Chapter IX

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"Hey, guys! It looks like the storm is approaching soon!!" Ochako yelled as she floated back onto the ground, deactivating her levitation spell. The woman dressed in a pink dress with a brown belt secured around her hips, a dark magenta cloak hanging from her shoulders, functioning as a hood of sorts, while black tights and brown boots covered her lower half. Her staff was secured to her back by a strap that crossed over her chest.

"I see, we will need to find shelter quickly, we do not want to get caught in the middle of this storm." Iida retorted as the others nodded. The man was dressed in lightweight, silver armor, his sword secured to his belt loop. While he held three bags, only one of which was his. The other two were Hitoshi's and Izuku's, seeing as the two primarily stayed in their fox forms during their journey to make traveling easier.

"I scouted ahead earlier, there is a village only a couple of miles away, we can stay there for the time being and rest, it will also allow us to restock on our essentials," Hitoshi stated. The Kitsune dressed in a baggy, black jumpsuit, while his feet were left uncovered, his tail and ears twitching and swaying back and forth ever so slightly due to the winds.

"It will be faster if Shoto, Iida, and Ochako get on our backs. It will let us run through the woods without leaving them behind." Izuku stated as he halted his walking. The Omega was dressed in a loose-fitting grey blouse, and a baggy green vest over the top of the blouse, while black trousers adorned his lower half. His feet were also left bare while his ears and tail twitched similarly to Hitoshi's

"Are you sure? We can make it by foot." Shoto responded, the dual-haired Omega dressed in a blue blouse and grey trousers, his sword attached to his brown belt while white laced boots covered his feet.

Izuku merely nodded, and within an instant, he had morphed into his fox form. Only now, he was much larger, his mane had grown and he was now the size of a mare horse. His coat was the same striking green that it had always been.

Though when Hitoshi soon joined him in the transformation, the Alpha stood tall, practically the height of a stallion. While his coat was a deep royal purple with faded hints of black blending into the mane. And quickly the other three climbed onto Hitoshi and Izuku, while Hitoshi took Iida and Shoto, Izuku took Ochako.

Once the three were settled on their backs, Hitoshi and Izuku sprinted into the woods. And just as planned, the journey was cut off short by a few hours at least, the group had reached the village before nightfall. Once the three had stepped off of the two Kitsunes, the two changed back shaking off the slight exhaustion from running for so long.

"Alright, everyone! Shoto and I can go find some food, we don't know how long we might get trapped in our shelter. Hitoshi, you go with Ochako and help her find some healing herbs and such. And Izuku, you go find us somewhere to stay" Iida commanded as everyone nodded.

As the group split up Izuku began to search for a motel of sorts or any place that would suffice for the storm. Though just as it would be, he ran straight into someone as his attention had been captivated by a few shops he passed.

The stranger and Izuku both stumbled for a moment, though Izuku quickly caught a vile that the stranger nearly dropped. "Here you are, sorry for running into you." Izuku apologized quickly as he handed the stranger the vial.

"Oh, hey no worries, no harm no foul. But what got you so distracted?" The man asked as he smiled at Izuku.

"Well, I am looking for a place for me and my friends to stay for a bit, but I ended up getting distracted by those shops over there. I didn't expect them to sell any kinds of books and such." Izuku explained.

"Oh! Yeah, I just came from there, it's a pretty good shop. I'm Denki Kaminari, Omega, by the way." The man introduced himself while Izuku nodded. The blonde Omega was dressed in a white undershirt, with a brown vest over top. Black slacks and grey boots adorned his lower half.

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