Updated: March 22, 2020
The COVID-19 quarantines/self-isolations are hard, especially since we don't know how long they will last. It's nice that Camp NaNoWriMo is close, because it means lots of stories will be finding their way into the world soon. But it also means if you're waiting for any of my stories, they won't be updated until May.
So I was trying to think of a potential compromise. I won't be able to update regularly in April, but maybe once or twice a week, I can post a piece of a work in progress, as long as you keep the following in mind:
- These snippets will be unedited and unfinished, so please don't comment about typos, continuity problems, etc. They're works in progress and subject to change.
- Don't plagiarize. I hope that goes without saying, but you never know. These stories aren't much, but they are mine.
- The snippets won't be in any sort of order. I'll do my best not to post anything super spoilery, but other than that, it will all be random. Because there will be sexual content in some of the stories, I'll put the mature rating on, but that doesn't mean every snippet will be explicit.
- On Tumblr, I try to post a small excerpt from each day's scene. If you'd like to follow those, they'll be here: combatfaerie.tumblr.com/tagged/combatfaerie-vs-nanowrimo
- If you've made a request and I haven't got to it yet, it doesn't mean I've forgotten! It just means I haven't written it yet. I go with the requests I have the most ideas for at any particular time, so that means I bounce around a lot.
- This is all up to circumstances, etc. If I get sick or a family member gets sick, I won't be able to post.
- If this works and people like the concept, I'll try it again in July 2020.
- I'll probably think of other points/exceptions later, because that's just how my brain works.
I know I've been taking solace in art (books, TV shows, movies, music, etc.) as many people are. I also know my little offerings aren't much, but this is the best compromise I can think of at the moment. Stay healthy, stay safe, be kind and considerate, and if you're finding comfort in art, please take a moment to thank the creators behind it! A little positivity goes a long way, especially right now.

NaNoWriMo Story Snippets
FanfictionI don't typically post new chapters or stories during NaNoWriMo months (April, July, November), but because of the quarantine situation in March 2020, I thought I'd try to post some snippets to give people a sneak peek at what's coming up. They aren...