happened last night. Our car turned into a robot!" He whispered yelled

"A robot?" I asked kinda not surprised

"Yes!" He yelled

"Ok." I said and went outside

I see bee.

"Hey bee! Have fun last night?" I asked jokingly

"Of course. Get in"

"Ok." I said and got in

I seen sam take off out the front door with moms bike. Bee followed him, until he hit the ground hard. Sam pulled into a old under bridge. Bee followed him until he seen a police car.

"Where are you going?" I asked


"Who's barricade?" I asked

"Bad guy."

I seen sam and Mikaela on the ground. Bee stopped and picked them up. Bee drove off with barricade chasing us. I was looking behind us not even listening to Sam and Mikaela's yelling. We crash into a window of a factory and drive through it. We hid in the old factory and watched as barricade drove by. Bee moved back and shut off his head lights and locked the door.

"We're locked in." Sam said panicking

"It's ok, trust him, he knows what he's doing." I say reinsuringly

Sam tried to start the car.

"The car won't start. At least we ditched the monster, right?" He asked

Barricade drove by again but stopped and started to back up. That's when bee started and almost hit his fender. Bee stopped so we could get out. Once we were out he transformed.

"Wow!" I say amazed

"Not now." Sam said and grabbed my arm so we could run

I turned around to see barricade and bee fighting. I seen a little bot come out of barricades chest. We took off running and the bot followed us. It grabbed Sam's pants, we left sam and got an electric saw and sawed it's head off. Sam kicked its head.

"Here come one." Sam said and we started to walk in the direction we just came from

We seen bee walking towards us.

"What is it?" Mikaela asked

"He's an alien robot, his name is bumblebee but I call him bee." I answered while Sam answered " it's a robot. But like a... Like a Different... You know like a super advanced robot. Probably Japanese. yeah it's definitely Japanese"

I started to walk toward bee

"What are you doing?" Mikaela asked

"I don't think it want to hurt us. It would have done that already." Sam explained and followed me

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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