Chapter 31

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Idris' eyelids twitched; he opened his heavy eyes slowly then blink a couple of times before moving it rapidly. He opened his mouth, but a sound failed to come out, his throat felt dry. He tried moving his body but instantly regretted it when he felt a sharp pain all over his body, especially his back, thighs, and hole, adding to his aching head. His eyes widened and immediately pooled with tears; the pain was too much! He lifted his arms first and removed the heavy thing laying on his stomach, he turned to the other direction of the bed, and he was surprised to see Rufus laying on his stomach. Good thing his throat is hurting too or else he'll be shouting and cursing, and that's a bad thing because Rufus might wake up, that'll be awkward.

Idris brushed his thoughts away and dropped his feet on the floor he tried to stand but after his first step, his knees wobbled and tripped on the floor, the matted floor is such a blessing in his state, he didn't make any noise nor hurt himself.

He crawled towards the bathroom and took a quick shower while alternately sitting and standing every minute inside. He changed his clothes then went out; he pressed his lips together when he saw Rufus' naked back. He looked away then held tightly on the knob before twisting it. After going out Idris heaved a sigh, that's the longest and scariest fifteen minutes of his life.

That liquor gave me too much confidence, it made me brave last night, sure.

He stopped walking midways when he saw Max on the hallway, he straightened his standout of nervousness, "Uhm... my attendant is still sleeping inside so... pls don't wake him up yet he had a hard time cleaning my mess last night," he thanked his brain who come up with an alibi.

Max nodded then walked away after lowering his head and excusing himself, Idris sighed in relief, he walked towards the balcony where the king decided to drink last night, he inhaled the fresh air to relax and calmed himself.

Minutes after being alone at the balcony, he felt a presence behind causing him to flinch and feel nervous, he turned to face the person and he saw it was his younger cousin, the royal prince, his nervousness died down, but it didn't leave him quickly. He's wondering why his unsociable cousin went to him suddenly. His forehead knotted when he saw the deep stare of his cousin to him, it's like the royal prince is digging his soul and secrets, which made him very uncomfortable.

"You should go downstairs and eat, my lord... bet you're too tired from last night." Fourth stated plainly.

Idris blinked then grimaced afterward, this kid... does he know something?

"Yes, I will. You should eat your breakfast too, your royal highness." he replied politely with a smile plastered on his face, trying to hide any expression that could be read suspiciously.

"Of course, my lord. Will you call your attendant to join us then?" the royal prince tilted his head, challenging Idris.

The young lord laughed awkwardly, "Uh... yes... Sure."

The lad nodded and walked out of the balcony, "Worry not, my mouth is close. I can tell that he is a good man, my lord." Fourth stated then left his older cousin who was too shocked to move.

Idris shook his head, the Royal Prince of Dorsten, Fourth, is known as a silent kid with a very good judgment. He may be young but his father, the king, always consults his oldest son when it comes to decision making and more. Most of his judgments are coming out accurately. The prince's words about Rufus, he could vouch for that, Rufus is indeed a good man.

But he thinks that his cousin got it wrong, he thought Rufus and him are in a relationship, but no, they don't have a level, he doesn't even know what Rufus feels for him and vice versa, he's confused.

Heaven knows how Idris avoided Rufus for the whole time, from the moment Rufus woke up looking for him up to when they were eating with the Bluberg family.

"Will you come back again, Idris?"

"It's Lord Idris for you, your highness!" the queen scolded, but Alvin ignored his mother's remark.

Idris laughed heartily, "Of course, your highness. I'll make time and visit you two again."

"Okay!" The twins cheered and waved their hands.

When the other attendant closed the door from outside, the awkwardness filled the whole wagon. Idris never pays attention to Rufus; direction, completely ignoring the fidgety man.

He heard Rufus faked a cough and that made him close his eyes tightly, "My lord-"

"No, please let's not talk about it." he butted.

"But my lord! Shouldn't I take responsibility?"

Idris' mouth fell open after hearing Rufus reply, "I'm not a girl, Rufus. Stop spouting nonsense." he stated in a strict tone while looking outside, avoiding any contact with Rufus, he's starting to blush out of embarrassment.

"Something happened between us, my lord. That's not nonsense." Rufus said in a strict voice while glaring at the stubborn lord across him.

Idris gasped, "You! Keep it to yourself. You might be executed if someone hears you say that!"

Rufus looks clueless, "But I didn't force you, my lord?"

"You think they will believe you? Really?" Idris exclaimed. He is praying to the heavens so someone or something can shut Rufus' mouth right now. He doesn't seem to handle any more embarrassment from their conversation and situation.

"Aren't you going to defend me, my lord?"

He looked away, he didn't answer the hopeful man who was staring at him, and that hurt Rufus.

Idris wonders if their situation now happened with the marquess and the man, did Rufus offer something like this to the marquess? Just thinking about it, it made him pissed. And he doesn't know, he doesn't want to know, if ever.

Instead of drowning himself with his messy imagination he started to think over his sexuality, he was never attracted to any women before up until now, ladies especially the aristocrats who have money to pamper themselves are all pretty, but he's awkward most of the time around them so...

Someone's sexuality isn't really a big deal in their empire since they're not being ruled by any clergy. Though they have priests and cardinals, they rarely contribute decisions to any regions. Clergy can be counted using his two hands, meaning they don't have much in the whole empire, as far as Idris remembers, there's no clergy or church even a chapel, in the North due to the strict and unfair policy of the king. He does not forbid his people from going outside the north, but he forbids building any religious organization in their region and this is, of course, supported by the nobles and aristocrats under him. The emperor says nothing because it isn't a threat at all, he doesn't care about any activities of the rulers under him as long as they don't cause any commotion that could tarnish the empire's name. Besides, the emperor is not religious at all... because the former emperor, was ousted in one of their lands before, he was kicked out by a religious group for committing genocide against their enemies, killing the enemies is actually pretty normal to them up until now but of course, the group didn't like that. They were shocked to see that their beloved emperor killed an ethnic group, that's why they pushed him away, and being the good emperor as he is to the people under him, he gladly left, of course. He left that certain land to his people who ousted him, why not just kill those ungrateful people instead? Simple, one of the emperor's duties is to protect his people, that group of people were born and raised in the Carnegie Empire until the imperial majesty relocated them, unfortunately, they witnessed genocide.

The former emperor was way kinder than his son, that was Idris' conclusion. Partly true, if it's their current emperor, he might have killed all those who'll oppose him and his commands. But their emperor is still kind, he didn't hold any grudge against any reverend, he didn't oust any religious people or their organization when he became an emperor. Rather, he focuses more on land expansion, battles, and trading. Way more ruthless than his father.

That's why their empire doesn't have any rules about same sex relations, there are lots of nobilities who hires same sex consort by their side. He doesn't hear any news about same sex couple being shame or whatever but that's what he knows. There are a lot but still cannot be counted as common.

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