44. Excerpt from THE ARRANGEMENT

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It was originally only going to be one scene, but I might stretch it to two. Subject to editing, etc.

Roman was no stranger to bad decisions. Compared to most of the locker room, it might have seemed like he had his life together now, but he still made his share of questionable decisions. Having more than one glass of wine at the charity gala was definitely one. Not noticing how many Becky had until she was on her third was another. The state of her dress on the floor, though, was going to be a problem and he was to blame on multiple levels. Amazingly, they had all managed to behave on the elevator back up to their floor; even Seth managed to keep his hands at her waist—for the most part. Once they were in their suite and the door was shut, though, their inhibitions were dropped quicker than their clothing, and Roman had been in such a rush to bend Becky over the couch and fuck her that he—and Seth, to a far lesser degree—had torn her her sleek dress from thigh to hip. At least one potential disaster had been averted: if Seth hadn't had the presence of mind to go and grab a condom from the bedroom, Roman might have forgotten completely.

The wine was delicious, the sex was incredible, and there's something about tearing off someone else's clothing that would always turn Roman on, so he doesn't exactly regret any of it. Tomorrow is casting a long shadow over their revels, though, and not just because of the hangovers they'll all be dealing with. "Becks?" She was sprawled across both him and Seth, head on Roman's chest and legs tangled with her fiance's. He gave her hair a gentle tug, but it only made her moan and snuggle closer. "Becks, do you have anything fancy that you can wear?"

It took Becky two tries to get all her hair out of her face so she could look up at Roman, and her eyes are hazy. "You mean aside from that dress you tore with your bare hands?" She didn't exactly sound mad about it and judging from her expression, she could probably be convinced to get some outfits specifically to be destroyed." She planted a kiss on his chest, eyelashes a whisper on his skin. "Nothing I want shredded, no."

Roman slid his hand down her back slowly, grabbing her ass hard enough to make her whimper. "Not for that. Though if it's an option on the table, I'll happily contribute to a sex-clothes fund. In exchange for input, of course." His grin pulled at his cheeks as much as a laugh and felt just as good. Once they navigated some of the early drama in the threesome, he was amazed how much fun he was having with Becky and Seth. The sex was great, of course, but once they were comfortable enough to goof around with each other, that's when their arrangement became irreplaceable for him. "I know you're not big into lingerie, but if you'd consider some lace...."

Glancing over at Seth, Becky gingerly worked her legs free from his and curled up between the two men. "I think I have one more dress. I always bring two in case one isn't suitable." She rubbed her face against his shoulder as she tried to clear her head. "Why?"

Grimacing, Roman peered over Becky to look at Seth. He would need to know too, but Roman didn't want to ruin the whole night. "Just... a dinner thing I booked for us tomorrow night. The last of the charity events is in the afternoon and we aren't flying out until the next morning," he continued, "so I thought it would be nice to have dinner together. I'd get one last adult dinner before going home to the kids, and you two would get the pleasure of my company."

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