
825 17 39

This is basically douma angst but the angst isn't very good

Wonderful idea by: @GremlinChild1144 

Warnings: swearing and cheating


Daki: Guys somethings wrong with douma!!

Akaza: Explain?

Daki: He's Crying!

Akaza: what?!

Gyutaro: I thought he was happy all the time?!

Kaigaku: Are you serious?!

Daki: I'm not the one to joke about this

Dabi has sent an attachment 

*picture of douma crying* (I couldn't find any good pictures 😭)

Kokushibo: this is insane

Muzan: He's supposed to be emotionless!

Kaigaku: what...?

Daki: Emotionless?

Akaza: ...

Gyokko is now offline

Akaza: wth Muzan?!

Muzan: it's not my fault he had no emotions!

Akaza is now offline

Kaigaku: FUCK! what do we do?!

Kokushibo: the only thing we can do is give him space

Gyutaro: Daki how is douma?

Daki: Akaza is comforting him

Nakime: what is this?! Douma's crying and Akaza is being nice?!

Daki: Holy shit! Akaza is actually helping, doumas calming down

Akaza: Fuck off daki

Daki: you could have said that to me irl

Akaza: just go

Daki: fine

An hour later bc I'm lazy :p

Kaigaku: douma? You good?

Douma: I'm fine but I have recently discovered what emotions are...

Kaigaku: you didn't know what they were before?!

Douma: Nope but Akaza helped me

Daki: aww cute

Akaza: ok douma I think that's all they need to know

Gyutaro: douma what happened to make you cry?

Douma: a demon cheated on me and when I found out they broke up with me

Kaigaku: What a dick/bitch

Douma: :D I killed them

Kokushibo: ok then I should put my sword away then ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

Douma: ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

Daki: glad you're ok douma :)

Douma: thanks 

Douma: now can we never talk about this? (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃

Akaza: of course :)


Gyutaro: :0

Akaza is now offline

Kaigaku: OH SHI-

Kaigaku is now offline


Well that's the end, I know it wasn't very angsty I'm bad at writing it 😅

Sorry if this is not what you envisioned @GemlinChild1144     I tried (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃

Have a good day/night

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