Part one

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I stared at the small girl sat opposite me. Her tiny frame was wrapped in my red lever jacket that I had stored in the quintet a few months ago. She was so small that her feet didn't even touch the floor and she was mindlessly swinging her legs back and forth. Every so often a stray tear would roll down her face but she was quick to wipe them away in fear of showing weakness. I noticed the girl looking at me and gave her a soft smiled before deciding to go and sit next to her.

"Hi Wanda, I think we met briefly earlier but I'm Natasha" I said while slowly taking a seat next to the girl who backed away slightly.

"Nice to meet you" Wanda whispered looking up at Me before quickly shifting her gaze back down to the floor. Clint then entered the back of the quintet.

"Hey Nat" he smiled at me then he walked closer to Wanda and bent down to her level In attempt to seem less intimidating "hi Wanda, how are you doing?" Wanda just shrugged in response "okay, well I need to ask you a few questions before we land. Just for our medical team back at base" Wanda nodded and I noticed her lip begin to quiver slightly.

"Wanda it's not a bad thing, we just need to make sure your not hurt" I told her in attempt to reassure her. I place a hand on her shoulder and she flinched away "sorry" I quickly bring my hand back to my side.

"Okay sweetheart, can you please tell me your full name and age?" Clint asked picking up his pen and paper.

"Um Wanda Django Maximoff" Wanda replied quickly then looks down at her feet.

"What about your age Wanda?" I ask. I new she was really young just from looking at her, she couldn't be more than 8 or 9 and even then I think that's pushing it. I see Wanda hesitate and give her a smile of encouragement.

"Um I'm 7" Wanda whispers. I look at Clint and his face shared the same concerned expression. "I'm sorry please don't be mad at me" Wanda quickly said noticing our faces.

"We aren't mad drogoy" I look back down at her.

"Promise?" She questioned

"We promise" Clint and I say at the same time.
Suddenly we feel the quintet jerk and I look out the window to see that we had landed and tony comes out of the cockpit with a grin on his face.

"We just saved the world... again" he said with a smug look on his face

"Yes and we also killed my brother" Wanda said. It took everyone by surprise, Wanda hadn't spoken freely since being on the jet and I swear my heart broke when she said that. I glared at tony and he look ashamed and walked of the jet.

"Come on guys let's go inside" Clint said standing up from where he was crouched in front of Wanda. I look down at Wanda and notice she isn't wearing any shoes.

"You don't have shoes. Can I carry you?" I ask her and she quickly shook her head "sweetheart your feet are going to get really cold" I told her but she began to back away so I figured I wouldn't push it any further and followed Clint off the jet, Wanda following not too far behind us. When we get off I notice Wanda instantly spot the medical team standing outside and she froze starring at them. She then slowly began to back up. I walked over to her but that just made her back up faster, so I quickly scoop her up onto my hip. She began to thrash and wriggle trying to free herself.

"You promised me you weren't mad" she cried, her accent becoming heavier.

"I'm not mad drogoy" I rub her back in attempt to sooth her

"Then why are the evil white coats here?" She began to cry.

"Oh honey, they aren't evil. There doctors who need to check you for any owies" I explain still rubbing the girls back.

"Promise?" Wanda sniffles and looks up at me.

"I promise" I nod reassuring her "and I will stay with you the whole time okay"

"Okay" Wanda nodded and rested her head on my shoulder taking me by surprise but then I remembered she's a literal 7 year old who just watched her only family member die and who helped us save the world. The poor girl was probably exhausted.

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