Chapter V

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"Izuku! Izuku! Izuku! Wake up! Wake up!"

Izuku groaned at the loud intrusion that disturbed his slumber, only to feel a heavy body fall on top of him. Correction, two heavy bodies fall on him.

"Ah! Okay, okay! I'm up! I'm up! Get off I can't breathe!!" Izuku whined as he attempted to wiggle out from underneath the two bodies, only to find himself pinned and crushed.

"Ha! This is what you get for trying to ignore us Deku!" Katsuki shouted as he pushed Izuku's head into his pillow, though letting up on some of the weight he put on the smaller boy.

"Kacchan! I was just sleeping! I wasn't ignoring you two!" Izuku squealed, while Katsuki only ruffled his hair roughly. All the while Eijirou laughed loudly at the sight.

"Come on Izuku, you've got to get dressed," Eijirou stated as he gently took himself off of the younger boy, pulling Katsuki along with him.

"Huh? Why?" Izuku questioned while Eijirou only laughed, though Katsuki merely grabbed one of the pillows and hit Izuku in the head with it in response.

"Ah! Kacchan! I'm up!" Izuku shouted as he fully sat up, trying to get the blonde to cease his attacks, only for Katsuki to once again hit him in the face with a pillow.

"Stupid Deku! Don't you dare tell me you forgot today was your birthday you idiot!" Katsuki shouted, while Izuku only stared at the blonde shocked.

"Oh, my gods! Izuku you did?!" Eijirou hollered with laughter, while Katsuki merely growled quietly and hit Izuku again with the pillow, causing the younger to whine.

"Kacchan!! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to forget! It just didn't seem that important!" Izuku whined, while Katsuki then grabbed the boy's face and pinched his freckled cheeks, causing Izuku to shout out with a whine, trying to get the blonde to relent his grip.

"Stupid Deku! You would be completely lost without us! Don't you remember? Today is the day you find out your second gender! It is important!" Katsuki shouted while Eijirou laughed as the winged boy then removed Katsuki's hands from Izuku's cheeks, freeing the smaller boy's face.

"And you get to wear the outfit we found for you! Now come one get dressed, we're having breakfast, doing presents, and then going to Chiyo and the rest of the priests to find out your second gender!" Eijirou stated excitedly as he pulled out Izuku's new outfit that the three had gotten him only a few weeks ago.

"Oh right, I forgot it was a whole big thing," Izuku stated as he then got out of bed and stepped into the bathroom, going to brush his teeth and clean his face before anything.

"Deku, aren't you meant to be smart?! How do you not know these things! You're always reading books!" Katsuki shouted while Izuku only laughed as he walked out of the bathroom, his face still damp.

"I don't read books about second genders and things like that Kacchan, I never really saw much reason to. And besides, I'll probably be a Beta anyways, so it's not like any of that stuff matters anyway" Izuku stated as he grabbed his clothes and stepped back into the bathroom to change.

"No Izuku, you're not a Beta, you have too much of a scent all ready for you to be a Beta," Eijirou stated while Izuku poked his head out from the bathroom, looking at Eijirou questioningly.

"What do you mean Ei-Chan? I don't have a scent yet?" Izuku questioned while Eijirou and Katsuki looked at each other.

"Don't know nerd, but you already seem to have a scent to us, can't describe it, but you have one. Though I don't think you or anyone else have noticed it yet. Besides I'm calling it now you'll be an Omega" Katsuki stated while Eijirou nodded in agreement, despite Izuku already having closed the door to the bathroom.

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