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Sara jumped out of bed on Monday; but not because she didn't want to be late. She was already late. She normally didn't care for school or even showing up but today was different. Today she was going on a field trip to a national science museum. Despite the fact that science was a class she hated, she looked at it as missing three periods of more pain.

Sara lazily continued to get ready for her boring day of the dreaded subject known as "science". She kissed her parents goodbye and was off to the place every teenager hated; high school.

Sara and her classmates got 1 hour to themselves to explore the museum. But who are we kidding? None of them really cared. Including Sara.

Just as she thought this field trip was about to get worse it surprisingly didn't when she stumbled into an awkward, tall, blonde haired boy who nearly tripped over his own feet. Did I say nearly? No he actually fell and landed on himself! Sara burst out in laughter and finally stopped and helped him up. The boy tried to say thank you but ended up laughing in embarrassment.

Their laughter quieted down and the boy finally introduced himself saying that his name was Luke Hemmings. Sara mimicked Luke's actions. The two teenagers then continued to walk the boring science museum. They talked hours on end and laughed till they couldn't breathe. Once Sara met Luke she was relieved that this boring science field trip was just getting better. She also knew that for a fact this wasn't the last time she'd speak to Luke and that was a beautiful thing for her. Maybe he could save her. Who knows?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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