Chapter 4 Secrets

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Chapter 4


Before Harry and I had a chance to discuss the matter forward, we heard a wizard saying loudly to Stan, who held a paper, "Wonder if they're ever gonna catch old Black."

Harry glanced at the paper, "Who is Black?"

I, too, turned towards the paper, and commented, "Sirius Black. I've seen him a lot on the news over the summer. I didn't know he was a wizard."

Stan glanced at us, oddly. "Ya two never been hearing of Sirius Black?"

"I've only seen him on the muggle news," I said to Stan. "He's some sort of crazy criminal."

"Oh, he's more thun that," Stan replied in a hushed tone. "He's a killer! Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it. They say he killed thirteen people with just a single curse."

"Thirteen people with one curse!" I said rather loudly, causing the snoring man across from me to stir.

Stan nodded and added, "Back in the old day, he was one of the biggest supporters of You-Know-Who. I reckon ya two heard of him."

As I merely nodded, Harry reached his hand out and asked, "Can I have a look."

Stan handed Harry the paper, and we both read it. It pretty much summed up what Stan told us about Black being mad and killing all those people.

Harry and I did not speak the rest of the bus ride. He did not necessarily seem to despise me, but at the same time, not eager to warm up to me. His friends probably felt the same way, if not worse. I had a feeling this will be a long year.

One by one, the other passengers left the bus, until only Harry and I were left.

"Where in London are ya two headin'?" Stan asked.

"Diagon Alley," Harry muttered.

When Stan looked at me, I nodded and mumbled, "Same."

When the bus came to its final halt, a hunchback man, stuttered on, motioning his hand at us.

"Mr. Potter," he beckoned. "Miss Rosen, I'm going to need you two to come with me. The minister would like a word."

"Oh, no," Harry muttered as he began to trudge a distance behind the man.

I walked up beside him and asked, "What it is it?"

"I blew up my aunt," Harry reminded me in a hushed tone. "I'm probably going to get sent to Azkaban."

I frowned. That seemed a bit extreme, considering Harry's crime was probably an accident. Also, he's bloody Harry Potter, the most popular wizard in the magical world. He would likely have to do something pretty catastrophic to get locked away in prison. I also could not help but wonder why I was being brought along too.

It turned out I was right. When the man, who Cornelius Fudge called Tom, dropped us off in his office, the minister was surprisingly calm and even a bit amused over the incident. He explained that Harry aunt's was deflated and her memory adjusted so no harm done. I had to go through lengths of self-control not to laugh, as Harry sat right next to me.

"Sir, I don't understand," Harry said, sitting on the edge of his seat, "I broke the law. Doesn't that mean I would have to go to prison."

The minister waved his hand and chuckled. "Nonsense, Mr. Potter. The ministry does not send boys to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts."

"I would have blown up my cousin if I knew I could get away with it," I muttered, causing Harry to let out a hollow chuckle.

"Now, what I really wanted to discuss with you," Minister Fudge began in a more serious tone, motioning his hand towards me, "which is why you are here too, Miss Rosen, running away like that was incredibly irresponsible."

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