Reunion between a Loud & a Zhau

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*a few months have pasted since the hunt and we see certain group of friends on a trip to Great Lake city as we see Clyde's grandmother driving them* 

Gayle: Well Clyde I hope you guys enjoy your trip to the Great Lake city swimming pool 

Clyde: I know we will nana....but today is also the fifth anniversary that Lincoln disappeared

Rusty: I wonder why the guy left? 

Liam: Rusty you were on vacation at the time....but is been revealed that his family locked him out of the house and it's presumed that he's still out there alive with dinosaurs 

Zach: I know that Lincoln was being abused but even he wouldn't just wander into the wilderness full of genetically engineered bloodthirsty dinosaurs 

Rusty: I know right and the law traced their introduction onto the mainland to the dinosaur protection group which they broke the law! And illegally rescued them and put them onto the mainland

Despite the United Nations stated the animals had to die in order to fix the mistake that Ingen did that heck even Ian Malcom was at the senate to discuss this! 

Liam: you know it's a shame that Stella didn't come with us 

Zach: well to be fair Stella has become some wacko trying to find Lincoln for years....I hope she's okay 

*we cut to Stella in the forest trying to find any evidence on Lincoln* 

Stella: *whispering* come on! Where are you Lincoln? some Locals call you the dinosaur man....come on Lincoln I know where you could be! 

*Stella finds the footprints of the Atrociraptors* 

Stella: Atrociraptors? Velociraptors? Deinonychus? 

*Stella then notices Human footprints* 

Stella: Lincoln! 

*Stella follows the Footprints as we cut to Lincoln sitting on a chair as his Indoraptor is fast asleep* 

Lincoln: *sighs* I know today was a good day because we got enough meat for me you and the Atrociraptors but somehow deep down I know I hate my former family for what they did to me 

But I just can't stay mad at them....and I feel so lonely....I have you guys but....I need some human's not mentally healthy to just socialize with animals every single day 

For the rest of my natural born life *sees his Indoraptor friend is fast Asleep* oh....I see you're fast asleep

*he sees a figure appearing out of the bushes as Goldstripe (Ripper) wakes up and growls at the figure as Lincoln grabs a shotgun* 

Lincoln: who are you! I have a shotgun and an Indoraptor and I'm not afraid to use them! 

Stella: Lincoln! 

Lincoln: who are you?! 

Stella: it's me Lincoln! Stella Zhau! 

Lincoln: Stella? 

*Stella gets close enough for Lincoln to recognize her*

Lincoln: *excited* Stella?! 

*Lincoln rushes to Stella and hugs her as the two embrace however Lincoln winces expecting for Stella to slap him in the face* 

Lincoln: alright go ahead I deserve it

Stella: deserve what? 

Lincoln: *confused* aren't you going to smack my face for running off? 

Stella: why would I smack you? 

Lincoln: because I ran away for the past five years and I didn't tell you guys why

Stella: Lincoln we know what happened to your family locked you out and treated you like bad luck 

Lincoln: you did? 

Stella: yes I did Lincoln....I've been trying to find you for the past 5 years and I've finally found you 

Lincoln: I'm glad to see you again 

Stella: *notices his dinosaurs* you are friends with dinosaurs! 

Lincoln: yeah this is Goldstripe my Indoraptor....Bumpy the Ankylosaurus....Red Tiger Panthera Ghost the Atrociraptors....and Chip my Compsognathus 

Stella: no wonder some Locals call you the dinosaur man 

Lincoln: yeah....but Stella since you found me are you going to drag me back to my family? 

Stella: no! Lincoln they kicked you out and they treated you like garbage I only wanted to find you so I could reunite you  

Lincoln: really? 

Stella: yes....I've been wanting to find you so I could reunite with you Lincoln....and I wanted to say....I....I love you 

*Lincoln Blushes* 

Lincoln: r-r-really

Stella: yeah I've had feelings for you ever since we first met on the school bus

Lincoln: *blushing* I had a crush on you as well 

Stella: really?! 

Lincoln: yeah Stella I have 

*Stella and Lincoln continue to embrace until Stella begins to leave* 

Stella: alright Lincoln! I'll come visit you in a few days I got to tell our friends where you are and make them keep your hideout a secret 

Lincoln: okay Stella! Oh Stella! Since we're officially a couple now we could go on a date! 

Stella: maybe we will anyways see you later! 

Lincoln: bye! 

*as Stella leaves Lincoln heads back into his house as his Indoraptor falls back asleep*

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