Chapter 2

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I woke up with a really bad headache and a sore neck. I put my normal hand to my throat and flinched when my fingers ran over some stitches. They got it out. They got the tracker out. I'm free.

I got up from the unusually soft bed and started walking around. I heard laughter and talking, so I just followed it, in hopes that it will lead me to the ones that saved me.

I walk into a big, communal area holding a bunch of people i have never met. Except Bucky and Nat. But Natasha is busy talking to another red head so I slowly walk over to Bucky, who is sat I the far corner of the room, looking lost in thought.

I sat down next to him "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Holy shit y/n! You scared the living hell out of me!" He said with his hand on his chest.

"Sorry i-i didn't mean to! I swear!" I said as I looked down at the floor.

I was starting to get worried incase he did something back to me. "It's fine, don't worry, just, Holy shit." He said with a hand on his chest. Did I really scare him that much? The man named Tony looked towards us and started smiling.

"Guys, this is Y/n. Barnes over here found her and thought it would be a good idea to bring her on board the jet. There will be a party tonight to celebrate her finally getting out of hydras grubby little paws." He said as everyone looked at me.

At that moment in time, I wanted nothing more than to completely disappear. I didn't want everyone to know where I had came from. Out of a nervous habit, I started to scratch the side of my thumb with my index finger.

Bucky noticed and whispered "эй, все в порядке. они не причинят тебе вреда." (Hey, it's ok. They won't hurt you) While subtly grabbed my left hand with his right in an attempt to comfort me.

"я не хотел, чтобы кто-нибудь знал" (I didn't want anyone to know) I confessed.

"Зачем?" (Why?) he asked.

"я не хочу, чтобы они осуждали меня" ( I don't want them to judge me)

"они не будут. я тоже пришел из гидры, и я вроде как дружу с большинством людей здесь" (They won't. I came from hydra too, and I'm friends with most people here) He said, stroking my hand with his thumb.

"о чем вы двое говорите, что это настолько личное, что не нужно говорить по-русски?" (What are you two talking about that is so private that it needs to be in Russian?) Nat asked as she walked over and sat on the other side of me.

"я не хотел, чтобы кто-нибудь знал" (I didn't want anyone to know) I whispered to her.

"Все в порядке, они не будут судить. Сейчас мы с Вандой идем по магазинам. Вы хотите прийти?" (It's ok, they won't judge. Now, me and Wanda are going shopping. Do you want to come?) She asked me and I nodded.

About ten minutes later, me, Nat and Wanda are piling into a hoodless car with Tony's card. I was in the back and the other two where in the front. We started to reverse our of the garage when Bucky came walking in and jumped over the back car door and sat next to me. I gave him a small smile and he returned it.

Nat and Wanda were in the middle of 'girl talk' while me and Bucky sat in silence. That was, until, he decided to ask me "so, how many languages do you speak?" He looked nervous, as if he thought he said something to offend me.

Does It Still Look Good?- y/n Stark x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now