Truth or dare to kiss me

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It could have been such a nice night actually. If I was with different people. Or alone even. But instead I was sitting here, squeezed in between these girls. In front of me a picture perfect bonfire and behind me the tents we had set up earlier. We were about one week in to our two month camping trip through the summery south west. We were somewhere between Joshua Tree and San Diego as far as I was concerned. I couldn't care less to be honest. I only cared about how much I dreaded the situation right now. I sat there, sipping on my beer that someone who was already 21 bought all of us. It was warm and stale. Not that I liked beer much anyways. But this tasted like piss. The others were playing a game of truth or dare, the kind where not only you were suffering when you got picked, but everyone else too. I wasn't playing. I was the only one who chickened out and everyone probably thought I was a prude. But I didn't care. And I probably was. But when one of the camps employees took it upon himself to kiss everyone in the game for 3 seconds, following a dare from another employee, I was glad I didn't play. I ducked away as he tried to grab my face anyways and I almost let a hissing sound escape my lips. He stumbled back, lifting his hands above his head. "Geez, I'm sorry!" He said in a tone that suggested I was overreacting. But I just wasn't in the mood. And that was okay. Despite what everyone else wanted me to believe about myself. When Jason kissed his colleague Sarah, a weird feeling tumbled through my stomach and I almost threw the beer back up. Jealousy. Oh no. I had developed a crush on Sarah. Damn it. Inconvenient. She was so unbearably cocky. Flirting with me just because she thought it was funny to encourage my crush. The type of toxic girl that loved the attention but would never go for me. Her brown teddy eyes always bearing a sly glimmer that made clear that despite looking adorable, she never was up to good. Adorable. Sigh. Dimpled and all. Full package. But she was mostly extremely hot in a way that made the butterflies fly. She was always down for anything, open minded, always in a good mood and SO confident. Just the way she carried herself. Ugh. It was her turn now. Dare, of course she picked a dare. She was sat on a camping chair and blindfolded. 2 people arose that were about to kiss her for her to guess who it had been. We need a third person. Nobody took the initiative since there were only two guys present. After a few seconds I looked up and found everyone staring at me expectantly. How did that happen? My stomach knotted and I shook my head. The girl next to me whispered in my ear: "please! It's the perfect disguise." Yeah. True. And I can never resist a perfect mystery. So I shrugged. And nodded. Silent freak outs from the other girls, pulling me to my feet and gesturing their cheers. Okay. Let's do this. My first kiss. Wow. Not how I imagined it would go but oh well. The first guy was already full on making out with her. We all knew they had a thing going, Jason and Sarah. It was so obvious that even the clueless Paul picked up on it. I grinned at him and he gave me a nervous smile in return. I could see his hands sweating. He was the only one here that I didn't entirely dread. He was pathetic, useless in conversation and also left me behind when the others decided to include him for once but at least he was nice to me. And I knew him since we both had been babies. So he was someone that felt familiar. Not in a particularly pleasant way but hey, gotta take what you can get. Jason had stopped making out with Sarah and Paul moved in. He was many things but embarrassed wasn't one of them. Awkward more so. I saw their noses clashing and had to hold back a grin. But then it hit me. That could very easily also happen to me in a few seconds. And suddenly the moment was here. The girl that suggested the dare shoved me onto Sarah and I kind of fell into her lap. Hell. Thanks a lot. But I had no time to adjust or plan anything, I felt her hands on my cheeks and she pulled my face towards her's and... wow! Wow wow wow! This was not what I was expecting at all. My brain? Scrambled. My lips? Intertwined with hers. Somehow they fit perfectly. I moved my lips, opened them slightly and she immediately took advantage and slipped her tongue into my mouth. I tried to gasp but couldn't. It was a messy first kiss and a sloppy one too I came to realize 3 seconds later when Jason had angrily separated us and I wiped my mouth on my sleeve. Fuck. That wasn't exactly polite. But nobody had noticed. I sat back down, my head spinning from the two seconds that had felt like an eternity. Starstruck i watched as they pulled the scarf off Sarah and she blinked a few times. She guessed. She guessed Jason. Cheers. She guessed Paul. Louder cheers. Look at me. Please. Look at me. But she didn't. She guessed Simmi. Simmi?? No. "It was me" I wanted to scream, couldn't you feel that? A wave of emotion rolled over me as the others laughed. "No", they said, "it was Lily." She laughed, looked at me for a flash of a moment, her eyes twinkling like crazy. "You're a good kisser", she laughed and didn't look at me another time this night.
That night I told Greta everything in our tent. I don't know why, I just needed to tell someone because the feelings threatened to let me explode. Greta was one of Paul's sisters. But on this trip she was more part of the group then anything else. But that night she listened and never told anyone. She is a good one. But only on her terms. We didn't sleep a second that night. I told her how I thought I was gay and no one knew. My voice shaking and trembling over the words. When I failed to bring any more words out she started to tell me about her coming out. How her mum found out through a friend who saw Greta and her ex girlfriend kissing in the park and how Greta told her everything. And her mum didn't judge. And her dad came around too. And I know it would run smoothly with my parents too. It just was so hard for myself to bring the words out. When I left the tent for some water and fresh air after I had fought back tears for what felt like hours, I heard rumbling in the baggage trailer. I moved closer and heard someone moaning his name. "Jason." Sarah. Fuck. But I didn't feel anything. I was too tired, too drained from the whole night. I just got my water and went back.
When it was time to get out of bed, i quietly zipped the tent entrance open and left on tippy toes. Greta had just fallen asleep a few minutes ago and I wanted to let her have at least this half hour of rest. No one was up yet when I walked towards the restrooms. But when I stepped in I saw Sarah at one of the lined up sinks. She jumped as I walked in. Her hair was a mess and she didn't look like she had gotten any sleep either. "Hi", I grinned and she nodded. Eyes a little less twinkly this morning. I walked up to her, taking the sink right next to hers, even as there were at least 5 other free ones. Her eyes widened and I saw slight discomfort in them. Well that would be interesting. Let's see how far I can get. I looked in the mirror and opened my braid. "Damn", I sighed, "I need a hair wash at the next campsite. So greasy." I brushed through my hair and used up the last bit of the dry shampoo I had brought. "Can you braid my hair?", I asked Sarah who was still watching me. "Uh... sure?", she said. "Was that a question?", I laughed. She didn't answer. "I don't wanna see it until it's finished", I said and turned around so I faced the wall instead of the mirrors. Sarah slid in between me and the row of sinks. And quickly braided my hair. "Done", she said. Her voice a bit raspy. I swished around, giving her no chance to escape and pinned her to the sinks. "Thanks babe", I whispered and brought my face near hers. Her expression was not what I had hoped for. She didn't look scared that she had led me on too far. She just looked a bit confused. I pushed myself even further against her and a tiny smile curled her lips. What. The. Fuck. I was not prepared for this. I was familiar and comfortable with that much body contact because I do a high contact sport but this reaction caught me completely off guard. But before I could think anything else. She pulled my face close and locked our lips again. This time I really gasped. I let myself fall into the kiss for maybe a quarter second before I jumped away. No. That wasn't my intention at all. She smiled at me knowingly. "I knew it", she said. "Fuck", I answered. I had to clear my throat. "I wanted to fuck with you not fuck you." Her grin widened. "I know. But what's so wrong with a bit of fucking?" Oh no. Thats not it. Definitely not. I waited for me to get the ick but... instead I felt butterflies again. Shit. She licked her lips and my stomach pretty much cramped. "You taste like fucking Jason you perv", I shouted before rushing out of the washroom. She didn't btw. But I can't say that she tasted good either. But she had won. Again. And I had caused myself a lot of emotional turmoil on top of the one I already found myself in. Furiously I pulled my hair out of the braid. I felt something when I went through my hair. I pulled it out. It was a down feather. I had no down pillow. Greta either.

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