Chapter 1

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The design of this place is just... WOW, it's so luxurious, so clean, so PERFECT?!

"Good morning, Miss Alma Walton right?" a young man, who obviously works here just talked to me.

"oh Yes Alma your'e right!" the decoration is just so beautiful, i love the black mosaic in the wall with the little golden petals falling from the-

"Miss do you hear me?"

"YES of course...euh sorry you were saying?" Damn it i sould concentrate, but i can't stop looking at this beautiful entry...

"As i was saying, your'e the new assistant of Mr Ferri, so you're gonna have your office next to him, he always have to find his black coffee without sugar in his office on the table next to the couch before he enters the building, so you have to come before him at 8:25 am precisely, all the tasks that will be given to you have to be done the next day, phone calls and e-mails will be your'e responsability only if there is an important call from an important embasador or company then you should transmit it to him directly" ow okay i thought he wans't going to stop giving me information for a second.

"Yes don't worry all noted !" I'm very good at reminding things so he definitely should not worry about this black coffee without sugar that has to come early.

"Any questions Miss?"

"If the coffee is before Mr...euh what's his-" damn it, I'm good at remembering things aren't i ?

"Mr.Ferri" he said with an annoying look on his face, agh this young man becomes irritable so easily.

"Right, I was saying that if the coffee is before Mr.Ferri, wouldn't the coffee become cold and undrinkable?"

"What if he likes the coffee cold and undrinkable?" Damn! this was a really cold and undrinkable answer from that young man!

"Alright I was just wondering you know..."

"Any other interesting question ?"

"May i ask what's your name?" I said it with a grinning face.

He breathed hard, God am i that annoying or is he the one who's irritable so easily ?

"My name's Anthony and i'm about to show you your office, please follow me"

Anthony seems nice, maybe I'm the annoying here as always huh, but i like being the annoying and giving that innocent look, no self-esteem here.

This place is just amazing, the more we walk into the offices and rooms the more I'm with no word, i can't imagine how his home would be !

"Here is your office, here are your keys, welcome the Ferri-Tech Company !" My god what a fake smile he gave me! I'm sure he's gay.

My office is directly in-front of another office which I guess is my Boss's office, his office seems so private, there's no transparent glass like in my office so we can't see anything.
I stopped analyzing his do-not-disturb-me office and went inside mine, my office is so cozy, I definitely could live here, there's my workspace and also a chill space with a couch, tea, coffee and candy which is so good!

I found some documents on my desk so I started working.
It's 1pm and I'm starting to get hungry, i tie my hair in a high messy bun, wore my coat and looked at the mirror, I don't usually wear dresses, I mean classy dresses because that's what I'm wearing now, it's definitely not my style, that was my mom's outfit, she told me there is noway I'd go with my i-don't-give-fuck style for my first day at work, but she knows that tomorrow and all the other days I'll be wearing what I'm comfortable in.

Going out of my office, i bumped into a tall and hard body, the scent, the scent of clean and strict and... no words, i love this pretty scent of his.

"AH excuse me i didn't mean to" he looks like he's my boss, it's definitely like I imagined him, dark straight hair, brown little eyes, but not with that pretty scent, that can't-get-enough scent.

"I have some phone calls to give to you, go in your office I'll send them to you by e-mail with all their informations, you should make the calls now" really? Seriously? Unbelievable, We didn't even introduce ourselves ! He didn't even let me ask him what scent he was wearing !

"Sure" that's all I could say, normally i would play the crazy one and start to introduce myself but no, couldn't do it, I'm scared to irritate him.

Going to my office again, i remembered that I was going to grab lunch, i was so hungry, food for me is like my energy if i don't eat i won't work, my body and brain won't be working, i definitely need a granola bar to keep me going.

2:15pm, honestly the calls didn't take much time, I'm ready to leave to grab lunch, hopefully this time no one would give me some last minute work.

Back to my office with my lunch in hand, i meet my boss next to his office and mine.
I get an exited feeling about smelling his scent again.

"Good evening Mr.Ferri" I'm trying to get as close as possible...mmmm damn it why am I obsessing over a perfume or idk what this is?!

"What's that you're holding?" I get hungry sir, obviously that's lunch huh

"My lunch, i know I should have eaten one hour ago but you gave me some last minute work so i just-"

"I don't care at which time you eat Alma, no one here eat anything other than drinking coffee,water and tea, go eat wherever you want but not in your damn office, it's inacceptable, don't ever bring food in here you hear me? » why is he so angry i didn't know it? Damn !

« I didn't know about this rule I'm sorry ! » I don't accept him talking to me like this, especially if I didn't do anything, I'm new here and don't know all of the rules!
I gave my back to him and went to my office, he is insupportable, but damn that scent...

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