Bro time and Hug time

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Junes POV: 

I walked inside and I heard sounds coming from down the hall in Skylar's room. So I knocked and listen.

Y/n: "Ah! June! Don't come in yet the place is a mess I was bringing my stuff up the ladder and i dropped it."

Skylar: "Yeah dont worry."

I heard some whispering and decided to go in.


Skylar: "Mom! He just fell!"

Y/n: "June heh its fine I fell on a rock outside..."

He was holding a frozen bag of peas over his left eye that was a little bruised. so I walked over and sat next to him and held onto the bag.

June: "You 2 need to be more careful ok?"

Skylar: "Ok mom."

Y/n: "Yes ma'am, so how are your friends?"

June: "Oh! uhh well they have been doing great and Holly's daughter is off school for a while I think...and uhhh well they all have the day off tomorrow soooo *inhales* They are coming over tomorrow."

Skylar looked at me then Y/n with a "Oh boy" expression.

y/n: "Well cant wait to met them,what are they like?."

Skylar: "Oh well one is a Nun and the other is single mother with daughter that's just about her size and the last one is a MI-*he stopped*"

June: "Good, you stopped before you went to far." I stared at him with wide eyes.

Y/n's POV

I held in a laugh, I know knew what it felt like to be the younger brother who watches the oldest get chewed out. but I chuckled softly when I realized what he meant....wait OH FUCK!

Y/n: "Weeeeellllll I think I am gonna gonna go to bed and, try to processes today."

I walked off and laid down on the couch in confusion as to what the fuck was gonna happen to me here? Was I done? like not dead but could I not progress? after the meeting her friends and not being able to see Skylar's friends again I would just be stuck in this house with nothing to do but play video games and watch Tv and [[REDACTED]] If I could ever work up the courage to find a way to hide it....Is this what our pets feel like? Trapped in a endless cycle waiting for their owners to do something new? would I become fat as I did nothing here? Where would my education go? was all that time in a class room wasted now? and what about a love life? OH SHIT!! AM I GONNA GET NEUTERED?! and like...No I shouldn't think to much about it, I would depress myself before I even get to met any other humans I could be friends with. Heh I wonder if they will make Movies like "The Lady and the Tramp" but with humans....God I wonder how Celebrities from Earth are doing here if they made it...What about ones daughter Skylar mentioned? Its probably to early to look for that.

I plugged in my earbuds and jammed till I fell asleep.

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi June trying to fit herself on the couch with Chibi Y/n-

I woke up to June petting my hair, she had the gentlest/ softest smile on her face, I just smile back because god the corgi face is just do dam cute!

Y/n: "Morning miss."

June: "Its not morning anymore sleepyhead! heh heh!" 

Y/n: "What?"

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