Draugr's story

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"who are they?.. what'd they do?.." Cole asked me, I gritted my teeth. "They called us monsters... demons... curses of the land... They burned our villages... our towns... our homes... they captured us...tortured us... killed us... they called themselves "demon hunters", "saviours"....we were starved, beaten, raised as slaves, they separated children from there parents... they sold the children to the highest bidder... they ran tests on us... they... ruined... us.... I will never forgive them for what they done to my species, to my family and to my home. We were peaceful, we offered an alliance with the humans.. but they ruined us instead... there's not many of us left.. we were forced to live in the shadows.. we used to be brightly coloured and we used to be clean.. but now we're dark and our fur is mangled, and our claws are overgrown and dirty." I looked at the fur on my arms. "Now they are advancing. They are hunting us." I start to have a flash back..  "There this way" I'm running.. weaving in and out of tree's.. I hear a hunter shout from the distance.. there's a gunshot.. I see an abandoned building.. and run towards it "what if there's hunters waiting for me in there??" I start to overthink "ITS A DEAD END UP AHEAD THEY'VE GOT NOWHERE TO GO" i hear one of the men shout. I bolt towards the door and try to open it.. It's locked. I can hear them getting closer, I look up, a window, I climb up the water tanks beside the building, the window is just in my reach, I push the glass in, in an attempt to open it, the glass fell out the frame and shattered all over the floor. I jump through the window without hesitation, and silently made my way through the building... it looks familiar.. it's like an old.. testing lab..I heard a voice "where am I?" it sounded like a child,"hello" I heard them call out, I ran down the hall as fast as I could.. only to see a small human boy, he looked like he was hurt, he.. he looked terrified when he saw me...was it fear that drove the humans to do what they did to us.. I stared at the boy. There are no excuses.. they are the real monsters..

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